Sunday, December 23, 2007

Index Page

American page 1

Arts page 4

Autobiography page 6

Bible Commentary page 12

Biography page 14

Children’s Books page 19

Cookbooks page 22

Fiction page 23

Hebrew page 33

History page 34

Holocaust page 37

Holocaust Journals page 43

Humour page 44

International page 44

Israel page 47

Jewish-Christian Dialogue page 50

Jewish Thought page 51

Jewish Writings page 52

Literature page 53

Plays and Poetry page 54

Practical Judaism page 55

Reference page 58

Travel page 58

Films VHS and DVD page 59

Music CDs page 60

Yiddish page 61

Jewish Books by Category


  1. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1983 hc
  2. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1985 hc
  3. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1986 hc
  4. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1987 hc
  5. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1989 hc
  6. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1990 hc
  7. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1991 hc
  8. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1992 hc
  9. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1993 hc
  10. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1996 hc
  11. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 1998 hc
  12. American Jewish Committee American Jewish Year Book 2000 hc
  13. Anti-Defamation League Danger: Extremism, America’s Far-Right Fringe pb
  14. Antler, Joyce Journey Home: Jewish Women & American Century hc s
  15. Antler, Joyce You Never Call! You Never Write! History Of The… hc
  16. Bain, Kenneth Ray March To Zion: United States Policy, Founding of Israel hc
  17. Bendersky, Joseph W. Jewish Threat: Anti-Semitic Politics Of The U.S. Army pb
  18. Berman, Paul Blacks And Jews: Alliances And Arguments hc
  19. Bershtel, Sara & Graubard, Allen Saving Remnants: Feeling Jewish In America hc
  20. Birmingham, Stephen “The Rest Of Us”: Rise Of America’s Eastern European… hc
  21. Blau, Joseph L. Judaism In America: From Curiosity To Third Faith pb
  22. Bletter, Diane, Interviewer Invisible Thread: Portrait Of Jewish American Women pb
  23. Bloom, Stephen G. Postville: Clash Of Cultures In Heartland America hc
  24. Bohn, Michael K. Achille Lauro Hijacking: Lessons In The Politics &… hc
  25. Borgwardt, Elizabeth New Deal For The World: America’s Vision For… hc
  26. Boxer, Tim Jewish Celebrity Hall Of Fame hc s
  27. Brenner, Lenni Jews In America Today hc
  28. Brinkley, Douglas Wheels For The World: Henry Ford, His Company… hc
  29. Brown, Phil: Editor In The Catskills: Century Of Jewish Experience In The… hc
  30. Brownstone & Franck & Browstone Island Of Hope, Island Of Tears: Ellis Island hc
  31. Burstin, Barbara Stern After The Holocaust: Migration Of Polish Jews and… hc
  32. Cassedy, Steven To The Other Shore: Russian Jewish Intellectuals Who… hc
  33. Chomsky, Noam Towards A New Cold War: U.S. Foreign Policy From… pb
  34. Cohen, Michael J. Truman And Israel hc
  35. Cohen, Rich Tough Jews: Fathers, Sons, And Gangster Dreams hc
  36. Cowan, Neil & Cowan, Ruth Our Parents’ Lives: Americanization Of Eastern… hc
  37. Cross, Mercer Middle East: U.S. Policy, Israel, Oil And The Arabs pb
  38. Dershowitz, Alan M. Blasphemy: How The Religious Right Is Hijacking… hc
  39. Dershowitz, Alan M. Chutzpah hc
  40. Dershowitz, Alan M. Contrary To Public Opinion: In Search Of Jewish Identity hc
  41. Dershowitz, Alan M. Vanishing American Jew hc
  42. Dimont, Max Jews In America: Roots And Destiny Of American Jews hc
  43. Dosick, Rabbi Wayne D. Best Is Yet To Be: Renewing American Judaism hc
  44. Edgar, Irving I. History Of Early Jewish Physicians In State Of Michigan hc
  45. Ehrlich, Judith & Rehfeld, Barry New Crowd: Changing Of Jewish Guard On Wall Street hc
  46. Eichhorn, David Max Evangelizing The American Jew hc
  47. Eichhorn, David Max Joys Of Jewish Folklore: Journey From New Amsterdam… hc
  48. Endlich, Lisa Goldman Sachs: Culture Of Success hc
  49. Evans, Eli N. Provincials: A Personal History Of Jews In The South hc
  50. Ewen, Elizabeth Immigrant Women In The Land Of Dollars: 1890-1923 pb
  51. Fein, Leonard Where Are We? Inner Life Of America’s Jews hc
  52. Feuerlicht, Roberta Strauss Fate Of The Jews: A People Torn Between Israeli Power… hc
  53. Fishkoff, Sue Rebbe’s Army: Inside The World Of Chabad-Lubavitch hc
  54. Fishman, Priscilla Jews Of The United States hc
  55. Fishman, Sylvia Barack Breath Of Life: Feminism In The American Jewish… hc
  56. Forman, Seth Blacks In The Jewish Mind: Crisis Of Liberalism hc
  57. Foxman, Abraham H. Never Again? The Threat Of The New Anti-Semitism hc
  58. Freedman, Samuel G. Jew Vs. Jew: The Struggle For Soul Of American Jewry hc s
  59. Frommer, Myrna & Harvey It Happened In The Catskills: Oral History In Words Of… hc
  60. Frondorf, Shirley Death Of A “Jewish American Princess”: Story Of A… hc
  61. Fuller, Robert Naming The Antichrist: History Of An American Obsession hc
  62. Gabler, Neal Empire Of Their Own: How The Jews Invented Hollywood hc
  63. Gelernter, David Americanism: Fourth Great Western Religion hc
  64. Glazier, Jack Dispersing The Ghetto: Relocation: Relocation Of Jewish…hc
  65. Gleicher, David Louis Brandeis Slept Here: Slightly Cynical History Of… pb
  66. Goldberg, J.J. Jewish Power: Inside The American Jewish Establishment pb
  67. Golden, Harry For 2 Cents Plain hc
  68. Golden, Harry Only In America hc
  69. Goldfarb, Sam Truth Is My God pb
  70. Goldman, Rabbi Alex J. Giants Of Faith: Great American Rabbis hc s
  71. Goldman, Ari L. Search For God At Harvard hc
  72. Greene, Melissa Fay Temple Bombing hc
  73. Grossman, Grace & Kirschner, President Truman And The Birth Of The State Of Israel pb
  74. Gutstein, Linda History Of The Jews In America hc
  75. Hallion, Richard P. Legacy Of Flight: Guggenheim Contribution To American hc
  76. Halpern, Ben Clash Of Heroes: Brandeis, Weizmann, And American… hc
  77. Harkavy, Alexander Harkavy’s American Letter Writer pb
  78. Harris, David A. In The Trenches: Selected Speeches & Writings Of An… hc
  79. Harris, David A. In The Trenches: Volume 2 hc
  80. Harris, Leon Merchant Princes: Intimate History Of Jewish Families… hc
  81. Hegi, Ursula Tearing The Silence: On Being German In America pb
  82. Hoffman, Edward Despite All Odds: The Story Of Lubavitch hc
  83. Hopkinson, Deborah Shutting Out The Sky: Life In The Tenements Of New… hc
  84. Howe, Irving World Of Our Fathers: Journey Of East European Jews… hc
  85. Jaher, Frederic Cople Scapegoat In The New Wilderness: Origins And Rise Of… hc
  86. Joselit, Jenna Weissman New York’s Jewish Jews: Orthodox Community In The… pb
  87. Joselit, Jenna Weissman Wonders Of America: Reinventing Jewish Culture hc
  88. Kahn, Ava F. & Dollinger, Marc California Jews pb
  89. Katz, Donald Home Fires: Intimate Portrait Of One Middle-Class… hc
  90. Kaufman, Debra Renee Rachel’s Daughters: Newly Orthodox Jewish Women pb
  91. Kenen, I.L. Israel’s Defense Line: Her Friends And Foes in Washington hc
  92. Kissinger, Henry Diplomacy hc
  93. Klayman, Richard First Jew: Prejudice & Politics In… hc
  94. Klingenstein, Susanne Jews In The American Academy: 1900-1940 hc
  95. Koch, Edward Politics hc
  96. Korn, Bertram Wallace Early Jews Of New Orleans hc
  97. Lapin, Rabbi Daniel America’s Real War hc
  98. Lerner, Michael & West, Cornel Jews & Blacks: Let The Healing Begin hc
  99. Levitt, Peggy God Needs No Passport: Immigrants & The Changing… hc
  100. Libo, Kenneth & Howe, Irving We Lived There Too: Pioneer Jews & The Westward… hc
  101. Lifson, David S. Yiddish Theatre In America hc
  102. Linzer, Judith Torah and Dharma: Jewish Seekers in Eastern Religions pb
  103. Lipset, Seymour & Raab, Earl Jews And The New American Scene hc
  104. Lowe, Carl Three Centuries Of Jewish Life In America hc
  105. Madison, Charles A. Jewish Publishing In America hc
  106. Magida, Arthur J. Rabbi And The Hit Man: True Tale Of Murder, Passion… hc
  107. Marks, M.L. Jews Among The Indians: Tales Of Adventure and… hc
  108. McWilliams, Carey Mask For Privilege: Anti-Semitism In America hc
  109. Menand, Louis American Studies hc
  110. Metzker, Isaac Bintel Brief Vol. II: Letters To The Jewish Daily Forward hc
  111. Moore, Deborah Dash To The Golden Cities: Pursuing American Jewish Dream…hc
  112. Myerhoff, Barbara Number Our Days pb
  113. Nelson, Jack Terror In The Night: Klan’s Campaign Against The Jews hc
  114. Neuhaus, Richard John: Editor Jews In Unsecular America pb
  115. Neusner, Jacob Stranger At Home: The Holocaust, Zionism, & American…hc
  116. Oney, Steve And The Dead Shall Rise: Murder Of Mary Phagan & The…hc
  117. Patel, Eboo Acts Of Faith: Story Of An American Muslim, Struggle… hc
  118. Perlmutter, Nathan & Ruth Ann Real Anti-Semitism In America hc
  119. Pogrebin, Abigail Stars Of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish hc
  120. Polenberg, Richard Fighting Faiths: The Abrams Case, Supreme Court & Free…hc
  121. Quandt, William B. Peace Process: American: American Diplomacy & The… pb
  122. Rachlin, Harvey Making Of A Cop hc
  123. Rausch, David A. Friends, Colleagues, & Neighbors: Jewish Contributions… hc
  124. Rosenberg, Roy A. Everything You Need To Know About America’s Jews &… pb
  125. Ross, Ron Bummy Davis Vs. Murder, Inc.: Rise & Fall Of Jewish… pb
  126. Rubin, Susan Goldman L’Chaim! To Jewish Life In America! 1654 Until Today hc s
  127. St. John, Robert Jews, Justice And Judaism: Narrative Of Role Played By… hc
  128. Sanders, Ronald Lost Tribes And Promised Lands: Origins Of American… hc
  129. Sanders, Ronald Lower East Side: A Guide To Its Jewish Past In 99 New… pb
  130. Sarna, Jonathan American Judaism: A History hc s
  131. Schoener, Allon American Jewish Album: 1654 To The Present hc
  132. Shachtman, Tom I Seek My Brethren: Ralph Goldman And “The Joint” hc s
  133. Silberman, Charles E. Certain People: American Jews And Their Lives Today hc
  134. Simon, Merrill Jerry Falwell And The Jews hc
  135. Simons, Howard Jewish Times: Voices Of The American Jewish Experience hc
  136. Steinberg, Alan J. American Jewry & Conservative Politics: A New Direction hc
  137. Stock, Ernest Partners & Pursestrings: History Of The United Israel… pb
  138. Stone, Kurt F. Congressional Minyan: Jews Of Capitol Hill hc
  139. Suri, Jeremi Henry Kissinger And The American Century hc
  140. Swichkow, Louis & Gartner, Lloyd History Of The Jews Of Milwaukee hc s
  141. Taylor, John Russell Strangers In Paradise: Hollywood Emigres, 1933-1950 hc
  142. Telushkin, Joseph Golden Land: Story Of Jewish Immigration To America hc
  143. Von Drehle, David Triangle: The Fire That Changed America pb
  144. Warren, Donald Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, Father Of Hate Radio hc
  145. Waskow, Arthur I. Bush Is Burning! Radical Judaism Faces Pharoahs Of… pb
  146. Watterson, Kathryn Not By The Sword: How The Love Of A Cantor & His… hc
  147. Weinberg, Sydney Stahl World Of Our Mothers pb
  148. Wenger, Beth S. New York Jews And The Great Depression hc
  149. Wolf, Marvin J. & Attebery, Larry Family Blood: True Story Of The Yom Kippur Murders hc


  1. Attie, Shimon Sites Unseen: European Projects hc
  2. Block, Herb Herblock’s History: Political Cartoons From The Crash… pb
  3. Antonova, Irina et al. Chagall Discovered hc
  4. Compton, Susan, Editor Chagall: Love And The Stage hc
  5. Mayer, Klaus God Of The Fathers: Chagall-Windows Of St. Stephan’s… hc
  6. Sackler, Elizabeth A. Judy Chicago pb
  7. Hebrew University, Jerusalem Journal Of The Center For Jewish Art, Vol. 14, 1988 hc
  8. Lessing, Erich Story Of Noah hc
  9. Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Essay Tully Filmus: Selected Drawings pb
  10. Bruggen, Coosje Van Frank O. Gehry: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao hc
  11. Koshalek, Richard et al. Symphony: Frank Gehry’s Walt Disney Concert Hall hc
  12. Gutmann, Joseph Hebrew Manuscript Painting pb
  13. Chochem, Corinne & Roth, Muriel Palestine Dances! hc
  14. Israel Museum, Jerusalem Plan For The Israel Museum, First Stage Report Sept. 1986 pb
  15. Ofrat, Gideon One Hundred Years Of Art In Israel hc
  16. Rahmani, L.Y. & Larsen, Peter Museums Of Israel hc
  17. Roberts, David Holy Land: 123 Lithographs & Journal From His Visit… hc
  18. Tel Aviv Museum Twenties In Israeli Art, May 24-November 13, 1982 pb
  19. Wetmore, Gordon Promised Land hc
  20. Milner, Frank Frida Kahlo hc
  21. Prignitz-Poda, Helga Frida Kahlo: The Painter And Her Work hc
  22. Whitford, Frank Gustav Klimt: Artists In Context hc
  23. Blaukopf, Kurt Mahler: A Documentary Study hc
  24. McCarter, Robert Louis Kahn hc
  25. Kanof, Abram Jewish Ceremonial Art An Religious Obersvance hc
  26. Ratcliff, Carter Komar And Melamid hc
  27. Finn, David Hope: Monument To Raoul Wallenberg by Gustav Kraitz hc
  28. Karp, Abraham J. Jews In America: A Treasury Of Art And Literature hc
  29. Keller, Sharon R., Editor Jews: A Treasury Of Art And Literature hc
  30. Kushner, Tony Meditation From Angels In America hc
  31. Lawford-Hinrichsen, Irene Music Publishing & Patronage, CF Peters: 1800 to the… hc
  32. Flint, Janet Prints Of Louis Lozowick: A Catalogue Raisonne hc
  33. Faerna, Jose Maria Modigliani hc
  34. Nimoy, Leonard Shekhina hc s
  35. Riley II, Charles A. Art Of Peter Max hc
  36. Schimmel, Paul: Organizer Robert Rauschenberg: Combines hc
  37. Rauschenberg, Robert Sculpture pb
  38. Schwartz, Ronny Contemporaries: Portraits By Bern Schwartz hc s
  39. Shalom Of Safed, Art & Wiesel, Elie Images From The Bible hc
  40. Skirball Cultural Center, L.A. Jewish Art From Skirball Center & Museum, postcards pb
  41. March, Joseph Moncure Wild Party: drawings by Art Spiegelman hc
  42. Moreh, Mordecai Engravings 1958-1974: Israel Museum Jerusalem 1974 pb
  43. Rothko, Mark Mark Rothko, 1903-1970 pb
  44. Safdie, Moshe Beyond Habitat hc
  45. Safdie, Moshe City After The Automobile: An Architect’s Vision hc
  46. Safdie, Moshe Harvard Jerusalem Studio hc s
  47. Hunter, Sam & Hawthorne, Don George Segal hc
  48. Chevlowe, Susan Common Man, Mythic Vision: Paintings Of Ben Shahn pb
  49. Pohl, Frances K. Ben Shahn pb
  50. Smith, Joel Saul Steinberg: Illuminations hc
  51. Smith, Joel Steinberg At The New Yorker hc
  52. Solomon, Charles Prince Of Egypt: A New Vision In Animation hc
  53. Soltes, Ori Z. Fixing The World: Jewish American Painters In 20th… hc
  54. Strom, Yale Book Of Klezmer: History, Music, Folklore From… hc s


  1. Abram, Morris B. Day Is Short hc
  2. Aciman, Andre Out Of Egypt hc
  3. Adler, Larry It Ain’t Necessarily So hc
  4. Adler, Mortimer J. Second Look In The Rearview Mirror: Further Reflections…hc
  5. Agosin, Marjorie Cross And A Star: Memoirs Of A Jewish Girl In Chile hc
  6. Albom, Mitch Tuesdays With Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man, And…hc
  7. Albright, Madeleine Madam Secretary hc s
  8. Anderson, Walter Meant To Be: Story Of A Son Who Discovers He Is His… hc
  9. Appelfeld, Aharon Story Of A Life hc
  10. Apple, Max I Love Gootie: My Grandmother’s Story hc
  11. Apple, Max Roommates: My Grandfather’s Story hc
  12. Apple, Sam Schlepping Through The Alps: My Search For Austria’s… hc
  13. Arendt, Hannah & Heidegger, Letters 1925-1975 hc
  14. Arendt, Hannah & McCarthy, Mary Between Friends: Correspondence Of Arendt & McCarthy hc
  15. Ariel, Sunny Shalom My Love pb
  16. Arnold, Fredric Door Knob Five Two hc s
  17. Artzi-Pelosoff, Noa Ben In The Name Of Sorrow And Hope: Yitzhak Rabin’s… hc
  18. Auerbach, Jerold S. Jacob’s Voices: Reflections Of A Wandering Jew hc
  19. Auerbach, Red & Feinstein, John Let Me Tell You A Story: A Lifetime In The Game hc
  20. Azbel, Mark Ya. Refusenik: Trapped In The Soviet Union hc
  21. Bacall, Lauren By Myself hc
  22. Bacall, Lauren Now hc
  23. Barenboim, Daniel Life In Music hc
  24. Barnea, Amalia & Aharon Mine Enemy: Friendship Of Two Couples-Israeli And Arab hc
  25. Barnstone, Willis We Jews And Blacks: Memoir With Poems hc
  26. Barr, Roseanne My Life As A Woman hc
  27. Barrett, Mary Ellin Irving Berlin: A Daughter’s Memoir hc
  28. Barris, Chuck Game Show King: A Confession hc
  29. Bauer, Agi L. “Black” Becomes A Rainbow: Mother Of A Baal Teshuvah hc
  30. Beloff, Max Historian In The Twentieth Century hc
  31. Behar, Ruth Vulnerable Observer: Anthropology That Breaks Your… hc
  32. Benedek, Emily Through The Unknown, Remembered Gate: A Spiritual… hc
  33. Benny, Jack & Joan Sunday Nights At Seven hc
  34. Berczeller, Richard Time Was: Education Of Young Viennese Doctor In The… hc
  35. Berg, Alban & Schoenberg, Arnold Berg-Schoenberg Correspondence: Selected Letters hc
  36. Berg, Rav Education Of A Kabbalist hc
  37. Berle, Milton B.S. I Love You: Sixty Funny Years With The Famous… hc
  38. Bernstein, Carl Loyalties: A Son’s Memoir hc
  39. Bernstein, Jane Rachel In The World hc
  40. Bernstein, Leonard Findings hc
  41. Bikel, Theodore Theo hc
  42. Blanc, Mel & Bashe, Philip That’s Not All Folks! My Life In The Golden Age Of… hc
  43. Blumenfeld, Laura Revenge: A Story Of Hope pb
  44. Blumenthal, Sidney Clinton Wars hc
  45. Bonner, Elena Alone Together: Wife Of Soviet Physicist Sakharov… hc
  46. Boorstein, Sylvia That’s Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist hc
  47. Brodsky, Joseph & Volkov, Conversations With Joseph Brodsky: Poet’s Journey… hc
  48. Brombert, Victor Trains Of Thought: Memories Of A Stateless Youth hc
  49. Broner, E.M. Mornings And Mourning: A Kaddish Journal hc
  50. Bruder, Judith Convergence: Reconciliation Of Judaism & Christianity… hc
  51. Buchwald, Ann & Art Seems Like Yesterday hc s
  52. Buchwald, Art Leaving Home hc
  53. Buchwalter, Marianne Memories Of A Berlin Childhood pb s
  54. Buloff, Joseph From The Old Marketplace pb
  55. Burns, George Living It Up Or, They Still Love Me In Altoona hc
  56. Caesar, Sid & Davidson, Bill Where Have I Been? hc
  57. Canetti, Elias Memoirs Of Elias Canetti hc
  58. Cerf, Bennett At Random: Reminiscences Of Bennett Cerf hc
  59. Chapman, Fern Schumer Motherland: Beyond The Holocaust, A Daughter’s… hc s
  60. Cohen, Amy Late Bloomer’s Revolution hc
  61. Cohen, Edward Peddler’s Grandson: Growing Up Jewish In Mississippi hc
  62. Cooper, Bernard Truth Serum hc s
  63. Cowan, Paul Orphan In History: Retrieving A Jewish Legacy hc
  64. Crystal, Billy 700 Sundays hc
  65. Curtis, Tony & Paris, Barry Tony Curtis hc
  66. Darwish, Nonie Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad For… hc
  67. Dayan, Moshe Moshe Dayan: Story Of My Life hc
  68. Delman, Carmit Burnt Bread And Chutney: Growing Up Between Cultures hc
  69. Doblin, Alfred Journey To Poland: German Novelist Seeks His Jewish… hc
  70. Douglas, Kirk Climbing The Mountain: My Search For Meaning hc
  71. Douglas, Kirk Ragman’s Son hc
  72. Dubner, Stephen J. Turbulent Souls: Catholic Son’s Return To His Jewish… hc
  73. Dunkelman, Ben Dual Allegiance hc
  74. Dunow, Henry Way Home: Scenes From A Season, Lessons From A… hc
  75. Durant, Will & Ariel Dual Autobiography hc
  76. Duras, Marguerite Yann Andrea Steiner hc
  77. Dylan, Bob Chronicles Volume One hc
  78. Ehrlich, Elizabeth Miriam’s Kitchen hc
  79. Einstein, Albert Ideas And Opinions hc
  80. Einstein, Albert Out Of My Later Years pb
  81. Einstein, Albert World As I See It pb
  82. Eisner, Michael & Schwartz, Tony Work In Progress hc
  83. Eisenberg, Robert Boychiks In The Hood: Travels In Hasidic Underground hc
  84. Engelhard, Jack Escape From Mount Moriah: Memoirs Of A Refugee… hc
  85. Exton, Inez Children Of Nowhere pb
  86. Faderman, Lillian Naked In The Promised Land hc
  87. Falk, Peter Just One More Thing: Stories From My Life hc s
  88. Feinstein, Michael Nice Work If You Can Get It: My Life In Rhythm & Rhyme hc
  89. Felman, Jyl Lynn Cravings: A Sensual Memoir hc
  90. Feynman, Richard P. What Do You Care What Other People Think? Further… hc
  91. First, Lee B. Justice Is Blonde: Unorthodox Story Of An Orthodox… pb s
  92. Fisher, Barbara Milberg In Balanchine’s Company: A Dancer’s Memoir hc s
  93. Fisher, Eddie & Fisher, David Been There, Done That hc
  94. Fleischman, Sid Abracadabra Kid: A Writer’s Life hc
  95. Freedman, Samuel G. Who She Was: My Search For My Mother’s Life hc
  96. Frankel, Max Times Of My Life And My Life With The Times hc
  97. Fremont, Helen After Long Silence hc
  98. Fuentes, Sonia Pressman Eat First--You Don't Know What They'll Give You pb s
  99. Garbus, Martin Traitors & Heroes: A Lawyer’s Memoir hc
  100. Garment, Leonard Crazy Rhythm: My Journey From Brooklyn, Jazz, and… hc s
  101. Gartenstein-Ross, Daveed My Year Inside Radical Islam pb
  102. Gelbart, Larry Laughing Matters: On Writing M*A*S*H, Tootsie… hc
  103. Gershunoff, Maxim & Dyke, Leon It’s Not All Song And Dance: Life Behind The Scenes In… hc
  104. Gilman, Susan Jane Hypocrite In A Pouffy White Dress pb
  105. Ginsberg, Debra About My Sisters hc
  106. Ginsberg, Debra Raising Blaze: Bring Up An Extraordinary Son In An… hc
  107. Ginsberg, Debra Waiting: True Confessions Of A Waitress hc
  108. Gittelsohn, Roland B. Here Am I – Harnessed To Hope hc s
  109. Glantz, Margo Family Tree pb
  110. Goldfarb, Sam How From A Monkey I Became A Man pb
  111. Goldovsky, Boris My Road To Opera: Recollections Of hc
  112. Goldwater, Barry & Casserly, Jack Goldwater hc
  113. Gopnik, Adam Through The Children’s Gate: A Home In New York hc
  114. Gordon, Mary Shadow Man: A Daughter’s Search For Her Father hc
  115. Gornick, Vivian Fierce Attachments hc
  116. Graham, Katharine Personal History hc
  117. Greenberg, Hank Story Of My Life hc
  118. Gruber, Ruth Inside Of Time: My Journey From Alaska To Israel hc s
  119. Haggard, Virginia My Life With Chagall: 7 Years Of Plenty With The… hc
  120. Hautzig, Esther Remember Who You Are hc
  121. Hays, David Today I Am A Boy hc
  122. Helfgott, Lillian Love You To Bits And Pieces: Life With David Helfgott hc
  123. Heller, Joseph & Vogel, Speed No Laughing Matter hc
  124. Hellerstein, David Family Of Doctors hc
  125. Hendler, Lee Meyerhoff Year Mom Got Religion: One Woman’s Midlife Journey… hc
  126. Hentoff, Nat Speaking Freely hc
  127. Hertzberg, Arthur Jew In America: My Life & A People’s Struggle For… hc s
  128. Hobson, Laura Z. Laura Z: A Life hc
  129. Hook, Sidney Out Of Step: An Unquiet Life In The 20th Centurny hc s
  130. Horn, Shifra Shalom, Japan: One Woman’s Journey Into The Land Of… pb
  131. Horowitz, David Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey hc
  132. Horowitz, Joy Tessie And Pearlie: A Granddaughter’s Story hc
  133. Jacobson, Howard Roots Schmoots: Journeys Among Jews hc
  134. Jong, Erica Fear Of Fifty: A Midlife Memoir hc
  135. Jong-Fast, Molly Sex Doctors In The Basement: True Stories From A… hc
  136. Kahlo, Frida Diary Of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait hc
  137. Kahn, H.G & Halkin, Hillel. Luck And Chutzpah: Against All Odds hc
  138. Kamen, Jack & Kamen, Rick Heirloom Stories From The Harnessmaker’s Son pb s
  139. Kaplan, Vivian Jeanette Ten Green Bottles: Vienna To Shanghai – Journey Of… pb
  140. Karlen, Neal Shanda: Making And Breaking Of A Self-Loathing Jew hc
  141. Katz, Mickey Papa, Play For Me hc
  142. Kaufman, Lloyd & Gunn, James All I Need To Know About Filmmaking I Learned From…pb s
  143. Kazin, Alfred Lifetime Burning In Every Moment: From The Journals… hc
  144. Kempe, Frederick Fatherland: A Personal Search For The New Germany hc
  145. King, Alan Matzo Balls For Breakfast And Other Memories Of… pb
  146. King, Alan & Chase, Chris Name-Dropping: Life And Lies Of Alan King hc
  147. King, Larry My Dad And Me: Collection Of Stories About Fathers… hc
  148. King, Larry & Appel, Marty When You’re From Brooklyn, Everything Else Is Tokyo hc
  149. Kissinger, Henry Years Of Renewal: Concluding Volume hc
  150. Klugman, Jack & Rocks, Burton Tony And Me: A Story Of Friendship hc s
  151. Koch, Edward I. & Paisner, Daniel Citizen Koch hc
  152. Koestler, Mamaine Living With Koestler: Mamaine Koestler’s Letters… hc
  153. Kohner, Hanna & Walter Hanna & Walter: A Love Story hc
  154. Kollek, Teddy & Amos Kollek For Jerusalem hc
  155. Kornberg, Arthur For The Love Of Enzymes: Odyssey Of A Biochemist hc
  156. Kotlowitz, Robert Before Their Time hc
  157. Kupcinet, Irv & Neimark, Paul Kup: A Man, An Era, A City hc
  158. Kuznetsov, Edward Prison Diaries hc
  159. Lagnado, Lucette Man In The White Sharkskin Suit: My Family’s Exodus… hc
  160. Lang, George Nobody Knows The Truffles I’ve Seen hc
  161. Lansky, Aaron Outwitting History: Amazing Adventures Of A Man… hc s
  162. Lazar, Irving & Tapert, Annette Swifty: My Life And Good Times hc
  163. Lazerson, David B. Skullcaps ‘N’ Switchblades hc s
  164. Lear, Frances Second Seduction hc
  165. Leitner, Isabella & Irving A. Saving The Fragments: From Auschwitz To New York hc
  166. Lerner, Jimmy A. You Got Nothing Coming: Notes From A Prison Fish hc
  167. Levi, Primo Other People’s Trades hc
  168. Levi-Montalcini, Rita In Praise Of Imperfection: My Life And Work hc
  169. Levine, Kathy & Scovell, Jane We Should Be So Lucky: Love, Sex, Food, And Fun… hc
  170. Levine, Michael Deep Cover: How DEA Infighting, Incompetence and… hc
  171. Lew, Alan & Jaffe, Sherril One God Clapping: Spiritual Path Of A Zen Rabbi hc
  172. Lewis, Jerry & Gluck, Herb Jerry Lewis In Person hc
  173. Libeskind, Daniel Breaking Ground: Adventures In Life And Architecture hc
  174. Liebman, Marvin Coming Out Conservative hc
  175. Lob-Burton, Elisabeth You Never Forget pb
  176. Loy, Rosetta First Words: Childhood In Fascist… hc
  177. Maas, Frederica Sagor Shocking Miss Pilgrim: A Writer In Early Hollywood hc
  178. Mandelstam, Nadezda Hope Against Hope pb
  179. Manheim, Camryn Wake Up, I’m Fat! hc s
  180. Manilow, Barry Sweet Life: Adventures On The Way To Paradise hc
  181. Marx, Groucho Groucho And Me hc
  182. Mazursky, Paul Show Me The Magic: My Adventures In Life and… hc
  183. Meeropol, Robert Execution In The Family: One Son’s Journey hc
  184. Meir, Golda Land Of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography hc
  185. Melamed, Leo & Tamarkin, Bob Escape To The Futures hc s
  186. Melanson, Yvette & Safran, Claire Looking For Lost Bird: Jewish Woman Discovers Navajo…hc
  187. Merkin, Daphne Dreaming Of Hitler: Passions And Provocations hc
  188. Merman, Ethel & Eells, George Merman hc
  189. Meyerbeer, Giacomo Life In Letters hc
  190. Miller, Arthur Timebends hc
  191. Miller, Nancy K. Bequest And Betrayal: Memoir Of A Parent’s Death hc
  192. Mitterrand, Francois & Wiesel, Elie Memoir In Two Voices hc
  193. Moskowitz, Faye And The Bridge Is Love: Life Stories hc
  194. Netanyahu, Jonathan Self-Portrait Of A Hero: Letters Of, 1963-1976 hc
  195. Neugeboren, Jay Imagining Robert: My Brother, Madness, And Survival hc
  196. Neutra, Richard & Dione Promise And Fulfillment 1919-1932: Selections From… hc
  197. Nimoy, Leonard I Am Spock hc s
  198. Nissenson, Hugh Elephant And My Jewish Problem: Selected Stories and… hc
  199. Norman, Dorothy Encounters: A Memoir hc
  200. Noson, Reb Eternally Yours, Collected Letters Volume 4 hc
  201. Nudel, Ida Hand In The Darkness: Autobiography Of A Refusenik hc
  202. Oz, Amos Tale Of Love And Darkness hc s
  203. Patterson, David Pilgrimage Of A Proselyte: From Auschwitz To Jerusalem hc
  204. Pearl, Mariane Mighty Heart: Brave Life And Death Of My Husband… hc
  205. Pell, Joseph & Rosenbaum, Fred Taking Risks: A Jewish Youth In The Soviet Partisans… pb
  206. Perelman, S.J. Don’t Tread On Me: Selected Letters Of hc
  207. Picon, Molly & Grillo, Jean Molly! hc
  208. Pisar, Samuel Of Blood And Hope hc
  209. Pogrebin, Letty Cottin Deborah, Golda, And Me: Being Female And Jewish In… hc
  210. Pozner, Vladimir Parting With Illusions hc
  211. Rabin, Leah Rabin: Our Life, His Legacy hc
  212. Reichel, Sabine What Did You Do In The War, Daddy? hc
  213. Reichl, Ruth Tender At The Bone: Growing Up At The Table hc
  214. Rezzori, Gregor von Snows Of Yesteryear: Portraits For An Autobiography hc
  215. Rivers, Joan Bouncing Back: I’ve Survived Everything…And I Mean… hc
  216. Rivers, Joan & Meryman, Richard Still Talking hc
  217. Roberts, Cokie & Steve From This Day Forward hc
  218. Robinson, Edward G. & Spigelgass, All My Yesterdays hc
  219. Rogers, Rita & Mack, John E. Alchemy Of Survival: One Woman’s Journey hc
  220. Rose, Daniel Asa Hiding Places: Father And His Sons Retrace Their… hc
  221. Rosen, Jonathan Talmud And The Internet hc
  222. Rosenstone, Robert A. Man Who Swam Into History: Mostly True Story Of My… pb
  223. Rosenthal, Phil You’re Lucky You’re Funny: How Life Becomes A Sitcom hc
  224. Rostenberg, Leona & Stern, Bookends: Two Women, One Enduring Friendship hc
  225. Rostenberg & Stern, Madeleine Old Books, Rare Friends: Two Literary Sleuths & Their… pb
  226. Roth, Philip Facts hc
  227. Roth, Philip Patrimony: A True Story hc
  228. Rothschild, Philippe de Baron Philippe hc
  229. Rubinstein, Arthur My Many Years hc
  230. Rubinstein, Arthur My Young Years hc
  231. Rusinek, Alla Like A Song, Like A Dream: True Story Of A Soviet… hc
  232. Sacks, Oliver Uncle Tungsten: Memories Of A Chemical Boyhood hc s
  233. Said, Edward W. Out Of Place pb
  234. Scalamonti, John David Ordained To Be A Jew: Catholic Priest’s Conversion To… hc
  235. Schecter, Leona & Jerrold American Family In Moscow hc s
  236. Schiffman, Lisa Generation J hc
  237. Schimmel, Betty & Gabriel, Betty To See You Again hc
  238. Schlesinger, Joe Time Zones: A Journalist In The World hc
  239. Schmuter, Zoya From Russia With Luck pb
  240. Schneider, Alan Entrances: An American Director’s Journey hc
  241. Schorr, Daniel Staying Tuned: A Life In Journalism hc
  242. Schulberg, Budd Moving Pictures: Memories Of A Hollywood Prince hc
  243. Schultz, Howard & Yang, Dori Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built A… hc s
  244. Schwartz, Jonathan All In Good Time hc
  245. Segre, Dan Vittorio Memoirs Of A Fortunate Jew: An Italian Story hc
  246. Selznick, Irene Mayer Private View hc
  247. Shalof, Tilda Making Of A Nurse hc
  248. Shapiro, Dani Slow Motion: A True Story hc
  249. Sharansky, Natan Fear No Evil hc
  250. Shcharansky, Avital & Ben-Joseph, Next Year In Jerusalem hc
  251. Sherman, Vincent Studio Affairs: My Life As A Film Director hc s
  252. Sherr, Lynn Outside The Box hc
  253. Shore, Sammy Warm-Up: Autobiography O A Number Two Man hc s
  254. Sidransky, Ruth In Silence: Growing Up Hearing In A Deaf World hc
  255. Siegel, Joel Lessons For Dylan: On Love, Life, The Movies, And Me pb
  256. Siegel, Rabbi Martin Amen: The Diary Of Rabbi Martin Siegel hc
  257. Signoret, Simone Nostalgia Isn’t What It Used To Be hc
  258. Sills, Beverly & Linderman, Beverly hc
  259. Sills, Beverly Bubbles: A Self Portrait hc
  260. Simmons, Gene Kiss And Make-up hc s
  261. Simon, Neil Play Goes On hc
  262. Simon, Neil Rewrites hc
  263. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Love And Exile hc
  264. Sluyser, Meyer Mr. Monday & Other Tales Of Jewish Amsterdam pb
  265. Solomon, Clara Civil War Diary of Clara Solomon: Growing Up In New… hc
  266. Solotaroff, Ted First Loves hc
  267. Sonnenberg, Ben Lost Property: Memoirs & Confessions Of A Bad Boy hc
  268. Spelling, Aaron & Graham, Prime-Time Life hc
  269. Starer, Robert Continuo: A Life In Music hc
  270. Stavans, Ilan On Borrowed Words: A Memoir Of Language pb
  271. Steiner, George Errata: An Examined Life hc
  272. Steinman, Louise Souvenir: A Daughter Discovers Her Father’s War hc s
  273. Stern, Howard Miss America hc s
  274. Stern, Isaac & Potok, Chaim Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years hc
  275. Stern, Richard Sistermony pb
  276. Strasberg, Lee Dream Of Passion: Development Of The Metho hc
  277. Suberman, Stella Jew Store: A Family Memoir hc
  278. Suberman, Stella When It Was Our War: A Soldier’s Wife On The Home… hc
  279. Sultan, Sam They Ran For My Life: 12 True Stories Of My Brave… pb
  280. Swados, Elizabeth Four Of Us: A Family Memoir hc
  281. Tartikoff, Brandon & Leershen, Last Great Ride hc
  282. Telushkin, Dvorah Master Of Dreams: A Memoir Of Isaac Bashevis Singer hc
  283. Timerman, Jacobo Prisoner Without A Name, Cell Without A Number hc
  284. Trupin, Sophie Dakota Diaspora: Memoirs Of A Jewish Homesteader hc
  285. Wachtler, Sol After The Madness: A Judge’s Own Prison Memoir hc
  286. Walker, Rebecca Black, White And Jewish: Autobiography Of A Shifting… hc
  287. Wallace, Mike Between You And Me hc
  288. Wallach, Eli Good, The Bad, And Me: In My Anecdotage hc
  289. Waskow, Howard & Arthur Becoming Brothers hc
  290. Wasserstein, Wendy Shiksa Goddess, Or How I Spent My Forties hc
  291. Wat, Aleksander My Century: Odyssey Of A Polish Intellectual hc
  292. Weinreich, Gabriel Confessions Of A Jewish Priest: From Secular Jewish… hc
  293. Weisman, Alan Echo In My Blood: Search For A Family’s Hidden Past hc
  294. Weiss, David W. Reluctant Return: Survivor’s Journey To An Austrian… hc s
  295. Wesker, Arnold Birth Of Shylock & The Death Of Zero Mostel hc
  296. Wexler, Alice Mapping Fate: Memoir Of Family, Risk, & Genetic Disease hc
  297. Wieder, Harriet M. Breaking Through: Political Journey Of The Honorable… hc
  298. Wiesel, Elie And The Sea Is Never Full: Memoirs, 1969- hc
  299. Wiesel, Elie From The Kingdom Of Memory hc
  300. Winik, Elaine K. Still Looking Forward hc
  301. Winner, Lauren F. Girl Meets God: On The Path To A Spiritual Life hc
  302. Yablokoff, Herman Der Payatz: Around The World With The Yiddish Theater hc
  303. Yetnikoff, Walter & Ritz, David Howling At The Moon: Odyssey Of A Music Mogul In… hc
  304. Zagier, David Botchki hc
  305. Zamir, Israel Journey To My Father, Isaac Basevis Singer hc
  306. Zeckendorf, William & McCreary, Zeckendorf hc
  307. Zinnemann, Fred Life In The Movies hc

Bible Commentary

  1. Adler, Morris World Of The Talmud hc
  2. Antonelli, Judith S. In The Image Of God: Feminist Commentary On Torah hc
  3. Bamberger, Bernard J. Bible: A Modern Jewish Approach hc
  4. Boraz, Edward S. Understanding The Talmud: Modern Reader’s Guide For… hc
  5. Bulka, Reuven P. Chapters Of The Sages: Psychological Commentary On… hc
  6. Cassuto, U. Commentary On Book Of Genesis, Part 1, From Adam… hc
  7. Cohn-Sherbok, Dan Hebrew Bible hc
  8. Dershowitz, Alan M. Genesis Of Justice: 10 Stories Of Biblical Injustice… hc s
  9. Feldman, Louis H. Josephus’s Interpretation Of The Bible hc
  10. Freedman, David Noel Divine Commitment And Human Obligation, Volume 1 hc
  11. Freedman, David Noel Divine Commitment And Human Obligation, Volume 2 hc
  12. Friedman, Richard Elliot Hidden Book Of The Bible: Discovery Of The First Prose…hc
  13. Goldstein, Elyse: Editor Women’s Torah Commentary: New Insights From… hc
  14. Grodner, Reuven Spirit Of Mishnaic Law, Two Volumes hc
  15. Griffin, William Paul God Of The Prophets hc
  16. Halpern, Baruch First Historians: The Hebrew Bible And History hc
  17. Hirsch, Samson Raphael Horeb: A Philosophy Of Jewish Laws And Observances hc
  18. Hirsch, S.R. Nineteen Letters hc
  19. Holtz, Barry W.: Editor Back To The Sources: Reading The Classic Jewish Texts hc
  20. Instone-Brewer, David Traditions Of Rabbis From Era Of The New Testament hc
  21. Katz, Mordechai Guide To Basic Principles Of Jewish Law And Their… hc
  22. Kugel, James L. God Of Old: Inside The Lost World Of The Bible hc
  23. Kunin, Seth Daniel Logic Of Incest hc
  24. Layton, Scott C. Archaic Features Of Canaanite… hc
  25. Lieberman, David Eternal Torah: Commentary Upon Torah Consolidating… hc
  26. Luzzatto, Moshe Chayim Knowing Heart hc
  27. Munk, Elie Call Of The Torah: Anthology Of Interpretation and… hc
  28. Neusner, Jacob Invitation To Midrash: A Teaching Book hc
  29. Neusner, Jacob Invitation To The Talmud: A Teaching Book pb
  30. Neusner, Jacob Judasim: The Classical Statement, Evidence Of The Bavli hc
  31. Neusner, Jacob Judaism’s Theological Voice: The Melody Of The Talmud pb
  32. Neusner, Jacob Messiah In Context hc
  33. Neusner, Jacob Midrash In Context hc
  34. Neusner, Jacob Midrash Reader pb
  35. Neusner, Jacob: Editor Scriptures Of The Oral Torah hc
  36. Neusner, Jacob Torah: From Scroll To Symbol In… hc
  37. Nickelsburg, George W.E. & Stone, Faith And Piety In Early Judaism: Texts And Documents hc
  38. Nickelsburg, George W.E. Jewish Literature: Between The Bible And The Mishnah hc
  39. Ouaknin, Marc-Alain Burnt Book: Reading The Talmud hc
  40. Peters, F.E. Voice, The Word, The Books hc
  41. Pliskin, Zelig Guard Your Tongue: Adapted From Chofetz Chaim hc
  42. Rabinowitz, Jacob Faces Of God pb
  43. Russell, D.S. Method And Message Of Jewish Apocalyptic hc
  44. Safire, William First Dissident: Book Of Job In Today’s Politics hc
  45. Sarna, Nahum M. Understanding Genesis: World Of The Bible In Light Of… pb
  46. Schneerson, Menachem M. Torah Studies: Discourses By Lubavitcher Rebbe hc
  47. Schneerson, Sholom Dov Ber Kuntres Uma’ayon hc
  48. Schochel, Elijah Judah Amalek: The Enemy Within hc
  49. Sherwood, Yvonne Prostitute And The Prophet pb
  50. Thompson, Thomas L. Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology And Myth Of Israel hc
  51. Tov, Emanuel Textual Criticism Of The Hebrew Bible hc
  52. Visotzky, Burton L. Genesis Of Ethics: How The Tormented Family Of… hc
  53. Wiesel, Elie Messengers Of God: Biblical Portraits And Legends pb
  54. Wiesel, Elie Sages And Dreamers: Biblical, Talmudic, And Hasidic… hc


  1. Feiler, Bruce Abraham: A Journey To The Heart Of Three Faiths hc
  2. Netanyahu, B. Don Isaac Abravanel: Statesman And Philosopher hc
  3. Rosenfeld, Lulla Bright Star Of Exile, Jacob Adler & The Yiddish Theatre hc
  4. Samuel, Maurice World Of Sholom Aleichem hc
  5. Drew, Bettina Nelson Algren: A Life On The Wild Side hc
  6. Lax, Eric Woody Allen hc
  7. Ogden, Christopher Legacy, Moses & Walter Annenberg hc
  8. Rubenstein, Richard E. Comrade Valentine: True Story Of Azef The Spy hc
  9. Charyn, Jerome Savage Shorthand: Life And Death Of Isaac Babel hc
  10. Bianco, Anthony Rainmaker: Saga Of Jeff Beck, Wall Street’s Mad Dog hc
  11. Miller, Ruth Saul Bellow: Biography Of The Imagination hc
  12. Evans, Eli N. Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate hc
  13. Caygill & Coles & Klimowski Introducing Walter Benjamin pb
  14. Mandelbaum, Ken Chorus Line And The Musicals Of Michael Bennett hc
  15. Weiner, Jonathan Time, Love, Memory: Biologist Seymour Benzer hc
  16. Furia, Philip Irving Berlin: A Life In Song hc
  17. Gold, Arthur & Fizdale, Robert Divine Sarah: A Life Of Sarah Bernhardt hc
  18. Burton, Humphrey Leonard Bernstein hc
  19. Gruen, John Private World Of Leonard Bernstein hc
  20. Ledbetter, Steven: Editor Sennets & Tuckets: A Bernstein Celebration hc
  21. Kozak, Warren Rabbi Of 84th Street: Life Of Haskel Besser hc
  22. Aberbach, David Bialik: Chaim Nachman Bialik hc
  23. Birstein, Ann Rabbi On 47th Street: Birstein hc
  24. Braudy, Susan Family Circle: Boudins and The Aristocracy Of The Left hc
  25. Strum, Philippa Brandeis: Beyond Progressivism hc
  26. Marrus, Michael R. Mr. Sam: Life And Times Of Samuel Bronfman hc
  27. Friedman, Maurice Encounter On The Narrow Ridge: A Life Of Martin Buber hc
  28. Mendes-Flohr, Paul From Mysticism To Dialogue: Martin Buber’s… hc
  29. Vermes, Pamela Buber: Jewish Thinkers hc
  30. Gottfried, Martin George Burns And The Hundred Year Dash hc
  31. Herbert G. Goldman Banjo Eyes: Eddie Cantor & Birth Of Modern Stardom hc
  32. Cogswell, David Chomsky For Beginners pb
  33. Nadel, Ira B. Various Positions: A Life Of Leonard Cohen hc
  34. Levy, Daniel S. Two-Gun Cohen: Morris Cohen hc
  35. Ben-hanan, Eli Our Man In Damascus: Elie Cohn pb
  36. Zion, Sidney Autobiography Of Roy Cohn hc
  37. Hoffman, Nicholas von Citizen Cohn: Life And Times Of Roy Cohn hc
  38. Singer, Joy Daniels My Mother, The Doctor hc
  39. Halpern, Baruch David’s Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King hc
  40. Kirsch, Jonathan King David: Real Life Of The Man Who Ruled Israel hc s
  41. Slater, Robert Warrior Statesman: The Life Of Moshe Dayan hc
  42. Edwards, Anne Demilles: An American Family hc
  43. Diamant, Kathi Kafka’s Last Love: The Mystery Of Dora Diamant hc s
  44. Bradford, Sarah Disraeli: Benjamin Disraeli hc
  45. Hibbert, Christopher Disraeli And His World hc
  46. Pearson, Hesketh Dizzy: The Life And Personality Of Benjamin Disraeli hc
  47. Ridley, Jane Young Disraeli 1804-1846 hc
  48. Vincent, John Disraeli pb
  49. Weintraub, Stanley Disraeli hc
  50. Burns, Michael Dreyfus: A Family Affair, 1789-1945 hc
  51. Chapman, Guy Dreyfus Case hc
  52. Mitchell, Paul Duchovny Files: The Truth Is In Here pb
  53. Secrest, Meryle Duveen: A Life In Art: Joseph hc
  54. Hoffmann, Banesh & Dukas, Helen Albert Einstein: Creator & Rebel hc
  55. Bodanis, David E=MC2 pb
  56. Brian, Denis Einstein: A Life pb
  57. Clark, Ronald W. Einstein: The Life and Times, An Illustrated Biography hc
  58. Highfield, Roger & Carter, Paul Private Lives of Albert Einstein hc
  59. Jammer, Max Einstein and Religion hc
  60. Levenson, Thomas Einstein In Berlin hc
  61. Overbye, Dennis Einstein In Love: A Scientific Romance pb
  62. Pais, Abraham Einstein Lived Here hc
  63. Rosenkranz, Ze’ev Einstein Scrapbook hc
  64. Eulau, Heinz & Franz Mishpokhe From Eulau-Jilove pb
  65. Arthur J. Magida Prophet Of Rage: Life Of Louis Farrakahn & His Nation hc
  66. Roberts, Jerry Dianne Feinstein: Never Let Them See You Cry hc
  67. Gleick, James Genius: Life And Science Of Richard Feynman hc
  68. Gribbin, John and Mary Richard Feynman, A Life in Science hc
  69. Mehra, Jagdish Beat Of A Different Drum: Life & Science Of Richard… hc
  70. Dickson, Harry Ellis Arthur Fiedler And The Boston Pops hc
  71. Cabarga, Leslie Fleischer Story In The Golden Age Of Animation hc
  72. Bakan, David Sigmund Freud & The Jewish Mystical Tradition pb
  73. Clark, Ronald W. Freud: The Man And The Cause hc
  74. Edmundson, Mark Death Of Sigmund Freud: The Legacy Of His Last Days hc
  75. Gamwell, Lynn & Wells: Editors Sigmund Freud and Art: His Personal Collection Of… hc
  76. Roth, Michael S. Freud: Conflict And Culture, Essays On His Life, Work… hc
  77. Ruitenbeck, Hendrik M., Editor Freud As We Knew Him hc
  78. Schultz, Duane Intimate Friends, Dangerous Rivals: Freud And Jung hc
  79. Hennessee, Judith Betty Friedan: Her Life hc
  80. Hornstein, Gail A. To Redeem One Person Is To …Frieda Fromm-Reichmann pb
  81. King, Tom The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys, And Sells… hc
  82. Singular, Stephen Rise And Rise Of David Geffen hc
  83. Moorehead, Caroline Gellhorn, Martha: A Twentieth-Century Life hc
  84. Johnson, George Strange Beauty: Murray Gell-Mann & The Revolution In… hc
  85. Peyser, Joan Memory Of All That: The Life Of George Gershwin hc
  86. Miles, Barry Ginsberg. Allen hc
  87. Gilbert. Julie Opposite Attraction: Lives Of Remarque & Goddard hc
  88. Chalberg, John Emma Goldman: American Individualist pb
  89. Edwards, Lee Goldwater: Man Who Made A Revolution hc
  90. Freedland, Michael Goldwyn Touch: Samuel Goldwin hc
  91. Blaine, Michael King Of Swings: Johnny Goodman, Last Amateur To… hc
  92. Starr, S. Frederick Bamboula! Life And Times Of Louis Moreau Gottschalk hc
  93. Martin, Justin Man Behind The Money: Allan Greenspan hc
  94. Woodward, Bob Maestro: Greenspan’s Fed And The American Boom hc
  95. Dearborn, Mary V. Mistress Of Modernism: The Life Of Peggy Guggenheim hc
  96. Unal, Ali & Williams, Alphonse Advocate: Fethullah Gulen pb
  97. Mayer, Musa Night Studio: A Memoir Of Philip Guston hc
  98. Bryson, John World Of Armand Hammer hc
  99. Epstein, Edward Jay Dossier: The Secret History Of Armand Hammer hc
  100. Pollen, Daniel A. Hannah’s Heirs: Quest For The Genetic Origins Of… hc
  101. MacAdams, William Ben Hecht pb
  102. Brod, Max Heine: The Artist In Revolt hc
  103. Helfgott, Margaret & Gross, Tom Out Of Tune: David Helfgott And The Myth Of Shine hc
  104. Moss, Michael Palace Coup: Inside Story Of Harry & Leona Helmsley hc
  105. Richardson, Peter Herod: King Of The Jews and Friend Of The Romans hc
  106. Smith, Steven C. Heart At Fire’s Center: Life & Music Of Bernard Herrmann hc
  107. Kornberg, Jacques Theodor Herzl: From Assimilation To Zionism hc
  108. Hoffman, Jack & Simon, Daniel Run Run Run: The Lives Of Abbie Hoffman hc
  109. Sloman, Larry Steal This Dream: Abbie Hoffman& Countercultural… hc
  110. Fitzsimmons, Raymund Death And The Magician: Mystery Of Houdini hc
  111. Kalush, William & Sloman, Larry Secret Life Of Houdini: Making Of America’s First… cd
  112. Silverman, Kenneth Houdini: The Career Of Ehrich Weiss hc
  113. Hunter, Tab & Muller, Eddie Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making Of A Movie Star hc
  114. Kroeger, Brooke Fannie: Talent For Success Of Writer Fannie Hurst hc
  115. Chilton, Bruce Rabbi Jesus: An Intimate Biography pb
  116. Cohn, Haim Trial and Death of Jesus hc
  117. Crossan, John Dominic Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography hc
  118. Meier, John P. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking The Historical Jesus hc
  119. Kenny, Mary Germany Calling: William Joyce, ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ hc
  120. Beck, Evelyn Torton Kafka And The Yiddish Theater: Its Impact On His Work hc
  121. Brod, Max Franz Kafka hc
  122. Citati, Pietro Kafka hc
  123. Glatzer, Nahum N. Loves Of Franz Kafka hc
  124. Karl, Frederick Franz Kafka: Representative Man hc
  125. Pawel, Ernst Nightmare Of Reason: A Life Of Franz Kafka pb
  126. Zischler, Hanns Kafka Goes To The Movies hc
  127. Friedman, Robert I. False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane – From FBI Informant…hc
  128. Scult, Mel Mordecai M. Kaplan hc
  129. Gorn, Michael H. Universal Man: Theodore von Karman’s Life In… hc
  130. Zehme, Bill Lost In The Funhouse: Life And Mind Of Andy Kaufman hc
  131. Teichmann, Howard George S. Kaufman: An Intimate Portrait hc
  132. Isaacson, Walter Kissinger, Henry hc
  133. Gaines, Steven & Churcher, Sharon Obsession: The Lives And Times Of Calvin Klein hc
  134. Heyworth, Peter Otto Klemperer, His Life And TimesVolume 1: 1885… hc
  135. Newfield, Jack & Barrett, Wayne City For Sale: Ed Koch and the Betrayal Of New York hc
  136. Orot, Yovel World of Rav Kook’s Thought hc
  137. Leavy, Jane Sandy Koufax: A Lefty’s Legacy hc
  138. LoBrutto, Vincent Stanley Kubrick hc
  139. Kogan, Rick America’s Mom: Ann Landers hc
  140. Pottker, Jan & Speziale, Bob Dear Ann, Dear Abby: Ann Landers & Abigail Van Buren hc
  141. Lacey, Robert Little Man: Meyer Lansky And The Gangster Life hc
  142. Gross, Michael Genuine Authentic: The Real Life Of Ralph Lauren pb
  143. Lees, Gene Inventing Champagne: The Worlds Of Lerner And Loewe hc
  144. Anissimov, Myriam Primo Levi: Tragedy Of An Optimist hc
  145. Marsh, Robert C. Dialogues & Discoveries: James Levine, His Life & Music hc
  146. Kazanjian, Dodie & Tomkins, Alex: The Life Of Alexander Liberman hc
  147. Dardis, Tom Firebrand: The Life Of Horace Liveright: Man Who… hc
  148. Shannon, George Arnold Lobel hc
  149. Mahler, Alma Gustav Mahler: Memories And Letters hc
  150. Nuland, Sherwin B. Maimonides hc
  151. Patterson, David Abraham Mapu: Literary Study Of Creator Of Modern… hc
  152. Falk, Randall M. Bright Eminence: Life & Thought Of Jacob Rader Marcus hc
  153. Leonard, Maurice Markova The Legend, Alicia Markova hc
  154. Kanfer, Stefan Groucho: The Life And Times Of Julius Henry Marx hc
  155. Blumenberg, Werner Karl Marx: An Illustrated History hc
  156. Manuel, Frank E. Requiem For Karl Marx hc
  157. Wheen, Francis Karl Marx: A Life hc
  158. Louvish, Simon Monkey Business: Lives & Legends Of The Marx Brothers hc
  159. Thomas, Gordon & Dillon, Martin Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy: Life & Murder Of A… hc
  160. Mogulof, Milly Foiled: Helene Mayer Story pb
  161. Brightman, Carol Writing Dangerously: Mary McCarthy And Her World hc
  162. Martin, Ralph G. Golda: Golda Meir, The Romantic Years hc
  163. Mair, George Bette: Intimate Biography Of Bette Midler hc
  164. Spada, James Divine Bette Midler pb
  165. Bailey, Fenton Fall From Grace: The Untold Story Of Michael Milken hc
  166. Brater, Enoch Arthur Miller: A Playwright’s Life And Works hc
  167. Morgenthau III, Henry Mostly Morgenthaus: A Family History hc
  168. Druxman, Michael B. Paul Muni: His Life And Films hc
  169. Alexander, Shana When She Was Bad: Bess Myerson hc
  170. Dworkin, Susan Miss America, 1945 Bess Myerson’s Own Story hc
  171. Preston, Jennifer Queen Bess: Bess Myerson hc
  172. Schiff, Stacy Vera: Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov: Portrait Of A Marriage hc
  173. Lambert, Gavin Nazimova: Alla Nazimova hc
  174. Lisle, Laurie Louise Nevelson: A Passionate Life hc
  175. Maier, Thomas Newspaperman: S.I. Newhouse & The Business Of News hc
  176. Dallek, Robert Nixon And Kissinger hc
  177. Hogue, John Nostradamus: A Life And Myth hc
  178. Reiss, Tom Orientalist: Lev Nussimbaum hc s
  179. Bernstein, Jeremy Oppenheimer: Portrait Of An Enigma, Robert hc
  180. Smith, Sally Bedell In All His Glory: Life Of William S. Paley hc
  181. Epstein, Helen Joe Papp: An American Life hc
  182. Rosenbaum, Max & Muroff, Melvin Anna O.: Bertha Pappenheim: 14 Reinterpretations hc
  183. Mallac, Guy de Boris Pasternak: His Life And Art hc
  184. Ruttencutter, Helen Drees Previn: Andre Previn hc
  185. Maurois, Andre World Of Marcel Proust hc
  186. Painter, George D. Marcel Proust hc
  187. Brian, Denis Pulitzer: A Life, Joseph Pulitzer hc
  188. Saltman, David Gilda: An Intimate Portrait, Gilda Radner hc
  189. Branden, Barbara Passion Of Ayn Rand hc
  190. Paxton, Michael Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life hc
  191. Sciabarra, Chris Matthew Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical hc s
  192. Bianco, Anthony Reichmanns: Family, Faith, Fortune, & Empire Of … hc
  193. Copetas, A. Craig Metal Men: Marc Rich and The 10 Billion Dollar Scam hc
  194. Polmar, Norman & Allen, Rickover: Controversy And Genius, Admiral Hyman G. hc
  195. Lawrence, Greg Dance With Demons: The Life Of Jerome Robbins hc
  196. Donald H. Harrison Louis Rose: San Diego’s First Jewish Settler And… pb s
  197. Meeropol, Robert & Michael We Are Your Sons: Legacy Of Ethel & JuliusRosenberg hc s
  198. Cohen, Joseph Journey To The Trenches: Life Of Isaac Rosenberg 1890… hc
  199. Bower, Donald E. Fred Rosenstock: A Legend In Books And Art hc s
  200. Goulden, Joseph C. Fit To Print: A.M. Rosenthal and His Times hc
  201. Kellman, Steven G. Redemption: The Life Of Henry Roth hc
  202. Raimondo, Justin Enemy Of The State: The Life Of Murray N. Rothbard hc
  203. Elon, Amos Founder: Portrait Of The First Rothschild, Meyer hc
  204. Weintraub, Stanley Charlotte And Lionel: A Rothschild Love Story hc
  205. Ferguson, Niall House Of Rothschild: Money’s Prophets 1798-1848 hc
  206. Tosches, Nick King Of The Jews: Arnold Rothstein hc
  207. Davidson, Keay Carl Sagan: A Life hc
  208. Carter, Richard Breakthrough: The Saga Of Jonas Salk hc
  209. Cannistraro & Sullivan Il Duce’s Other Woman: Margherita Sarfatti, Benito… hc
  210. Lehmann, Stephen & Faber Rudolf Serkin: A Life hc s
  211. Goldye Harris Annette Shapiro: Professional Volunteer hc s
  212. Gilbert, Martin Anatoly Shcharansky: Hero Of Our Time hc s
  213. Muchnic, Suzanne Odd Man In: Norton Simon And The Pursuit Of Culture hc
  214. Potok, Chaim Gates Of November: Chronicles Of The Slepak Family hc
  215. Watterson, Kathryn Building A Dream: TheSara Smith Story hc s
  216. Bierman, Michael A. Memories Of A Giant: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik hc
  217. Secrest, Meryle Stephen Sondheim: A Life hc
  218. Rollyson, Carl & Paddock Susan Sontag: The Making Of An Icon hc
  219. Fraser-Cavassoni, Natasha Sam Spiegel hc
  220. Sanello, Frank Spielberg: The Man, The Movies, The Mythology hc
  221. Carotenuto, Aldo Secret Symmetry: Sabina Spielrein Between Jung & Freud hc
  222. Gullan-Whur, Margaret Within Reason: A Life Of Baruch de Spinoza hc
  223. Riordan, James Stone: Oliver Stone, Controversies, Excesses, & Exploits…hc
  224. Nadel, Ira Tom Stoppard: A Life hc
  225. Brady, Frank Barbra: An Illustrated Biography pb
  226. Edwards, Anne Streisand: A Biography hc
  227. Riese, Randall Her Name is Barbra: Portrait Of The Real Streisand hc
  228. Spada, James Streisand: Her Life hc
  229. Teti, Frank & Karen Moline Streisand Through The Lens pb
  230. Seaman, Barbara Lovely Me: The Life Of Jacqueline Susann hc
  231. Todd Jr., Michael & Todd, Susan Valuable Property: The Life Story Of Michael Todd hc
  232. Carmichael, Joel Trotsky: An Appreciation Of His Life hc
  233. Wistrich, Robert Trotsky: Fate Of A Revolutionary hc
  234. Burr, Chandler Emperor Of Scent: Luca Turin hc
  235. Arendt, Hannah Rahel Varnhagen: The Life Of A Jewess hc
  236. Oppenheimer, Jerry Barbara Walters: An Unauthorized Biography hc
  237. Chernow, Ron Warburgs: 20th Century Odyssey Of A Jewish Family hc
  238. Sperling, Cass & Millner Hollywood Be Thy Name: The Warner Brothers Story hc
  239. Bruck, Connie When Hollywood Had A King: Reign Of Lew Wasserman hc
  240. Nevin, Thomas R. Simone Weil: Portrait Of Self-Exiled Jew hc
  241. Plessix Gray, Francine du Simone Weil hc
  242. Sanders, Ronald Days Grow Short: The Life And Music Of Kurt Weill hc
  243. Langley, Monica Tearing Down The Walls: Sandy Weill pb
  244. Litvinoff, Barnet Weizmann, Last Of The Patriarchs: Chaim Weizmann hc
  245. Jungk, Peter Stephan Franz Werfel: A Life In Prague, Vienna And Hollywood hc
  246. Cargas, Harry James: Editor Telling The Tale: A Tribute To Elie Wiesel On 65th… pb
  247. Chandler, Charlotte Nobody’s Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography hc
  248. Zolotow, Maurice Billy Wilder In Hollywood pb
  249. Gabler, Neal Winchell: Gossip, Power & Culture Of Celebrity, Walter hc
  250. Edmonds, David & Eidinow, John Wittgenstein’s Poker: Story Of A Ten-Minute Argument… pb
  251. Herman, Jan Talent For Trouble: Life Of Hollywood’s William Wyler hc s
  252. Smith, John L. Running Scared: Life & Times Of Las Vegas Steve Wynn hc
  253. Dearborn, Mary V. Love In Promised Land: Anzia Yezierska & John Dewey hc

Children’s books

  1. Abramson, Jordan Hanukkah Candle Book pb
  2. Abse, Dannie Ash On A Young Man’s Sleeve pb
  3. Adler, David A. Our Golda: The Story Of Golda Meir pb
  4. Adler, David A. Picture Book Of Anne Frank pb
  5. Adler, David A. We Remember The Holocaust pb
  6. Appelman, Harlene & Shapiro, Jane Seder For Tu B’Shevat pb
  7. Asher, Sandy: Editor With All My Heart, With All My Mind: 13 Stories About…hc
  8. Altman, Linda Jacobs Forever Outsiders: Jews & History From Ancient Times… hc
  9. Atlas, Yehuda It’s Me hc
  10. Auerbacher, Inge I Am A Star: Child Of The Holocaust pb
  11. Ben-Asher, Naomi &Leaf, Hayim Junior Jewish Encyclopedia, Ninth Revised Edition hc
  12. Benjamin, Alan Hanukkah: A Chubby Board Book hc
  13. Berman-Waldorf, Anne Let’s Discover Shabbat: Teacher’s Edition pb
  14. Berman-Waldorf, Anne Let’s Discover Shabbat 1: A Gift From God pb
  15. Bishop, Claire Huchet Twenty And Ten pb
  16. Bloom, Daniel Halevi Bubbie And Zadie Come To My House: Hanukkah Story hc
  17. Brodmann, Aliana Such A Noise! hc
  18. Buchwald, Art Irving’s Delight hc s
  19. Bush, Lawrence Emma Ansky-Levine And Her Mitzvah Machine pb
  20. Chaiken, Miriam Joshua In The Promised Land hc
  21. Cohen, Robin D. Noah’s Ark pb
  22. David, Jo & Syme, Daniel B. Book Of The Jewish Life: Celebrations, Rituals, Customs…pb
  23. David, Jo & Syme, Daniel B. Book Of The Jewish Life: Teacher’s Guide To pb
  24. Denenberg, Barry One Eye Laughing, The Other Weeping: Diary Julie Weiss hc
  25. dePaola, Tomie My First Chanukah hc
  26. Disney’s Small World Library Festival Of Trees: An Adventure In Israel hc
  27. Douglas, Kirk Broken Mirror hc
  28. Drucker, Olga Levy Kindertransport pb
  29. Epstein, Morris All About Jewish Holidays And Customs hc
  30. Erlbach, Arlene Hanukkah: Celebrating The Holiday Of Lights hc
  31. Gaiman, Neil Coraline hc
  32. Ganeri, Anita I Remember Palestine: Why We Left hc
  33. Gellman, Marc Does God Have A Big Toe? Stories About Stories In Bible hc
  34. Geras, Adele My Grandmother’s Stories: Collection Of Jewish Folktales hc
  35. Gidal, Sonia & Tim My Village In Israel pb
  36. Gold, Alison Leslie Memories Of Anne Frank: Reflections Of A Childhood… pb
  37. Graham, Ian World Faiths: Judaism hc
  38. Gray, Bettyanne Manya’s Story: Faith And Survival In Revolutionary Russia hc
  39. Groner, Judye & Wikler, Madeline Where Is The Afikomen? hc
  40. Hughes, Chris Nations In Conflict: Israel hc
  41. Ippisch, Hanneke Sky: A True Story Of Courage During World War II pb
  42. Katz, Bobbi Story Of Passover pb
  43. Kerr, Judith When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit pb
  44. Kimmel, Eric A. Asher And The Capmakers: A Hanukkah Story hc
  45. Kimmel, Eric A. Gershon’s Monster: A Story For The Jewish New Year hc s
  46. Klein, Gerda Weissmann Promise Of A New Spring: The Holocaust And Renewal hc
  47. Kolatch, Alfred J. Jewish Child’s First Book Of Why hc
  48. Koss, Amy Goldman Girls hc
  49. Krulik, Nancy E. Penny And The Four Questions pb
  50. Kunin, Claudia My Hanukkah Book Of Numbers pb
  51. Kushner, Lawrence Book Of Miracles: A Young Person’s Guide To Jewish… pb
  52. Kuskin, Karla Jerusalem, Shining Still hc
  53. Laird, Christa But Can The Phoenix Sing? hc
  54. Larsen, Anita Raoul Wallenberg: Missing Diplomat hc
  55. Larsen, Anita Rosenbergs hc
  56. Lasky, Kathryn Dreams In The Golden Country: Diary Zipporah Feldman hc
  57. Lea, Rosemary Miss Lea’s Bible Stories For Children hc
  58. Leapman, Michael Witnesses To War: 8 True-Life Stories Of Nazi Persecution hc
  59. Leiman, Sondra America: The Jewish Experience pb
  60. Leiman, Sondra America: The Jewish Experience, Teacher’s Guide pb
  61. Leitner, Isabella Big Lie: A True Story hc
  62. Lelchuk, Alan On Home Ground hc
  63. Levine, Ellen Darkness Over Denmark: Danish Resistance & Rescue… pb
  64. Levinson, Nancy Smiler I Lift My Lamp: Emma Lazarus & The Statue Of Liberty hc
  65. Lowry, Lois Number The Stars pb
  66. Mamet, David Bar Mitzvah hc
  67. Matas, Carol After The War pb
  68. Matas, Carol Daniel’s Story pb
  69. Matas, Carol Lisa pb
  70. Matas, Carol War Within: A Novel Of The Civil War pb
  71. McElrath, William N. Ways We Worship: Introduction For Children To The… hc
  72. McKissack, Fredrick & Patricia Look What You’ve Done Now, Moses hc
  73. Meyer, Carolyn Drummers Of Jericho hc
  74. Meyer, Carolyn Gideon’s People hc
  75. Nieuwsma, Milton J. Kinderlager: Oral History Of Young Holocaust Survivors pb
  76. Pasachoff, Naomi Basic Judaism For Young People, Volume Three: God pb
  77. Pasachoff, Naomi Topical Bible: Biblical Answers To Modern Questions pb
  78. Pasachoff, Naomi Topical Bible: Teaching Guide pb
  79. Paterson, Katherine Angel And The Donkey pb
  80. Perl, Lila & Lazan, Marion Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story pb
  81. Peterseil, Yaacov Gang Of Four: Nest Of The Jerusalem Eagle pb
  82. Pingry, Patricia A. Story Of The Ten Commandments hc
  83. Posner, Rabbi Raphael My Jewish World hc

Volume 1,2,3,4,5,6 (complete)

  1. Propp, Vera W. When The Soldiers Were Gone hc
  2. Provost, Gary & Levine-Freidus, Good If It Goes hc
  3. Pushker, Gloria Teles Belfer Bar Mitzvah hc s
  4. Pushker, Gloria Teles Toby Belfer’s Seder: A Passover Story Retold hc s
  5. Randall, Ronne Hanukkah Mice hc
  6. Rice Jr., Earle Nazi War Criminals: The Holocaust Library hc
  7. Roseman, Kenneth Cardinal’s Snuffbox pb
  8. Rossel, Seymour Introduction To Jewish History: Abraham To The Sages pb
  9. Rothenberg, Joan Yettele’s Feathers pb
  10. Sagan, Miriam Tracing Our Jewish Roots: American Origins hc
  11. Sanfield, Steve Feather Merchants & Other Tales Of The Fools Of Chelm hc s
  12. Sanger, Amy Wilson Let’s Nosh hc
  13. Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg In God’s Name hc
  14. Saypol, Judith & Wikler, Madeline My Very Own Haggadah pb
  15. Saypol, Judyth Robbins My Very Own Yom Kippur pb
  16. Schnur, Steven Koufax Dilemma hc
  17. Schnur, Steven Return Of Morris Schumsky pb
  18. Schnur, Steven Tie Man’s Miracle: A Chanukah Tale hc
  19. Schwartz, Howard Next Year In Jerusalem: 3000 Years Of Jewish Stories hc s
  20. Schwartz, Howard & Rush, Barbara Sabbath Lion: A Jewish Folktale From Algeria hc s
  21. Schwartz, Howard & Rush, Barbara Wonder Child And Other Jewish Fairy Tales hc
  22. Segal, Lore Story Of King Saul And King David hc
  23. Semel, Nava Becoming Gershona hc
  24. Sfar, Joann Rabbi’s Cat hc
  25. Sheridan, Sybil Stories From The Jewish World hc
  26. Sherrow, Victoria Blaze Engulfs: January 1939 To December 1941 hc
  27. Sherrow, Victoria Smoke To Flame: September 1935 To December 1938 hc
  28. Shulevitz, Uri Treasure pb
  29. Shuter, Jane Visiting The Past: Auschwitz hc
  30. Simon, Solomon Wise Men Of Helm And Their Merry Tales pb
  31. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Yentl The Yeshiva Boy hc
  32. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Zlateh The Goat And Other Stories pb
  33. Sper, Emily Hanukkah: A Counting Book In English, Hebrew, Yiddhish hc
  34. Stanley, Jerry Frontier Merchants: Lionel & Barron Jacobs & Jewish… hc
  35. Sternfeld, Nathan Adventures With Rebbe Mendel: World’s Greatest Teacher hc
  36. Storr, Catherine Abraham And Isaac hc
  37. Taback, Simms Joseph Had A Little Overcoat hc
  38. Vernon, Roland Introducing Gershwin pb
  39. Warren, Andrea Surviving Hitler: A Boy In The Nazi Death Camps pb
  40. Watad, Mahmoud & Grob, Leonard Teen Voices From The Holy Land: Who Am I To You? pb
  41. Weinfeld, Mimi Funny Friday hc
  42. Wolkstein, Diane Esther’s Story pb
  43. Yadin, Yigael Story Of Masada hc
  44. Yolen, Jane Devil’s Arithmetic pb
  45. Zalben, Jane Breskin Beni’s First Wedding hc
  46. Zar, Rose In The Mouth Of The Wolf hc
  47. Zlotowitz, Meir My Blessings For Food hc


  1. Adat Ari El Synagogue, Hollywood California Kosher: Contemporary & Traditional Jewish… sp
  2. Beilenson, Edna Simple Jewish Cookery hc
  3. Bloch, Barbara Little Jewish Cookbook hc
  4. Carr, Bessie & Oberman, Phyllis Gourmet’s Guide To Jewish Cooking hc
  5. De Silva, Cara In Memory’s Kitchen: Legacy From Women Of Terezin hc s
  6. Fiszer, Louise & Ferrary, Jeannette Jewish Holiday Feasts hc
  7. Goldberg, Betty S. International Cooking For The Kosher Home hc
  8. Grossman, Ruth & Bob Italian-Kosher Cookbook hc
  9. Hirsch, Anita Our Food: The Kosher Kitchen Updated hc
  10. Hirsh, Linda B. To Kugel With Love: Life In The Jewish Kitchen sp
  11. Kaye, Ann & Rance, Hetty So This Is Kosher: A New Approach To Jewish Cookery hc
  12. Kinderlehrer, Jane Cooking Kosher The New Way: Fast, Lite And Natural hc
  13. Lehman-Wilzig, Tami & Blum Melting Pot: A Quick & Easy Blend Of Israeli Cuisine hc
  14. Leonard, Leah W. Jewish Cookery: Complete Guide To Jewish Cooking… hc
  15. Machlin, Edda Servi Classic Italian Jewish Cooking hc
  16. Maimonides Academy Of Baltimore Rambam’s Guide For The Perplexed Kosher Chef sp
  17. Nash, Helen Kosher Kitchen: Healthfu & Nutritious Recipes For… hc
  18. Nathan, Jeffrey Adventures In Jewish Cooking: Companion To Public… hc
  19. Nathan, Joan Children’s Jewish Holiday Kitchen pb
  20. Nathan, Joan Jewish Holiday Baker: Recipes For Breads, Cakes, And… hc
  21. Ralphs Grocery Stores Community Passover Cookbook pb
  22. Roden, Claudia Book Of Jewish Food: Odyssey From Samarkand To New…hc
  23. Rubin, Doralee Patinkin Grandma Doralee Patinkin’s Holiday Cookbook: Jewish… hc
  24. Schulman, Zell Let My People Eat! Passover Seders Made Simple hc
  25. Sheraton, Mimi Bialy Eaters: The Story Of A Bread And A Lost World hc
  26. Temple Emanu-El, San Diego, CA Taste Of Chai: Collection Of Jewish & Int’l Favorite… sp
  27. Wigoder, Devorah Emmet Garden Of Eden Cookbook: Recipes In Biblical Tradition hc


  1. Aaron, Chester Black And Blue Jew pb s
  2. Abraham, Pearl Giving Up America hc
  3. Abraham, Pearl Romance Reader hc
  4. Abramovich, S.Y. Tales Of Mendele The Book Peddler hc
  5. Agnon, S.Y. Book That Was Lost And Other Stories pb
  6. Albom, Mitch For One More Day hc
  7. Aleichem, Sholom Nightingale hc
  8. Aleichem, Sholom Tevye Stories And Others pb
  9. Amichai, Yehuda Songs Of Jerusalem And Myself hc
  10. Ansky, S. Dybbuk And Other Writings, edited by David G. Roskies hc
  11. Appelfeld, Aharon Age Of Wonders hc
  12. Appelfeld, Aharon Badenheim 1939 hc
  13. Appelfeld, Aharon For Every Sin hc
  14. Appelfeld, Aharon Healer hc
  15. Appelfeld, Aharon Immortal Bartfuss hc
  16. Appelfeld, Aharon Iron Tracks hc
  17. Appelfeld, Aharon Katerina hc
  18. Appelfeld, Aharon Retreat hc
  19. Appelfeld, Aharon Tzili: The Story Of A Life hc
  20. Archer, Jeffrey Honor Among Thieves hc
  21. Ariel, Abe Last War pb s
  22. Arkin, Frieda Hedwig And Berti hc
  23. Arthur, Kay Israel, My Beloved hc
  24. Asch, Sholem East River pb
  25. Ascher, Carol Flood pb
  26. Auster, Paul Book Of Illusions hc
  27. Averbukh, Bena & Sinton, Lynne Bridge From Nowhere pb s
  28. Babel, Isaac Complete Works Of: Editor, Nathalie Babel hc
  29. Badanes, Jerome Final Opus Of Leon Solomon hc
  30. Bailey, Paul Uncle Rudolf hc
  31. Baker, Kevin Dreamland hc
  32. Baron, Aileen G. Fly Has A Hundred Eyes hc
  33. Barthelme, Donald King hc
  34. Bar-Zohar, Michael Brothers hc
  35. Bassani, Giorgio Garden Of The Finzi-Continis hc
  36. Bauman, Bruce And The Word Was pb
  37. Baxter, Charles Saul And Patsy hc
  38. Bellow, Saul Actual hc
  39. Bellow, Saul Collected Stories hc
  40. Bellow, Saul Him With His Foot In His Mouth And Othe Stories hc
  41. Bellow, Saul Ravelstein hc
  42. Bermant, Chaim Squire Of Bor Shachor hc
  43. Bezmozgis, David Natasha And Other Stories hc s
  44. Biro, Adam Two Jews On A Train: Stories From Old Country & New pb
  45. Blair, Shirley Berkson Amethyst Star pb
  46. Blau, Eric Beggar’s Cup hc
  47. Block, Paul & Vaughan, Robert Masada Scroll hc
  48. Bloom, Leon Stolen Art Triangles pb
  49. Blum, Jenna Those Who Save Us hc
  50. Brett, Lily Too Many Men hc
  51. Brodrick, William 6th Lamentation hc
  52. Buckley, Jr., William F. Getting It Right hc
  53. Buckley, Jr., William F. Nuremberg: The Reckoning hc
  54. Bukiet, Melvin Jules After hc
  55. Bukiet, Melvin Jules: Editor Neurotica: Jewish Writers On Sex hc
  56. Calisher, Hortense Sunday Jews hc
  57. Camiel, Shimon Outhouse War And Other Kibbutz Stories pb
  58. Camiel, Shimon Zelig’s Odyssey pb s
  59. Cantor, Jay Great Neck hc
  60. Carr, Caleb Alienist hc
  61. Carr, Caleb Angel Of Darkness hc
  62. Chabon, Michael Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier And Clay hc s
  63. Chabon, Michael Final Solution: A Story Of Detection hc s
  64. Chafets, Zev Inherit The Mob hc
  65. Chafets, Zev Project hc
  66. Chamisso, Adelbert von Peter Schlemiel: The Man Who Sold His Shadow hc
  67. Cheuse, Alan Grandmothers’ Club hc
  68. Codrescu, Andrei Messiah hc
  69. Cohen, Leonard Beautiful Losers hc
  70. Cohen, Matt Spanish Doctor hc
  71. Crawford, Oliver Execution hc s
  72. Crowder, Herbert Ambush At Osirak hc
  73. Cussler, Clive Treasure hc
  74. Daley, Robert Innocents Within hc
  75. D’Alpuget, Blanche Winter In Jerusalem hc
  76. Davidson, Lionel Menorah Men hc
  77. Davidson, Lionel Smith’s Gazelle hc
  78. Dayan, Yael Death Had Two Sons hc
  79. Delbanco, Nicholas What Remains hc
  80. Demetz, Hana House On Prague Street hc
  81. DePew, Alfred Melancholy Of Departure: Stories By hc
  82. Der Nister Family Mashber hc
  83. Dershowitz, Alan M. Advocate’s Devil hc
  84. Dershowitz, Alan M. Just Revenge hc s
  85. De Witt, Abigail Lili hc
  86. Dezenhall, Eric Spinning Dixie hc
  87. Diamant, Anita Good Harbor hc
  88. Doctorow, E.L. City Of God hc
  89. Douglas, Kirk Dance With The Devil hc s
  90. Douglas, Kirk Gift hc
  91. Dunn, J.R. Days Of Cain hc
  92. DuNour, Shlomo Adiel hc
  93. Durand, Loup Daddy hc
  94. Eisner, Will Fagin The Jew pb
  95. Eisner, Will Life Force pb
  96. Eliach, Yaffa Hasidic Tales Of The Holocaust pb
  97. Ellis, Julie Daughter’s Promise hc
  98. Engelhard, Jack Indecent Proposal pb
  99. Englander, Nathan For The Relief Of Unbearable Urges hc s
  100. Epstein, Leslie Ice Fire Water: A Leib Goldkorn Cocktail hc
  101. Evanier, David One-Star Jew pb
  102. Eve, Nomi Family Orchard hc
  103. Fast, Howard Immigrant’s Daughter hc
  104. Fast, Howard Max hc
  105. Fast, Howard Outsider hc
  106. Feinberg, David B. Eighty-Sixed hc
  107. Foer, Jonathan Safran Everything Is Illuminated hc
  108. Foer, Jonathan Safran Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close hc
  109. Ford, Robert Student Conductor hc
  110. Fox, Laurie My Sister From The Black Lagoon hc s
  111. Franken, Al Why Not Me? Inside Story Of The Franken Presidency hc
  112. Freed, Lynn Bungalow hc
  113. French, David & Nancy South Pacific Journal pb
  114. Freud, Esther Summer At Gaglow hc
  115. Friedman, Kinky Blast From The Past hc
  116. Friedman, Kinky Greenwich Killing Time hc
  117. Friedman, Kinky Love Song Of J. Edgar Hoover hc
  118. Friedman, Kinky Meanwhile Back At The Ranch hc s
  119. Friedman, Kinky Spanking Watson hc
  120. Fry, Stephen Making History hc
  121. Gaiman, Neil Anansi Boys hc s
  122. Gaiman, Neil Fragile Things hc
  123. Galford, Ellen Dyke And The Dybbuk pb
  124. Gardner, John Vlemk The Box-Painter hc
  125. Giardina, Anthony Boy’s Pretension hc
  126. Glass, Stephen Fabulist hc
  127. Glickman, Gary Years From Now hc
  128. Goldberg, Ken Peter Squared hc
  129. Golding, Michael Benjamin’s Gift hc
  130. Goldreich, Gloria West To Eden hc
  131. Goldreich, Gloria Years Of Dreams hc s
  132. Goldstein, Jan All That Matters hc
  133. Goldstein, Paul Errors And Omissions pb
  134. Goldstein, Rebecca Dark Sister hc s
  135. Goodman, Allegra Family Markowitz hc
  136. Goodman, Allegra Intuition hc
  137. Goodman, Allegra Kaaterskill Falls hc
  138. Goodman, Allegra Paradise Park hc
  139. Goodman, Anthony A. Shadow Of God: A Novel Of War And Faith hc
  140. Goodman, Eric In Days Of Awe hc
  141. Gordon, Noah Last Jew hc
  142. Grade, Chaim Rabbis & Wives pb
  143. Graziunas, Daina & Starlin, Jim Thinning The Predators hc
  144. Greene, Harlan Why We Never Danced The Charleston hc
  145. Grisham, John Broker hc
  146. Grisham, John Chamber hc
  147. Gross, Joel Lives Of Rachel hc
  148. Grossman, David See Under: Love hc
  149. Grossman, David Smile Of The Lamb hc
  150. Grossman, Richard Book Of Lazarus hc
  151. Grynberg, Henryk Drohobycz, Drohobycz And Other Stories pb
  152. Gur, Batya Murder On A Kibbutz: A Communal Case pb
  153. Gutcheon, Beth Leeway Cottage hc
  154. Hamburger, Aaron Faith For Beginners hc
  155. Hareven, Shulamith Prophet hc
  156. Harlow, Bill Circle William hc
  157. Hegi, Ursula Stones From The River hc
  158. Heller, Joseph Good As Gold hc
  159. Hersey, John Wall hc
  160. Hershman, Marcie Safe In America hc
  161. Higgins, Jack Night Of The Fox hc
  162. Hirshberg, Glen Snowman’s Children hc
  163. Hoffman, Allen Big League Dreams hc
  164. Hoffman, Yoel Christ Of Fish hc
  165. Hurka, Joseph Before hc
  166. Hyde, Christopher Gathering Of Saints hc
  167. Ignatius, David Agents Of Innocence: A Spy Story hc
  168. Iles, Greg Black Cross hc
  169. Isaacs, Susan After All These Years hc s
  170. Isaacs, Susan Red White And Blue hc
  171. Isler, Alan Bacon Fancier: Four Tales hc
  172. Isler, Alan Clerical Errors hc
  173. Jen, Gish Mona In The Promised Land hc
  174. Jones, Ted While God Slept: A Novel Of World War II hc
  175. Jong, Erica Parachutes And Kisses hc
  176. Jong-Fast, Molly Normal Girl hc
  177. Joyce, James Ulysses hc
  178. Kahn, Sharon Don’t Cry For Me, Hot Pastrami: Ruby, Rabbi’s Wife… hc
  179. Kahn, Sharon Fax Me A Bagel: Introducing Ruby, The Rabbi’s Wife hc
  180. Kamen, Ben Remora pb
  181. Kaminski, Andre Kith And Kin hc
  182. Kaminsky, Stuart M. Big Silence: An Abe Lieberman Mystery hc
  183. Kaminsky, Stuart M. Not Quite Kosher pb
  184. Kashua, Sayed Dancing Arabs pb
  185. Katzir, Yehudit Closing The Sea: Stories hc
  186. Kaufman, Lloyd Toxic Avenger pb
  187. Kay, Terry Shadow Song hc
  188. Keeley, Edmund School For Pagan Lovers hc
  189. Kellerman, Faye Day Of Atonement hc
  190. Kellerman, Faye Forgotten: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  191. Kellerman, Faye Jupiter’s Bones hc
  192. Kellerman, Faye Justice: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  193. Kellerman, Faye Moon Music hc s
  194. Kellerman, Faye Prayers For The Dead: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  195. Kellerman, Faye Sanctuary: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  196. Kellerman, Faye Serpent’s Tooth: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  197. Kellerman, Faye Stalker: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  198. Kellerman, Faye Stone Kiss: A Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus Novel hc
  199. Kellerman, Faye Street Dreams hc
  200. Kemelman, Harry Day The Rabbi Resigned: A Rabbi Small Mystery hc
  201. Keneally, Thomas Schindler’s List pb
  202. Keret, Etgar Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God And Other Stories hc
  203. Kertesz, Imre Fatelessness pb
  204. Kertesz, Imre Kaddish For A Child Not Born hc
  205. Kertesz, Imre Liquidation pb
  206. Kiefer, Warren Pontius Pilate Papers hc
  207. King, Laurie R. O Jerusalem hc
  208. Kirshenbaum, Binnie Hester Among The Ruins hc
  209. Kis, Danilo Early Sorrows hc
  210. Kis, Danilo Garden, Ashes pb
  211. Kis, Danilo Tomb For Boris Davidovich hc
  212. Kolakowski, Leszek Tales From The Kingdom Of Lailonia & Key To Heaven hc
  213. Kometani, Foumiko Passover hc
  214. Korda, Michael Worldly Goods hc
  215. Kosinski, Jerzy Pinball pb
  216. Koss, Amy Goldman Girls hc
  217. Kotler, Steven Angle Quickest For Flight hc
  218. Kotlowitz, Robert His Master’s Voice hc
  219. Kraus, Chris Torpor pb
  220. Krauss, Nicole History Of Love hc
  221. Krich, Rochelle Angel Of Death pb s
  222. Krich, Rochelle Blues In The Night: A Novel Of Suspense hc
  223. Kurlansky, Mark Boogaloo On 2nd Avenue: Novel Of Pastry, Guilt & Music pb
  224. Kushner, Rabbi Lawrence Kabbalah: A Love Story hc s
  225. Land, Jon Pillars Of Solomon hc s
  226. Land, Jon Walls Of Jericho hc
  227. Langer, Adam Crossing California hc
  228. Learner, Tobsha Witch Of Cologne hc
  229. Leavitt, David Martin Bauman; Or, A Sure Thing hc
  230. Lefcourt, Peter Woody hc
  231. Leokum, Arkady Temple hc
  232. Lerman, Rhoda God’s Ear hc
  233. Lesser, Ellen Shoplifter’s Apprentice: Stories hc
  234. Levi, Jonathan Guide For The Perplexed pb
  235. Levi, Primo Sixth Day And Other Tales hc
  236. Levin, Jennifer Sea Of Light hc
  237. Levin, Meyer Harvest hc
  238. Levin, Meyer Spell Of Time: A Tale Of Love In Jerusalem hc
  239. Levitin, Sonia Return hc
  240. Lindgren, Torgny Bathsheba hc
  241. Lipman, Elinor Inn At Lake Devine hc
  242. Liss, David Coffee Trader hc
  243. Liss, David Conspiracy Of Paper hc
  244. Livingston, Harold Touch The Sky: Novel Of The Aviation Industry hc
  245. Lottman, Eileen She And I hc
  246. Lowenthal, Michael Same Embrace hc
  247. Lustig, Arnost Fire On Water: Porgess And The Abyss pb
  248. Lustig, Arnost Prayer For Katerina Horovitzova hc
  249. Lustig, Arnost Unloved: From The Diary Of Perla S. hc
  250. MacInnes, Helen Double Image hc
  251. Mailer, Norman Gospel According To The Son hc
  252. Maisel, Alan Brain Chicane pb s
  253. Makiya, Kanan Rock: A Tale Of Seventh-Century Jerusalem hc
  254. Malamud, Bernard Complete Stories hc
  255. Malamud, Bernard Stories Of Bernard Malamud hc
  256. Mann, Thomas Joseph In Egypt, Volume 1 hc
  257. Mann, Thomas Joseph In Egypt, Volume 2 hc
  258. Marcuse, Irene Under The Manhattan Bridge: An Anita Servi Mystery hc
  259. Marlowe, Ann Book Of Trouble hc
  260. Marlowe, Stephen Death And Life Of Miguel de Cervantes hc
  261. Mazya, Edna Love Burns pb
  262. McCracken, Elizabeth Niagara Falls All Over Again hc
  263. Megged, Aharon Living On The Dead pb
  264. Melnyk, Eugenie My Darling Elia hc
  265. Michalos, Peter Psyche: A Novel Of The Young Freud hc
  266. Miller, Risa Welcome To Heavenly Nights hc
  267. Millman, Dan Journeys Of Socrates hc
  268. Mirilyubov, Hope B. Tribunal Of The Heart hc
  269. Mirvis, Tova Ladies Auxilary hc
  270. Montecino, Marcel Crosskiller hc
  271. Moore, Brian Statement hc
  272. Morrell, David League Of Night And Fog hc
  273. Morris, M.E. Icemen: A Novel Of Antarctica hc
  274. Mossman, Dow Stones Of Summer hc
  275. Nahai, Gina B. Moonlight On The Avenue Of Faith pb
  276. Nassib, Selim Palestinian Lover pb
  277. Nattel, Lilian River Midnight hc
  278. Nattel, Lilian Singing Fire hc
  279. Newman, Leslea In Every Laugh A Tear pb s
  280. Norman, Howard Museum Guard hc
  281. North, Oliver & Musser, Joe Jericho Sanction hc
  282. Opatoshu, Joseph Day In Regensburg: A Collection Of Short Stories hc
  283. Oz, Amos Don’t Call It Night hc s
  284. Oz, Amos Elsewhere, Perhaps hc s
  285. Oz, Amos Fima hc s
  286. Oz, Amos My Michael hc s
  287. Oz, Amos Panther In The Basement hc s
  288. Oz, Amos Perfect Peace hc s
  289. Oz, Amos Same Sea hc s
  290. Oz, Amos To Know A Woman hc s
  291. Oz, Amos Touch The Water, Touch The Wind hc s
  292. Ozick, Cynthia Puttermesser Papers hc
  293. Paretsky, Sara Total Recall: A V.I. Warshawski Novel hc
  294. Parker, Thomas Trebitsch Anna Ann Annie hc
  295. Paul, Jim Medieval In L.A. hc
  296. Pearl, Matthew Poe Shadow hc
  297. Pekic, Borislav How To Quiet A Vampire pb
  298. Pendleton, Louis Lost Prince Almon hc
  299. Perez-Reverte, Arturo Purity Of Blood pb
  300. Perutz, Leo By Night Under The Stone Bridge hc
  301. Piesman, Marissa Heading Uptown: A Nina Fischman Mystery hc
  302. Piesman, Marissa Unorthodox Practices: A Nina Fischman Mystery pb
  303. Pollock, J.C. Goering’s List hc
  304. Posell, Elsa Homecoming hc
  305. Potok, Chaim Book Of Lights hc
  306. Potok, Chaim Chosen And Related Readings hc
  307. Potok, Chaim Davita’s Harp hc
  308. Potok, Chaim Gift Of Asher Lev hc
  309. Potok, Chaim My Name Is Asher Lev hc
  310. Pottinger, Stan Last Nazi hc
  311. Powers, Charles T. In The Memory Of The Forest hc
  312. Price, Reynolds Permanent Errors pb
  313. Rabinovich, Dalia Flora’s Suitcase hc
  314. Raphael, Lev Dancing On Tisha B’Av hc
  315. Raphael, Lev Let’s Get Criminal: A Mystery hc
  316. Raphael, Lev Winter Eyes pb
  317. Reich, Tova My Holocaust hc
  318. Reichs, Kathy Cross Bones hc
  319. Reuss, Frederick Mohr hc
  320. Rice, Anne Servant Of The Bones hc
  321. Richler, Mordecai Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz pb
  322. Richler, Mordecai Barney’s Version hc
  323. Rosen, Nicolle Mrs. Freud hc
  324. Rosenbaum, Thane Elijah Visible: Stories pb
  325. Rosenberg, Joel C. Last Jihad hc
  326. Rosenfield, Israel Freud’s Megalomania hc
  327. Rosenstone, Robert A. King Of Odessa hc s
  328. Roshwald, Mordecai Level 7 pb
  329. Rosner, Elizabeth Speed Of Light pb
  330. Rossner, Judith His Little Women hc
  331. Rosten, Leo Silky! A Detective Story hc
  332. Roth, Henry Call It Sleep pb
  333. Roth, Henry Diving Rock On The Hudson hc
  334. Roth, Henry Mercy Of A Rude Stream hc
  335. Roth, Henry Requiem For Harlem hc
  336. Roth, Matthue Never Mind The Goldbergs hc
  337. Roth, Philip American Pastoral hc
  338. Roth, Philip Anatomy Lesson hc
  339. Roth, Philip Counterlife hc
  340. Roth, Philip Deception hc
  341. Roth, Philip Human Stain pb
  342. Roth, Philip I Married A Communist hc
  343. Roth, Philip Operation Shylock: A Confession hc
  344. Roth, Philip Plot Against America hc
  345. Roth, Philip Sabbath’s Theater hc
  346. Roth, Philip Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy And Epilogue pb
  347. Roth, Philip Zuckerman Unbound hc
  348. Ruff, Matt Sewer, Gas And Electric: The Public Works Trilogy hc
  349. Rutherfurd, Edward Russka: The Novel Of Russia hc
  350. Sabato, Haim Adjusting Sights hc
  351. Sandford, Rick Boys Across The Street hc
  352. Sasson, Jean Ester’s Child hc s
  353. Sawikin, Harvey Education Of Rick Green, Esq. hc
  354. Schine, Cathleen Evolution Of Jane hc
  355. Schlink, Bernhard Flights Of Love hc
  356. Schlink, Bernhard Reader pb
  357. Schmidt, H. Edward Circle: Terror And Triumph In The Holy Land hc
  358. Schulman, Sarah Empathy hc s
  359. Schwartz, Howard Four Who Entered Paradise hc
  360. Schwartz, Howard Lilith’s Cave: Jewish Tales Of The Supernatural hc s
  361. Schwarz, Miriam Yemenite Filigree hc
  362. Schwarz-Bart, Andre Last Of The Just hc
  363. Schwarzschild, Edward Family Diamond pb
  364. Sebald, W.G. Austerlitz pb
  365. Shabtai, Yaakov Past Perfect hc
  366. Shapiro, Dani Picturing The Wreck hc
  367. Sharpe, Matthew Sleeping Father pb s
  368. Shem, Samuel Fine hc
  369. Sherwood, Frances Book Of Splendor hc s
  370. Shields, Jody Fig Eater hc
  371. Shteyngart, Gary Absurdistan hc
  372. Siegel, Lee Love And Other Games Of Chance hc
  373. Signoret, Simone Adieu, Volodya hc
  374. Silva, Daniel Confessor hc
  375. Silva, Daniel Death In Vienna hc s
  376. Silva, Daniel English Assassin hc
  377. Silva, Daniel Kill Artist hc
  378. Silva, Daniel Messenger hc
  379. Silva, Daniel Prince Of Fire hc
  380. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Certificate hc
  381. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Death Of Methuselah And Other Stories hc
  382. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Enemies, A Love Story hc
  383. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Estate hc
  384. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Gimpel The Fool hc
  385. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Gimpel The Fool & Other Stories: Read ByTheodore Bikel cd
  386. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Image And Other Stories hc
  387. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Manor hc
  388. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Meshugah hc
  389. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Old Love hc
  390. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Penitent hc
  391. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Reaches Of Heaven: A Story Of The Baal Shem Tov hc
  392. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Satan In Goray pb
  393. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Shadows On The Hudson hc
  394. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Short Friday hc
  395. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Shosha hc
  396. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Slave; Enemies, A Love Story; Shosha 3 Complete Novels hc
  397. Singer, Katie Wholeness Of A Broken Heart hc
  398. Skibell, Joseph Blessing On The Moon pb
  399. Slavitt, David R. Turkish Delights hc
  400. Sloan, Susan R. Isolated Incident hc
  401. Smilevski, Goce Conversation With Spinoza: A Cobweb Novel pb
  402. Smith, Martin Cruz Stallion Gate hc
  403. Smith, Zadie Autograph Man hc
  404. Sohn, Amy Run Catch Kiss: A Gratifying Novel hc
  405. Steel, Danielle Coming Out hc
  406. Steel, Danielle Echoes hc
  407. Stein, Tammar Light Years hc
  408. Stewart, Fred Mustard Ellis Island hc
  409. Stollman, Aryeh Lev Dialogue Of Time And Entropy: Stories hc
  410. Stollman, Aryeh Lev Far Euphrates hc
  411. Stone, Robert Damascus Gate hc
  412. Stow, Randolph Girl Green As Elderflower hc
  413. Sue, Eugene Wandering Jew, Volume 1 hc
  414. Sue, Eugene Wandering Jew, Volume 2 hc
  415. Szerb, Antal Pendragon Legend pb
  416. Taher, Bahaa Love In Exile hc
  417. Tarr, Herbert Heaven Help Us! hc s
  418. Telushkin, Joseph & Estrin, Allen Heaven’s Witness hc s
  419. Tenenbaum, Silvia Yesterday’s Streets hc
  420. Thomas, Will Some Danger Involved hc
  421. Tisma, Aleksandar Book Of Blam hc
  422. Topol, Edward Jewish Lover hc
  423. Toppel, Lori Three Children hc
  424. Tracy, P.J. Live Bait hc
  425. Turow, Scott Laws Of Our Fathers hc
  426. Turow, Scott Ordinary Heroes hc
  427. Turtledove, Harry In The Presence Of Mine Enemies hc
  428. Uris, Leon God In Ruins hc
  429. Uris, Leon Mitla Pass hc
  430. Vandenburgh, Jane Physics Of Sunset hc
  431. Vapnyar, Lara Memoirs Of A Muse hc
  432. Vea, Jr., Alfredo Silver Cloud Café hc
  433. Wagman, Fredrica Mrs. Hornstien hc
  434. Wales, Ken & Poling, David Sea Of Glory: Based On True World War II Story Of… hc
  435. Wallace, Irving Almighty hc
  436. Walsh, Michael As Time Goes By: A Novel Of Casablanca hc
  437. Wangerin, Walter Book Of God: The Bible As A Novel hc
  438. Ware, William Zenobia: Queen Of Palmyra hc
  439. Wasserstein, Wendy Elements Of Style hc
  440. Weil, Grete Bride Price hc
  441. Weinstein, Sol & Albrecht, Howard Jonathan Segal Chicken pb
  442. Weiner, Jennifer Little Earthquakes hc
  443. Weiss, Peter Exile hc
  444. Wenner, Kate Dancing With Einstein hc
  445. West, Morris L. Tower Of Babel hc
  446. Widmer, Eleanor Up From Orchard Street hc
  447. Wiesel, Elie Beggar In Jerusalem hc
  448. Wiesel, Elie Fifth Son hc
  449. Wiesel, Elie Judges hc
  450. Wiesel, Elie Night/Dawn/Day hc
  451. Wiesel, Elie Oath hc
  452. Wiesel, Elie Time Of The Uprooted pb
  453. Wiesel, Elie Twilight pb
  454. Wilentz, Amy Martyrs’ Crossing hc
  455. Wilson, Jonathan Palestine Affair hc s
  456. Winograd, Leonard Rabies Is Jewish Priests pb s
  457. Wouk, Herman Glory hc
  458. Wouk, Herman Hope hc
  459. Wouk, Herman Marjorie Morningstar hc
  460. Wouk, Herman Winds Of War hc
  461. Yalom, Irvin D. Living On The Couch pb
  462. Yehoshua, A.B. Journey To The Ends Of The Millennium pb
  463. Yehoshua, A.B. Woman In Jerusalem pb
  464. Yezierska, Anzia Bread Givers pb
  465. Yglesias, Rafael Dr. Neruda’s Cure For Evil hc
  466. Yoder Jr., Edwin M. Lions At Lamb House pb
  467. Zable, Arnold Café Scheherazade pb
  468. Zabor, Rafi Bear Comes Home hc
  469. Zelitch, Simone Louisa hc
  470. Zeyv, Sender Every Man A Slave: A Historical Fiction (1807-1862) hc
  471. Zimler, Richard Last Kabbalist Of Lisbon pb
  472. Zinik, Zinovy One-Way Ticket hc
  473. Zollo, Burt Prisoners: A Novel Of World War II hc


  1. Ariel, Shlomo & Eizenberg, My Dictionary: Book Of Genesis, Illustrated Bible… hc
  2. Bar-Lev, Zev Shush! And Say “Six” (an alef-bet book) pb
  3. Beare, Aleeze Cerf Say It In Hebrew (Modern Israeli Usage) pb
  4. Behrman House My Hebrew Tutor, 2 Cassettes au
  5. Ben-Abba, Dov Signet Hebrew/English English/Hebrew Dictionary pb
  6. Ben-Yehuda, Ehud & Weinstein, Pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary pb
  7. Blumenthal, Scott E. Welcome To Modern Hebrew, Teacher’s Edition, Vol. 1 sp
  8. Brown, Francis et al. Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew And English Lexicon hc
  9. Clark, Matityahu Etymological Dictionary Of Biblical Hebrew hc
  10. Dobson, John H. Learn Biblical Hebrew, 2nd Edition With CD hc
  11. Edwards, Michelle Alef-bet: A Hebrew Alphabet Book hc
  12. Glinert, Lewis Joys Of Hebrew hc
  13. Golinkin, Noah Shalom Aleichem: Learn To Read The Hebrew Prayerbook pb
  14. Golub, Jane et al. Better Hebrew Primer pb
  15. Golub, Jane et al. Hebrew Primer Home Workbook pb
  16. Golub, Jane et al. Journeys: A Hebrew Primer, 3 Volumes pb
  17. Golub, Jane et al. Journeys: A Hebrew Primer, Teacher’s Edition sp
  18. Haralick, Robert M. Inner Meaning Of The Hebrew Letters hc
  19. Hunter, A. Vanlier Biblical Hebrew Workbook: Inductive Study For Beginners sp
  20. Kittle, Bonnie Pedrotti et al. Biblical Hebrew: A Text And Workbook hc
  21. LaSor, William Sanford Handbook Of Biblical Hebrew: Inductive Approach… pb
  22. Mansoor, Menahem Biblical Hebrew Step By Step, Volume 3rd Edition pb
  23. Mansoor, Menahem Key To Biblical Hebrew Step By Step, Volume 1 pb
  24. Mansoor, Menahem Key To Biblical Hebrew Step By Step, Volume 2, 3rd Ed. pb
  25. Mitchel, Larry A. Student’s Vocabulary For Biblical Hebrew & Aramaic pb
  26. Motzkin, Linda Aleph Isn’t Enough: Hebrew For Adults, 3 Volumes pb
  27. Motzkin, Linda Aleph Isn’t Enough: Hebrew For Adults, Teacher Guide pb
  28. Passport Books Let’s Learn Hebrew Picture Dictionary hc
  29. Renyi Picture Dictionary Hebrew And English hc
  30. Richards, I.A. et al. Hebrew Through Pictures, Book 1 pb
  31. Rosenberg, Yitzchok Mordechai L’Shon Nafshi: How To Read & Write Elementary Hebrew sp
  32. Rowe, Debi M. L’Shon ha-Kodesh: Beginning Hebrew Book For Adults pb
  33. Saenz-Badillos, Angel History Of The Hebrew Language hc
  34. Silver, Cheri Ellowitz Mitkadem: Hebrew Language For Youth Student with CD pb
  35. Simon, Ethelyin & Resnikoff, Irene Beginner’s Dictionary Of Prayerbook Hebrew pb
  36. Simon, Ethelyn et al. First Hebrew Primer, 3rd Edition: Adult Beginner’s Path… pb
  37. Tarnor, Pearl & Levy, Carol New Hebrew Primer pb
  38. Tarnor, Pearl & Levy, Carol New Hebrew Primer: Teacher’s Edition sp
  39. Tarnor, Pearl Shalom Alef Bet! A Pre-Primer For Shalom Uvrachah pb
  40. Tarnor, Pearl Shalom Alef Bet! Teaching Guide pb
  41. Topics Entertainment Instant Immersion Hebrew, 2 CD-Rom Set cd
  42. Weingreen, J. Practical Grammar For Classical Hebrew, Second Edition hc
  43. Williams, Ronald J. Hebrew Syntax: An Outline, Second Edition pb
  44. Yedwab, Paul & Bogot, Howard Learn Hebrew Today: Alef-Bet For Adults pb
  45. Zilberman, Shimon Compact English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary pb
  46. Ziv, Nili Welcome To Modern Hebrew: 2 Volumes pb


Ancient History

  1. Aharoni, Yohanan Land Of The Bible hc
  2. Armstrong, Karen Great Transformation: Beginning Of Our Religious… pb
  3. Attenborough, David First Eden: Mediterranean World… hc
  4. Barclay, John M. Jews In The Mediterranean Diaspora pb
  5. Bartlett, John R. Jews In The Hellenistic World hc
  6. Blenkinsopp, Joseph History Of Prophecy In Israel pb
  7. Boccaccini, Gabriele Beyond The Essene Hypothesis: Parting Of The Ways… pb
  8. Borchsenius, Poul Son Of A Star hc
  9. Cohen, Shaye J.D. Beginnings Of Jewishness hc
  10. Coogan, Michael D. Oxford History Of Biblical World hc
  11. Cross, Frank Moore Canaanite Myth And Hebrew Epic pb
  12. De Vaux, R. Archaeology And The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Schweich… hc
  13. Dever, William G. Did God Have A Wife? hc
  14. Dever, William G. Recent Archaeological Discoveries hc
  15. Droge, Arthur & Tabor, James D. Noble Death: Suicide & Martyrdom hc
  16. Eisenman, Robert Dead Sea Scrolls & The First Christians: Essays And… hc
  17. Feldman, Louis H. Jew & Gentile In The Ancient World pb
  18. Finkelstein, Israel Archaeology Of The Israelite… hc
  19. Finkelstein, Israel & Silberman, David And Solomon: In Search Of Bible’s Sacred Kings… pb
  20. Goodenough, Erwin R. Jewish Symbols In The Greco… hc
  21. Grant, Michael History Of Ancient Israel hc
  22. Grant, Michael Jews In The Roman World hc
  23. Guignebert, Charles Jewish World In The Time Of Jesus hc
  24. Herzog, Chaim & Gichon, Battles Of The Bible hc
  25. Isserlin, B.S.J. Israelites hc
  26. Josephus Jewish War hc
  27. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Archaeology In The Holy Land hc
  28. Kingsley, Sean God’s Gold: Quest For The Lost Temple Treasures Of… hc
  29. Klingaman, William K. First Century hc
  30. Kraemer, Ross Shepard Her Share Of The Blessings hc
  31. Krosney, Herbert Lost Gospel: The Quest For The Gospel Of Judas Iscariot hc
  32. Maier, Paul L. Josephus: The Essential Works hc
  33. Mazar, Amihai Archaeology Of The Land Of The… hc
  34. Mendelson, Alan Secular Education In Philo Of Alexandria hc
  35. Neusner, Jacob From Testament To Torah pb
  36. Neusner, Jacob Judaism In The Beginning Of… pb
  37. Parkes, James Foundations Of Judaism And… hc
  38. Pearlman, Moshe Dead Sea Scrolls In The Shrine Of The Book pb
  39. Pellegrino, Charles Return To Sodom And Gomorrah hc
  40. Ritmeyer, Leen & Kathleen Secrets Of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount pb
  41. Rosenberg, David Abraham: The First Historical Biography pb
  42. Sanders, E.P. Jesus And Judaism pb
  43. Sanders, E.P. Paul And Palestinian Judaism pb
  44. Sanders, E.P. Paul, The Law, And The Jewish… pb
  45. Schürer, Emil History Of The Jewish People In… hc

Volume I, II, III.1, III.2 (complete)

  1. Schwabe, Moshe & Lifshitz, Beth She’arim Volume II: The Greek Inscriptions hc
  2. Shanks, Hershel & Witherington, Brother Of Jesus: James hc
  3. Shanks, Hershel Jerusalem: Archaeological… hc
  4. Skarsaune, Oskar In The Shadow Of The Temple hc
  5. Speller, Elizabeth Following Hadrian hc
  6. Tamarin, Alfred H. Revolt In Judea: Road To Masada hc
  7. Thiede, Carsten Peter Dead Sea Scrolls & The Jewish Origins Of Christianity hc
  8. Watson, Francis Paul, Judaism And The Gentiles pb
  9. Yadin, Yigael Masada hc s

Contemporary History, 1789-

  1. Bilski, Emily & Braun, Emily Jewish Women And Their Salons hc
  2. Borchsenius, Poul Chains Are Broken hc
  3. Bristow, Edward J. Prostitution & Prejudice hc
  4. Chesler, Phyllis New Anti-Semitism hc
  5. Gay, Peter Schnitzler’s Century: Making Of Middle-Class Culture hc
  6. Gilbert, Martin From The Ends Of The Earth hc s
  7. Grossman, Grace & Kirschner, On Moral Grounds: President pb
  8. Gruber, Ruth Ellen Virtually Jewish: Reinventing… hc
  9. Heilman, Samuel Defenders Of The Faith: Inside Ultra-Orthodox Jewry pb
  10. Levy, Bernard-Henri Who Killed Daniel Pearl? hc
  11. Lindemann, Albert S. Jew Accused: Three Anti-Semitic Affairs, Dreyfus, Beilis, hc
  12. Patai, Raphael Vanished Worlds Of Jewry hc
  13. Sachar, Howard M. Dreamland: Europeans & Jews In Aftermath Of Great War hc
  14. Sanders, Ronald Shores Of Refuge: Hundred Years Of Jewish Emigration hc
  15. Stanislawski, Michael Zionism And The Fin De Siecle: Cosmopolitanism And… pb
  16. Strom, Yale Expulsion Of The Jews hc
  17. Tye, Larry Home Lands: Portraits Of The New Jewish Diaspora hc s
  18. Wasserstein, Bernard Vanishing Diaspora: The Jews In Europe Since 1945 hc

General History

  1. Andrews, Richard Blood On The Mountain: A History… hc
  2. Armstrong, Karen History Of God: 4000 Year Quest Of Judaism… hc
  3. Bermant, Chaim Jews hc
  4. Cahill, Thomas Gifts Of The Jews: How A Tribe Of Desert Nomads… hc
  5. Cantor, Norman F. Jewish Experience hc
  6. Cantor, Norman F. Sacred Chain: History Of The Jews hc
  7. Carroll, James Constantine’s Sword: Church And… hc
  8. Comay, Joan Temple Of Jerusalem hc
  9. Conway, Joan Diaspora Story: Epic Of The Jewish hc
  10. Dimont, Max I. Indestructible Jews pb
  11. Eban, Abba Heritage: Civilization And The Jews hc
  12. Eban, Abba My People: The Story Of The Jews hc
  13. Gilbert, Martin Letters To Aunt Fori hc s
  14. Johnson, Paul History Of The Jews hc
  15. Keller, Werner Diaspora: Post-Biblical History… hc
  16. Kirsch, Jonathan Woman Who Laughed at God: The Untold History of the… hc
  17. Lange, Nicholas De Illustrated History Of The Jewish… hc
  18. Levine, Allan Scattered Among The Peoples hc
  19. Lutske, Harvey History In Their Hands hc
  20. McGinn, Bernard Antichrist: Two Thousand Years of the Human… hc
  21. Momigliano, Arnaldo Essays On Ancient & Modern… hc
  22. Nicholls, William Christian Antisemitism pb
  23. Perry, Marvin & Schweitzer, Antisemitism: Myth & Hate From Antiquity To Present hc
  24. Potok, Chaim Wanderings: History Of The Jews pb
  25. Raddock, Charles Portrait Of A People: Story Of Jews From Ancient To… hc
  26. Raphael, Chaim Springs Of Jewish Life hc
  27. Rubin, Alexis P. Scattered Among The Nations hc
  28. Sachar, Abram Leon History Of The Jews hc
  29. Scheindlin, Raymond P. Short History Of The Jewish People hc
  30. Trepp, Leo History Of The Jewish People: Eternal Faith, Eternal People pb
  31. Vidal-Naquet, Pierre Jews: History, Memory, And The… hc
  32. Wigoder, Geoffrey Story Of The Synagogue hc
  33. Wouk, Herman Will To Live On: This Is Our… hc

Medieval Times

  1. Benjamin, Sandra World Of Benjamin Of Tudela hc
  2. Cantor, Norman F. Inventing The Middle Ages hc
  3. Chazan, Robert In The Year 1096: First Crusade… hc
  4. Clark, Victoria Far-Farers: Journey From Viking… hc
  5. Ginzburg, Carlo Ecstasies: Deciphering The Witches hc
  6. Godwin, Joscelyn Harmony Of The Spheres: Sourcebook Of Pythagorean… hc
  7. Hallam, Elizabeth Chronicles Of The Crusades hc
  8. Koestler, Arthur Thirteenth Tribe hc
  9. Marcus, Ivan G. Rituals Of Childhood hc
  10. Prinz, Joachim Popes From The Ghetto hc
  11. Queller, Donald & Madden, Fourth Crusade: Conquest Of Constantinople, 2nd Edition hc
  12. Robinson, John J. Dungeon, Fire And Sword hc
  13. Runciman, Steven History Of The Crusades 3 Volumes hc
  14. Ziegler, Philip Black Death hc

Modern History, 1492-1789

  1. Armstrong, Karen Battle For God pb
  2. Foa, Anna Jews Of Europe After The Black… hc
  3. Gitlitz, David M. Secrecy And Deceit: Religion Of… hc
  4. Kamen, Henry Spanish Inquisition hc
  5. Rubin, Nancy Isabella Of Castile hc
  6. Schwartz, Leon Diderot And The Jews hc
  7. Stern, Selma Court Jew hc rp


  1. Abzug, Robert H Inside The Vicious Heart: Americans & Liberation Of… pb
  2. Ainsztein, Reuben In Lands Not My Own: A Wartime Journey hc
  3. Anne Frank House: Compiled by Anne Frank In The World hc
  4. Astor, Gerald Last Nazi: The Life And Times Of Dr. Joseph Mengele hc
  5. Authers, John & Wolffe, Richard Victim’s Fortune: Battle Over Debts Of The Holocaust hc
  6. Aycoberry, Pierre Social History Of The Third Reich. 1933-1945 hc
  7. Bachrach, Susan D. Tell Them We Remember: The Story Of The Holocaust hc
  8. Bankier, David Germans And The Final Solution: Public Opinion Under… hc
  9. Bar-Zohar, Michael Beyond Hitler’s Grasp: Heroic Rescue of Bulgaria’s Jews hc
  10. Baumann, Zygmunt Modernity And The Holocaust pb
  11. Beck, Gad Underground Life: Memoirs Of A Gay Jew In Nazi Berlin pb
  12. Beer, Edith Hahn & Dworkin, Susan Nazi Officer’s Wife: How One Jewis Woman Survived… hc
  13. Berenbaum, Michael Promise To Remember: Holocaust In Words & Voices… hc
  14. Berenbaum, Michael, Editor Witness To The Holocaust: Illustrated Documentary… hc
  15. Berenbaum, Michael World Must Know: History Of Holocaust As Told In… hc
  16. Beschloss, Michael Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman & Destruction Of… hc
  17. Bierman, John Righteous Gentile: Story Of Raoul Wallenberg, Missing… hc
  18. Black, Edwin IBM And The Holocaust: Strategic Alliance Between… hc
  19. Black, Edwin Transfer Agreement: Dramatic Story Of Pact Between… hc
  20. Breitman, Richard Official Secrets: What The Nazis Planned, What The… hc
  21. Breznitz, Shlomo Memory Fields: Legacy Of Wartime Childhood In… hc
  22. Bridgman, Jon End Of The Holocaust: Liberation Of The Camps hc
  23. Brown, Jean & Stephens & Rubin Images From The Holocaust: A Literature Anthology pb
  24. Bridgman, Jon End Of The Holocaust hc
  25. Brown & Stephens & Rubin Images From The Holocaust pb
  26. Browning, Christopher R. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Batallion 101 & Final… pb
  27. Browning, Christopher R. Origins Of The Final Solution: Evolution Of Nazi Jewish… hc
  28. Browning, Christopher R. Path To Genocide: Essays On Lauching The Final Solution pb
  29. Brustein, William Logic Of Evil: Social Origins Of Nazi Party, 1925-1933 pb
  30. Bukey, Evan Burr Hitler’s Austria: Popular Sentiment In Nazi Era, 1938-1945 hc
  31. Bukiet, Melvin Jules: Editor Nothing Makes You Free: Writings By Descendants Of hc
  32. Chartock, Rosalie & Spencer, Jack Holocaust Years: Society On Trial pb
  33. Clare, George Last Waltz In Vienna: Destruction Of A Family 1842-1942 hc
  34. Cohen, Elie A. Human Behavior In The Concentration Camp pb
  35. Cohen, Kate Neppi Modona Diaries: Reading Jewish Survival Through…hc
  36. Cohen, Rich Avengers: A Jewish War Story hc
  37. Conot, Robert E. Justice At Nuremberg: Account OfTrial Of Nazi Leaders hc
  38. Cornwell, John Hitler’s Pope: Secret History Of Pius XII hc
  39. Cornwell, John Hitler’s Scientists: Science, War, And The Devil’s Pact hc
  40. Crane, Cynthia Divided Lives: Stories Of Jewish-Christian Women In… hc
  41. Curtis, Michael Verdict On Vichy: Power & Prejudice in Vichy France hc
  42. Cyprys, Ruth Altbeker Jump For Life: Survivor’s Journal From Poland hc
  43. Dalin, Rabbi David G. Myth Of Hitler’s Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews hc
  44. Davidson, Eugene Trial Of The Germans: Nuremberg 1945-1946 hc
  45. Dawidowicz, Lucy S From That Place And Time hc
  46. Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Holocaust And The Historians hc
  47. Dawidowicz, Lucy S. et al, Essays Spiritual Resistance: Art From Concentration Camps… hc
  48. Dawidowicz, Lucy S. War Against The Jews, 1933-1945 hc
  49. Dawidowicz, Lucy S. War Against The Jews, 1933-1945 Updated hc
  50. Dawidowicz, Lucy S. What Is The Use Of Jewish History? hc
  51. Deaglio, Enrico Banality Of Goodness: Story Of… hc
  52. Delbo, Charlotte Auschwitz And After pb
  53. Denes, Magda Castles Burning: A Child’s Life In War hc
  54. Dimsdale, Joel E.: Editor Survivors, Victims, And Perpetrators: Holocaust Essays hc s
  55. Dippel, John V. H. Bound Upon A Wheel Of Fire: Why So Many German… hc
  56. Distel, Barbara & Jakusch, Ruth Concentration Camp Dachau, 1933-1945 pb
  57. Doerry, Martin My Wounded Heart: The Life Of Lilli Jahn, 1900-1944 hc
  58. Dwork, Deborah & Pelt, Robert Auschwitz: 1270 To The Present hc
  59. Dwork, Deborah Children With A Star: Jewish Youth In Nazi Europe hc
  60. Dwork, Deborah & Pelt, Robert Holocaust: A History hc
  61. Eber, Irene Choice: Poland, 1939-1945 pb
  62. Eisner, Jack Survivor: An Inspiring True Story hc s
  63. Eizenstat, Stuart E. Imperfect Justice: Looted Assets, Slave Labor, And The… hc
  64. Eliach, Yaffa Hasidic Tales Of The Holocaust pb
  65. Elias, Ruth Triumph Of Hope: From Theresienstadt & Auschwitz To… pb
  66. Ellis, Marc H. Ending Auschwitz: Future Of Jewish & Christian Life pb
  67. Elon, Amos Journey Through A Haunted Land hc
  68. Engelmann, Bernt In Hitler’s Germany: Everyday Life In The Third Reich pb
  69. Evans, Richard J. Coming Of The Third Reich hc
  70. Ezrahi, Sidra DeKoven By Words Alone: The Holocaust In Literature hc
  71. Faber, David Because Of Romek: A Holocaust Survivor’s Memoir pb s
  72. Fantlova, Zdenka My Lucky Star hc
  73. Feliciano, Hector Lost Museum: Nazi Conspiracy To Steal The World’s… pb
  74. Felman, Shoshana & Laub, Dori Testimony: Crises Of Witnessing In Literature… pb
  75. Fest, Joachim Speer: The Final Verdict hc
  76. Fensch, Thomas Oskar Schindler And His List: Man, Book, Film… hc
  77. Fischer, Klaus P. History Of An Obsession: German Judeophopia And The… hc
  78. Fleming, Gerald Hitler And The Final Solution, with new documentation pb
  79. Fogelman, Eva Conscience And Courage: Rescuers Of Jews During The… pb
  80. Forche, Carolyn: Editor Against Forgetting: Twentieth Century Poetry Of Witness pb
  81. Fralon, Jose-Alain Good Man In Evil Times: Aristides De Sousa Mendes hc
  82. Frantz, Douglas & Collins, Catherine Death On The Black Sea: Story Of The Struma And… hc
  83. Friedlander, Henry Origins Of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia To Final… hc
  84. Friedlander, Saul Memory, History, And Extermination Of Jews Of Europe hc
  85. Friedlander, Saul Nazi Germany And The Jews Vol 1, Years Of Persecution pb
  86. Friedrich, Otto Kingdom Of Auschwitz pb
  87. Fromm, Bella Blood And Banquets: A Berlin Social Diary hc
  88. Gay, Peter My German Question: Growing Up In Nazi Berlin hc
  89. Gelissen, Rena & Macadam, Heather Rena’s Promise: A Story Of Sisters In Auschwitz pb
  90. Geve, Thomas Guns & Barbed Wire: A Child Survives The Holocaust hc
  91. Gies, Miep Anne Frank Remembered: Story Of Woman Who Helped…hc
  92. Gilbert, Martin Holocaust: A History Of Jews Of Europe During The… pb
  93. Gilbert, Martin Holocaust Journey: Travelling In Search Of The Past hc s
  94. Gilbert, Martin Krsistallnacht: Prelude To Destruction hc
  95. Gilbert, Martin Righteous: The Unsung Heroes Of The Holocaust hc s
  96. Gill, Anton Journey Back From Hell: Oral History-Conversations… hc
  97. Godman, Peter Hitler And The Vatican: Inside Secret Archives That… hc
  98. Goetz, Samuel I Never Saw My Face hc s
  99. Golabek, Mona & Cohen, Lee Children Of Willesden Lane: Beyond Kindertransport… hc s
  100. Goldensohn, Leon Nuremberg Interviews: American Psychiatrist’s… hc
  101. Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans And… hc
  102. Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah Moral Reckoning: Role Of Catholic Church In Holocaust hc
  103. Goldsmith, Martin Inextinguishable Symphony: Music & Love In Nazi… hc
  104. Gordon, Harold Last Sunrise: A True Story hc s
  105. Gordon, Sarah Hitler, Germans, And The “Jewish Question” hc
  106. Gotfryd, Bernard Anton The Dove Fancier & Other Tales Of The Holocaust pb
  107. Gray, Martin For Those I Loved hc
  108. Greene, Joshua M. & Kumar, Shiva Witness: Voices From The Holocaust hc
  109. Gross, Jan T. Neighbors: Destruction Of Jewish Community In… hc
  110. Gross, Leonard Last Jews In Berlin: Handful Of Men & Women Hunted… hc
  111. Grossman, Mendel & Smith, Frank My Secret Camera: Life In The Lodz Ghetto hc
  112. Grynberg, Michal Words To Outlive Us: Eyewitness Accounts From… hc
  113. Guttenplan, D.D. Holocaust On Trial hc
  114. Guttenplan, D.D. Holocaust On Trial, with a new afterword pb
  115. Haas, Albert Doctor And The Damned hc
  116. Hamann, Brigitte Hitler’s Vienna: A Dictator’s Apprenticeship hc
  117. Harel, Isser House On Garibaldi Street: Capture Of Adolf Eichmann hc
  118. Harris, Whitney R. Tyranny On Trial: Trial Of Major German War… pb
  119. Heifetz, Julie Oral History And The Holocaust: Collection Of Poems… pb
  120. Heimannsberg, Barbara & Schmidt Collective Silence: German Identity & Legacy Of Shame hc
  121. Herzstein, Robert E. Roosevelt & Hitler: Prelude To War hc
  122. Hilberg, Raul Perpetrators Victims Bystanders: Jewish Catastrophe… hc
  123. Hillesum, Etty Letters From Westerbork hc
  124. Holliday, Laurel Children In Holocaust & World War II: Secret Diaries hc
  125. Huneke, Douglas K. Moses Of Rovno: Fritz Graebe, German Christian Who… hc
  126. Hutler, Albert A. & Folkertsma, Agony Of Survival hc s
  127. Insdorf, Annette Indelible Shadows: Film And The Holocaust pb
  128. Ioanid, Radu Holocaust In Romania: Destruction Of Jews & Gypsies… hc
  129. Ioanid, Radu Ransom Of The Jews hc
  130. Jacobson, Kenneth Embattled Selves: Nature Of Identity Through Oral… hc
  131. Johnson, Eric A. Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, And Ordinary Germans hc
  132. Kalmansohn, Mark E. Nothing Is Too Late: Hunt For A Holocaust Swindler hc s
  133. Kaplan, Alice Collaborator: Trial & Execution Of Robert Brasillach hc
  134. Karlin, Wayne Rumors And Stones: A Journey hc
  135. Ka’tzetnik House Of Dolls: Sex Slaves For The Gestapo hc
  136. Kern, Alice Tapestry Of Hope pb s
  137. Kilzer, Louis Hitler’s Traitor: Martin Bormann & Defeat Of The Reich hc
  138. Kladstrup, Don & Petie Wine & War: French, Nazis & Battle For France’s… hc
  139. Klarsfeld, Serge Children Of Izieu: A Human Tragedy pb
  140. Klee, Ernst et al., Editors “The Good Old Days” Holocaust As Seen By Its… hc
  141. Klein, Jean Not Now, Not Ever pb
  142. Klemperer, Victor I Will Bear Witness 1933-1941: Diary Of The Nazi Years hc
  143. Klemperer, Victor I Will Bear Witness 1942-1945: Diary Of The Nazi Years hc
  144. Kluger, Ruth Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered hc
  145. Kolitz, Zvi Yosl Rakover Talks To God hc
  146. Koonz, Claudia Nazi Conscience hc
  147. Krall, Hanna Shielding The Flame: Conversation With Marek Edleman hc
  148. Krasno, Rena Strangers Always: Jewish Family In Wartime Shanghai hc
  149. Kremer, Roberta S., Editor Broken Threads: Destruction Of Jewish Fashion Industry… hc
  150. Kruk, Herman Last Days Of The Jerusalem Of… hc
  151. Kuhl, Stefan Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, And… hc
  152. Lagnado, Lucette & Dekel, Sheila Children Of The Flames: Dr. Mengele & Untold Story Of…hc
  153. Lang, Berel Act And Idea In The Nazi Genocide pb
  154. Langer, Lawrence L. Admitting The Holocaust: Collected Essays hc
  155. Langer, Lawrence L. Art From The Ashes: A Holocaust Anthology pb
  156. Lanzmann, Claude Shoah: An Oral History Of The Holocaust, Complete Text hc
  157. Laqueur, Walter & Breitman Breaking The Silence: Story Of Eduard Schulte, German… hc
  158. Laqueur, Walter Terrible Secret: Suppression Of Truth About Hitler’s… hc
  159. Leitner, Isabella & Irving Saving The Fragments hc
  160. Levi, Primo Drowned And The Saved hc
  161. Levi, Primo Moments Of Reprieve: A Memoir Of Auschwitz pb
  162. Levi, Primo Reawakening: Companion Volume To Survival In… pb
  163. Levi, Primo Survival In Auschwitz, including a new afterword pb
  164. Levine, Hillel In Search Of Sugihara hc
  165. Levkov, Ilya: Editor Bitburg And Beyond, Encounters In American, German… hc
  166. Levy, Alan Wiesenthal File hc
  167. Lewin, Rhoda G., Editor Witnesses To The Holocaust: An Oral History pb
  168. Lewis, Helen Time To Speak hc
  169. Lifton, Betty Jean King Of Children: Biography Of Janusz Korczak hc
  170. Linder, Bert Condemned Without Judgement: The Three Lives Of A…hc s
  171. Linenthal, Edward T. Preserving Memory: Struggle To Create America’s… hc
  172. Linklater, Hilton & Ascherson Nazi Legacy: Klaus Barbie & International Fascist… hc
  173. Lipstadt, Deborah E. Beyond Belief: American Press & Coming Of Holocaust hc
  174. Lipstadt Deborah Denying The Holocaust: Growing Assault On Truth… hc
  175. Loy, Rosetta First Words: A Childhood In Fascist Italy hc
  176. Machtan, Lothar Hidden Hitler pb
  177. Malkin, Peter Z. & Stein, Harry Eichmann In My Hands: Account By Israeli Agent Who… hc
  178. Marcuse, Harold Legacies of Dachau: Uses & Abuses Of A Concentration…hc
  179. Marino, Andy American Pimpernel: The Story Of Varian Fry hc
  180. McKale, Donald M. Hitler’s Shadow War: The Holocaust And World War II hc
  181. Medawar, Jean & Pyke, David Hitler’s Gift: Story Of Scientists Expelled By Nazi Regime hc
  182. Melchior, Ib & Brandenburg, Frank Quest: Searching For Germany’s Nazi Past, A Young… hc
  183. Melchior, Marcus Rabbi Remembers: Man Who Defied Nazis In Denmark hc
  184. Mendelsohn, Daniel Lost: A Search For The Six Million pb
  185. Mermelstein, Mel By Bread Alone: Story Of A-4685 hc s
  186. Metcalfe, Philip 1933 hc
  187. Miller, Judith One By One, By One: Facing The Holocaust hc
  188. Minerbi, Alessandra New Illustrated History Of The Nazis: Rare Photographs… pb
  189. Mogulof, Milly Foiled: Hitler’s Jewish Olympian. Helene Mayer Story pb
  190. Morgan, Ted Uncertain Hour: French, Germans, Jews, Klaus Barbie… hc
  191. Morhange-Begue, Claude Chamberet: True Story Of A Jewish Family In Wartime… hc
  192. Morse, Arthur D. While Six Million Died: Chronicle Of American Apathy hc
  193. Moses, Rafael: Editor Persistent Shadows Of The Holocaust: Meaning To… hc
  194. Muller, Filip Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years In The Gas Chambers pb
  195. Museum Of Jewish Heritage To Life: 36 Stories Of Memory And Hope hc
  196. Nahon, Marco Birkenau: The Camp Of Death hc
  197. Neufeld, Michael & Berenbaum Bombing Of Auschwitz: Should The Allies Have… hc
  198. Nicholas, Lynn H. Rape Of Europa: Fate Of Europe’s Treasures In The… hc s
  199. Niewyk, Donald L.: Editor Fresh Wounds: Early Narratives Of Holocaust Survival hc
  200. Niewyk, Donald L. Holocaust: Problems And Perspectives Of Interpretation pb
  201. Nir, Yehuda Lost Childhood: A Memoir hc
  202. Novac, Ana Beautiful Days Of My Youth: My Six Months In… hc
  203. Nyiszli, Miklos Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account pb
  204. Pahor, Boris Pilgrim Among The Shadows: A Memoir hc
  205. Pascucci, John & Stauth, Cameron Manhunter: True Story Of U.S. Marshal Who Tracked… hc
  206. Passelecq, Georges & Suchecky Hidden Encyclical Of Pius XI: Vatican’s Lost… hc
  207. Patterson, David & Roth, John K. After-Words: Post-Holocaust Struggles With… pb s
  208. Perec, Georges W: Or The Memory Of Childhood hc
  209. Persico, Joseph E. Nuremberg: Infamy On Trial hc
  210. Petrow, Richard Bitter Years: Invasion & Occupation Of Denmark And… pb
  211. Plank, Karl A. Mother Of The Wire Fence: Inside & Outside Holocaust pb
  212. Pogany, Eugene L. In My Brother’s Image: Twin Brothers Separated By… hc
  213. Polonsky, Antony & Michlic, Joanna Neighbors Respond: Controversy Over Jedwabne… pb
  214. Pomerantz, Rachel World In Flames: A Short History Of The Holocaust hc
  215. Posner, Gerald L. & Ware, John Mengele: The Complete Story hc
  216. Powell, Lawrence N. Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, Holocaust & David… hc s
  217. Pressburger, Chava: Editor Diary Of Petr Ginz, 1941-1942 hc
  218. Pressel, Philip They Are Still Alive: Family’s Survival In France During…pb
  219. Rabinowitz, Dorothy About The Holocaust: What We Know & How We… pb
  220. Read, Anthony & Fisher, David Kristallnacht: The Unleashing Of The Holocaust pb
  221. Rice Jr., Earle Nazi War Criminals hc
  222. Richie, Alexandra Faust’s Metropolis hc
  223. Rochman, Hazel & McCampbell Bearing Witness: Stories Of The Holocaust hc
  224. Rosenbaum, Alan S. Is The Holocaust Unique? Perspectives On Comparative… pb
  225. Rosenberg, Alan & Myers, Gerald Echoes From The Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections… pb
  226. Rosenberg, David: Editor Testimony: Contemporary Writers Make The Holocaust… hc
  227. Rosenblum, Joe & Kohn, David Defy The Darkneess: Tale Of Courage In Shadow Of… hc
  228. Rosenfeld, Alvin H: Editor Thinking About The Holocaust After Half A Century pb
  229. Rosenfeld, Oskar In The Beginning Was The Ghetto: Notebooks From Lodz hc
  230. Rossel, Seymour Holocaust: The World And The Jews, 1933-1945 pb
  231. Rothchild, Sylvia: Editor Voices From The Holocaust hc
  232. Rougeyron, Andre Agents For Escape: Inside French Resistance 1939-1945 hc
  233. Rubin, Susan Goldman Searching For Anne Frank: Letters From Amsterdam… hc s
  234. Rubinstein, Richard L. Cunning Of History: Mass Death & TheAmerican Future hc
  235. Rubinstein, William D. Myth Of Rescue: Why The Democracies Could Not… hc
  236. Rymkiewicz, Jaroslaw M. Final Station: Umschlagplatz, Polish Account Of The… hc
  237. Schindler, Emilie & Rosenberg, Where Light And Shadow Meet: A Memoir hc
  238. Schnapp, Lea Hatikvah In Auschwitz hc s
  239. Schwab, Gerald Day The Holocaust Began: Herschel Grynszpan hc
  240. Schwarz, Ted Walking With The Damned: Murder Of Man Who Freed… hc
  241. Shapiro, Chaim Go, My Son: Young Jewish Refugee’s Story Of Survival hc
  242. Shirer, William L. Nightmare Years: 1930-1940, Memoir Of A Life And… hc
  243. Shneidman, N.N. Jerusalem Of Lithuania pb
  244. Sichrovsky, Peter Strangers In Their Own Land hc
  245. Silver, Daniel B. Refuge In Hell: How Berlin’s Jewish Hospital Outlasted… hc
  246. Silver, Eric Book Of The Just: Unsung Heroes Who Rescued Jews… hc
  247. Simpson, Christopher Blowback: Account of America’s Recruitment Of Nazis… hc
  248. Singer, Edith March To Freedom: Memoir Of The Holocaust pb
  249. Skakun, Michael On Burning Ground: A Son’s Memoir hc
  250. Skoglund, Elizabeth R. Quiet Courage: Per Anger, Wallenberg’s Co-Liberator… hc
  251. Smith, Helmut Walser Butcher’s Tale: Murder & Anti-Semitism In A German… pb
  252. Sofsky, Wolfgang Order Of Terror: The Concentration Camp hc
  253. Spanjaard, Barry Don’t Fence Me In! : American Teenager In Holocaust pb s
  254. Speer, Albert Infiltration: How Heinrich Himmler Schemed To Build… hc
  255. Spiegelman, Art Complete Maus hc s
  256. Spiegelman, Art Maus I pb s
  257. Spiegelman, Art Maus II pb s
  258. Spielberg, Steven Schindler’s List: Images Of The Steven Spielberg Film hc
  259. Steiner, Jean-Francois Treblinka hc
  260. Stillman, Larry Match Made In Hell: Jewish Boy & Polish Outlaw Who… hc
  261. Sugihara, Yukiko Visas For Life hc
  262. Sutin, Jack & Rochelle Jack And Rochelle: Holocaust Story Of Love And… hc
  263. Svoray, Yaron & Hammer, Richard Blood From A Stone: The Quest For The Life Diamonds hc s
  264. Szpilman, Wladyslaw Pianist: True Story Of One Man’s Survival in Warsaw… pb
  265. Szpilman, Wladyslaw Pianist: Images From The Film pb
  266. Taylor, James & Shaw, Warren Third Reich Almanac hc
  267. Tec, Nechama In The Lion’s Den: The Life Of Oswald Rufeisen hc
  268. Tessel, Paul Flight From Hell: Escape From The Nazis: A True Story pb s
  269. Tokayer, Marvin & Swartz, Mary Fugu Plan: Story Of Japanese & Jews During World War II hc
  270. Tschuy, Theo Dangerous Diplomacy: Story Of Carl Lutz, Rescuer Of… hc
  271. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council Fifty Years Ago: In The Depths Of Darkness, 1992 pb
  272. Urman, Jerzy Feliks I’m Not Even A Grown-up: Diary Of pb s
  273. Vegh, Claudine I Didn’t Say Goodbye: Interviews With Children Of The… hc
  274. Verlag Plenk Berchtesgaden Obersalzberg And The Third Reich pb
  275. Victor, George Hitler: The Pathology Of Evil hc
  276. Volavkova, Hana I Never Saw Another Butterfly: Children’s Drawings… pb
  277. Volavkova, Hana I Never Saw Another Butterfly, expanded second edition pb
  278. Wasserstein, Bernard Britain And The Jews Of Europe, 1939-1945 hc
  279. Waters, Don Hitler’s Secret Ally, Switzerland hc s
  280. Weinberg, Jeshajahu & Elieli, Rina Holocaust Museum In Washington pb
  281. Weiss, John Ideology Of Death: Why The Holocaust Happened In… hc
  282. Weiss, John Politics Of Hate: Anti-Semitism, History, & Holocaust… pb
  283. Werner, Emmy E. Conspiracy Of Decency: Rescue Of Danish Jews During… hc
  284. Wiesel, Elie After The Darkness: Reflections On The Holocaust hc
  285. Wiesel, Elie Night/Dawn/Day hc
  286. Wiesenthal, Simon Max And Helen: A Remarkable True Love Story hc
  287. Wiesenthal, Simon Murderers Among Us: edited by Joseph Wechsberg hc
  288. Wiesenthal, Simon Sunflower: On Possibilities And Limits Of Forgiveness hc
  289. Wistrich, Robert S. Hitler And The Holocaust hc
  290. Wyden, Peter Stella: One Woman’s True Tale Of Evil, Betrayal, And… hc
  291. Wyman, David Abandonment Of The Jews: America & Holocaust… hc
  292. Wyman, David S. & Medoff, Rafael Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America & Holocaust hc
  293. Yoran, Shalom Defiant: True Story Of Jewish Vengeance And Survival hc
  294. Zapruder, Alexandra Salvaged Pages: Young Writers’ Diaries Of The Holocaust hc
  295. Zargani, Aldo For Solo Violin: A Jewish Childhood In Fascist Italy pb
  296. Ziegler, Jean Swiss, The Gold, And The Dead: How Swiss Bankers… hc
  297. Zuccotti, Susan Italians And The Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue And… pb
  298. Zuccotti, Susan Under His Very Windows: Vatican & Holocaust In Italy hc

Holocaust Journals

  1. Dachau Review 1
  2. History & Memory, Vol. 8 No. 2
  3. History & Memory, Vol. 9 Numbers ½
  4. Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Volume 13, Number 1
  5. Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Volume 13, Number 2
  6. Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Volume 13, Number 3
  7. Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Volume 14, Number 1
  8. Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Volume 14, Number 2
  9. Holocaust And Genocide Studies, Volume 14, Number 3


  1. Ausubel, Nathan Treasury Of Jewish Humour hc
  2. Bader, David M. Haikus For Jews: For You, A Little Wisdom hc
  3. Bader, David M. Zen Judaism: For You, A Little Enlightenment hc
  4. BenShea, Noah Great Jewish Quotes: Five Thousand Years Of Truth &… pb s
  5. Berk, Sally Ann Big Little Book Of Jewish Wit & Wisdom hc
  6. Borkowsky, Amy Amy’s Answering Machine: Messages From Mom hc
  7. Brooks, Mel & Reiner, Carl 2000 Year Old Man In The Year 2000: The Book hc
  8. Burns, Stan & Weinstein, Mel Book Of Jewish World Records pb
  9. Bush, Lawrence American Torah Toons hc
  10. Feldman, Michael Whad’ya Know? hc
  11. Franken, Al Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot & Other Observations hc
  12. Franken, Al Truth With Jokes hc s
  13. Gold, Judy & Ryan, Kate Moira 25 Questions For A Jewish Mother hc
  14. Gould, Allan & Siegel, Danny Unorthodox Book Of Jewish Records And Lists pb
  15. Katz, Molly Jewish As A Second Language: How To Worry, How To… pb
  16. Kaufman, Margo This Damn House! My Subcontract With America hc
  17. Levinsohn, Sylvia & Arthur Jewish Puzzle Book For The Entire Family pb
  18. Mason, Jackie & Berkow, Ira How To Talk Jewish hc
  19. Mason, Jackie World According To Me! hc
  20. Novak, William & Waldoks, Moshe Big Book Of Jewish Humor pb
  21. Rosten, Leo Hooray For Yiddish! A Book About English hc
  22. Rosten, Leo New Joys Of Yiddish hc
  23. Sequoia, Anna Adult Children Of Jewish Parents: Last Recovery… pb
  24. Stewart, Jon America: A Citizen’s Guide To Democracy Inaction hc
  25. Tanem, Sloane Bitter With Baggage Seeks Same: Life & Times Of Some hc
  26. Tapper, Al & Press, Peter Minister, A Priest, And A Rabbi: Over 90 Joke Classics… hc
  27. Telushkin, Joseph Jewish Humor: What The Best Jewish Jokes Say About… hc s
  28. Traig, Jennifer & Victoria Judaikitsch: Tchotchkes, Schmattes, And Nosherei pb
  29. Wasserstein, Wendy Sloth hc
  30. Weiner, Ellis & Davilman, Barbara Yiddish With Dick And Jane hc


  1. Gerchunoff, Alberto Jewish Gauchos Of The Pampas hc


  1. Decker, Hannah S. Freud, Dora, And Vienna 1900 hc
  2. Hofmann, Paul Viennese: Splendor, Twilight, And Exile hc


  1. Tulchinsky, Gerald Taking Root: Origins Of The Canadian Jewish Community hc

Czechoslovakia (Former)

  1. Altshuler, David Precious Legacy: Judaic Treasures From The… pb
  2. David, Abraham, Editor Hebrew Chronicle From Prague, c. 1615 hc
  3. Demetz, Peter Prague In Black And Gold: Scenes From The Life Of A… hc
  4. Ehl, Petr et al. Old Bohemian & Moravian Jewish Cemeteries hc
Eastern Europe
  1. Hoberman, J. Red Atlantis: Communist Culture In The Absence Of… hc
  2. Hoffman, Charles Gray Dawn: Jews Of Eastern… hc
  3. Kaufman, Jonathan Hole In The Heart Of The World hc
  1. Strom, Yale Tree Still Stands: Jewish Youth In Eastern Europe Today hc
  1. Strom, Yale & Schwartz, Elizabeth Wandering Feast: Journey Through Jewish Culture Of… pb s
  1. Tismaneanu, Vladimir Fantasies Of Salvation hc


  1. Bar-Zohar, Michael Bitter Scent hc
  2. Valensi, Lucette & Wachtel, Nathan Jewish Memories hc
  1. Aschheim, Steven E. Brothers And Strangers: East European Jews in German… hc
  2. Blumenthal, W. Michael Invisible Wall: Germans And Jews: Personal Explanation hc
  3. Elon, Amos Journey Through A Haunted Land: The New Germany hc
  4. Eulau, Heinz & Frank Mishpokhe From Eulau-Jilove: Jewish Family From… pb
  5. Gidal, Nachum T. Jews In Germany From Roman Times To Weimar Republic hc
  6. Gilman, Sander & Zipes, Jack: Edit. Jewish Writing & Thought In German Culture, 1096-1996 hc
  7. Lob-Burton, Elisabeth You Never Forget pb
  8. Mosse, George L. Germans And Jews pb
  9. Richie, Alexandra Faust’s Metropolis hc
  10. Shlaes, Amity Germany: The Empire Within hc
  11. Sichrovsky, Peter Strangers In Their Own Land hc
  12. Sigmund, Anna Maria Women Of The Third Reich hc
  13. Svoray, Yaron & Taylor, Nick In Hitler’s Shadow hc
  14. Wagner, Gottfried Twilight Of The Wagners hc
  15. Wiessmann, Hans From Horror To Hope pb

Great Britain

  1. Buruma, Ian Anglomania hc
  2. Lichtenstein, Rachel & Sinclair, Iain Rodinsky’s Room hc
  3. Lively, Penelope House Unlocked hc
  4. Shapiro, James Shakespeare And The Jews hc

Islamic Countries

  1. Chouraqui, Andre N. Between East And West hc
  2. Lewis, Bernard Jews Of Islam pb


  1. Cassin, Elena San Nicandro: Story Of A… hc
  2. Kertzler, David I. Kidnapping Of Edgar Mortara: Vatican’s Imprisonment… hc
  3. Lapide, Phinn E. Prophet Of San Nicandro hc
  4. Stille, Alexander Benevolence And Betrayal: Five Italian Jewish Families… hc
  5. Stow, Kenneth Theater Of Acculturation hc


  1. Ben-Dasan, Isaiah Japanese And The Jews hc


  1. Eliach, Yaffa There Once Was A World hc
  2. Ran, Leyzer Jerusalem Of Lithuania, Vol III pb


  1. Nadler, Steven Rembrandt’s Jews hc


  1. Niezabitowska, Malgorzata Remnants: Last Jews Of Poland hc
  2. Rajber, Edward 25 Years Of The Jewish State… hc
  3. Richmond, Theo Koni: A Quest hc
  4. Toranska, Teresa “Them” Stalin’s Polish Puppets hc
  5. Tuszynska, Agata Lost Landscapes: IsaacBashevis… hc


  1. Ioanid, Radu Ransom Of The Jews: Story Of The Extraordinary Secret… hc

Soviet Union (Former)

  1. Brent, Jonathan & Naumov, Stalin’s Last Crime pb
  2. D’Encausse, Helene Carrere Great Challenge: Nationalities… hc
  3. Freedman, Theodore Anti-Semitism In The Soviet Union hc
  4. Glenny, Michael & Stone, Norman Other Russia: Experience Of Exile hc
  5. Hamm, Michael F. Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917 hc
  6. Laqueur, Walter Black Hundred: Rise Of The… hc
  7. Rapoport, Louis Stalin’s War Against The Jews hc
  8. Remnick, David Resurrection: Struggle For A New… hc
  9. Vaksberg, Arkady Stalin Against The Jews hc


  1. Alexy, Trudi Mezuzah In The Madonna’s Foot hc s
  2. Ashtor, Eliyahu Jews Of Moslem Spain hc
  3. Bendiner, Elmer Rise And Fall Of Paradise hc
  4. Diaz-Mas, Paloma Sephardim: The Jews From Spain hc
  5. Menocal, Maria Rosa Ornament Of The World hc


  1. 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between Thailand and Israel hc

United Kingdom

68. Himmelfarb, Gertrude De-Moralization Of Society hc


  1. Aker, Frank III Hammer Of God: The Yom Kippur War, October, 1973 pb
  2. Allen, Peter Yom Kippur War: Politics, Tactics, & Individual Actions… hc
  3. Alpert, Carl Israel hc
  4. Arian, Alan Choosing People: Voting Behavior In Israel hc
  5. Asher, Jerry & Hammel, Eric Duel For The Golan: 100-Hour Battle That Saved Israel hc
  6. Ashrawi, Hanan This Side Of Peace: A Personal Account hc
  7. Ateek, Naim Stifan Justice, And Only Justice: Palestinian Theology Of… hc
  8. Avner, Yehuda Young Inheritors: Portrait Of Israel’s Children hc
  9. Awwad, Sami Holy Land In Colour pb
  10. Bard, Mitchell G. Will Israel Survive hc
  11. Bar-Illan, David Eye On The Media pb
  12. Bavly, Dan & Salpeter, Eliahu Fire In Beirut: Israel’s War In Lebanon With The PLO hc
  13. Beckman, Morris Jewish Brigade: Army With Two… hc
  14. Begin, Menachem Revolt: Revised Edition hc
  15. Ben-hanan, Eli Our Man In Damascus: Elie Cohn pb
  16. Benvenisti, Meron City Of Stone: The Hidden History Of Jerusalem hc
  17. Bercuson, David J. Secret Army: How American & Foreign Volunteers… hc
  18. Bernstein, Burton Sinai: The Great And Terrible Wilderness hc
  19. Binur, Yoram My Enemy, My Self hc
  20. Blum, Howard Eve Of Destruction hc
  21. Bodansky, Yossef Islamic Anti-Semitism As A Political Instrument pb
  22. Bookbinder, Hyman & Abourezk, Through Different Eyes: Two Leading Americans, A Jew…hc
  23. Borchsenius, Poul And It Was Morning: Story Of The Jews In Our Time hc
  24. Bornstein, Avram S. Crossing The Green Line: Between West Bank & Israel hc
  25. Bronner, Stephen Eric Peace Out Of Reach: Middle Eastern Travels & Search… hc
  26. Brown, Ashley: Editor Strike From The Sky: Israeli Airborne Troops pb
  27. Carrison, Dan Business Under Fire: How Israeli Companies Are… hc
  28. Carter, Jimmy Blood Of Abraham hc
  29. Carter, Jimmy Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid hc
  30. Chochem, Corinne & Roth, Muriel Palestine Dances! hc
  31. Chomsky, Noam Power And Terror: Post-9/11 Talks And Interviews pb
  32. Cohen, Dov Conquest Of Acre Fortress pb
  33. Cohen, Eliezer “Cheetah” Israel’s Best Defense: Story Of Israeli Air Force hc
  34. Conroy, John Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People: Dynamics Of Torture hc s
  35. Cramer, Richard Ben How Israel Lost The Four Questions hc
  36. Davis, Joyce M. Martyrs: Innocence, Vengeance, & Despair in Middle East pb
  37. Dayan, Moshe Diary Of The Sinai Campaign pb
  38. Drummond, Dorothy Holy Land, Whose Land? Modern Dilemma, Ancient… hc s
  39. Eban, Abba Personal Witness: Israel Through My Eyes hc
  40. Eisenberg, Dennis et al. Mossad: Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service, Inside Stories hc
  41. Eisenberg, Ronald Lee Iguana Corps Of The Haganah hc
  42. Elazar, Daniel J.: Editor Judea, Samaria, And Gaza: Views On Present And Future pb
  43. Enderlin, Charles Shattered Dreams hc
  44. Ezrahi, Yaron Rubber Bullets: Power And Conscience In Modern Israel hc
  45. Frankel, William Israel Observed: An Anatomy Of The State hc
  46. Friedman, Thomas L. From Beirut To Jerusalem hc
  47. Gal, Abraham Land Of War hc
  48. Gilbert, Martin Israel: A History hc s
  49. Gilbert, Martin Jerusalem: Rebirth Of A City hc s
  50. Glain, Stephen Mullahs, Merchants, And Militants pb
  51. Griess, Thomas E., Editor Arab-Israeli Wars, Chinese Civil War & The Korean War hc
  52. Halevi, Yossi Klein At The Entrance To The Garden Of Eden: A Jew’s… hc
  53. Halkin, Hillel Strange Death: Story Originating In Espionage, Betrayal… hc
  54. Hampton, Wilborn War In The Middle East: A Reporter’s Story hc
  55. Hartman, David Conflicting Visions: Spiritual Possibilities Of Modern… hc
  56. Hazony, Yoram Jewish State: The Struggle For Israel’s Soul hc
  57. Hersh, Seymour M. Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal & American… hc
  58. Hertzberg, Arthur Fate Of Zionism: A Secular Future For Israel & Palestine hc
  59. Herzog, Chaim Arab-Israeli Wars: War And Peace In The Middle East hc
  60. Johnson, Dominic & Tierny, Failing To Win: Perceptions Of Victory & Defeat In… hc
  61. Karpin, Michael & Friedman, Ina Murder In The Name Of God: Plot To Kill Yitzhak Rabin hc
  62. Karsh, Efraim Arafat’s War: Man And His Battle For Israeli Conquest hc
  63. Katz, Karl et al. From The Beginning: Archaeology & Art In The Israel… hc
  64. Katz, Samuel Battleground: Facts And Fantasy In Palestine hc
  65. Katz, Samuel Battleground: Updated pb
  66. Katz, Samuel M. Hunt For The Engineer: How Israeli Agents Tracked… hc
  67. Kidron, Peretz: Editor Refusenik! Israel’s Soldiers Of Conscience pb
  68. Klinov, I. Israel Reborn, Israel Renaissant hc
  69. Kollek, Teddy & Pearlman, Moshe Jerusalem: A History Of Forty Centuries hc
  70. Kop, Yaakov & Litan, Robert E. Sticking Together: Israeli… hc
  71. Kushner, Tony & Solomon, Alisa Wrestling With Zion: Progressive Jewish-American… pb
  72. Laqueur, Walter & Rubin, Barry Israel-Arab Reader: Documentary History Of Middle… pb
  73. Larkin, M. Six Days Of Yad-Mordechai pb
  74. Lerner, Rabbi Michael Geneva Accord And Other Strategies For Healing The… pb
  75. Lerner, Rabbi Michael Healing Israel/Palestine: Path To Peace & Reconciliation pb
  76. Levensohn, Letta Vision And Fulfillment: First 25 Years Of Hebrew Univ. hc
  77. Levin, Aaron Testament At The Creation Of… hc
  78. Lewis, Bernard What Went Wrong? Western Impact & Middle Eastern… hc
  79. Lilienthal, Alfred M. Other Side Of The Coin: American Perspective Of Arab- hc
  80. Lozowick, Yaacov Right To Exist: A Moral Defense Of Israel’s Wars pb
  81. Lunt, James Hussein Of Jordan: Political Biography hc
  82. Marton, Kati Death In Jerusalem: Assassination By Jewish Extremists… hc
  83. Melman, Yossi New Israelis: An Intimate View Of A Changing People hc
  84. Merlin, Samuel Search For Peace In The Middle East hc s
  85. Miller, Jennifer Inheriting The Holy Land hc s
  86. Morris, Benny Birth Of The Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 pb
  87. Morris, Benny Righteous Victims: A History Of Zionist-Arab Conflict… hc
  88. Morris, Benny Road To Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine And The Jews hc
  89. Moskin, J. Robert Among Lions: Definitive Account Of 1967 Battle For… hc
  90. Mullen, George D. Peace In The Middle East: Realistic Proposal For Ending…hc
  91. Naim, Asher Saving The Lost Tribe: The Rescue of Ethiopian Jews hc
  92. Netanyahu, Benjamin Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat The… pb
  93. Netanyahu, Benjamin: Editor Terrorism: How The West Can Win hc
  94. New York Times Correspondents Israel: Historical Atlas From Ancient Times To The… hc
  95. Oliver, Anne Marie & Steinberg, Road To Martyrs’ Square: Journey Into World Of Suicide…hc
  96. Ostrovsky, Victor Other Side Of Deception: Rogue Agent Exposes Mossad’s hc
  97. Oz, Amos How To Cure A Fanatic hc s
  98. Oz, Amos In The Land Of Israel hc s
  99. Oz, Amos Slopes Of Lebanon hc
  100. Oz, Amos Under This Blazing Light hc s
  101. Peres, Shimon & Littell, Robert For The Future Of Israel hc
  102. Peres, Shimon New Middle East hc
  103. Perry, Mark Fire In Zion: The Israeli-Palestinian Search For Peace hc
  104. Peters, Joan From Time Immemorial: Origins Of Arab-Jewish Conflict…hc
  105. Phillips, John Will To Survive: Israel, Faces Of Terror 1948, Faces… hc s
  106. Price, Randall Fast Facts On The Middle East Conflict pb
  107. Rabinovich, Abraham Yom Kippur War: Epic Encounter That Transformed The…pb
  108. Rabinovich, Itamar Waging Peace: Israel And Arabs At End Of The Century hc
  109. Ramati, Alexander Israel Today hc
  110. Rapaport, Rabbi Dr. I. Israel In Courage And Faith & Chronicle Of Six-Day War hc
  111. Raviv, Dan & Melman, Yossi Every Spy A Prince: The History Of Israel’s Intelligence… hc
  112. Rees, Matt Cain’s Field: Faith, Fratricide, And Fear In Middle East hc
  113. Reeve, Simon One Day In September hc
  114. Rifa’i, Amal & Ainbinder, Odelia We Just Want To Live Here: A Palestinian Teenager… pb
  115. Ritmeyer, Leen & Kathleen Secrets Of Jerusalem’s Temple… pb
  116. Rolef, Susan Hattis Political Dictionary Of The State… hc
  117. Rosenfeld, Daniel Code Name: Amnon: Life & Times Of A Haganah Fighter…hc
  118. Rosenthal, Donna Israelis: Ordinary People In An Extraordinary Land hc
  119. Rubinstein, Danny People Of Nowhere: The Palestinian Of Home hc
  120. Ruder, Zvi National Colors Of The People Of Israel: Tradition… hc
  121. Safran, Nadav Israel: The Embattled Ally pb
  122. Said, Edward W. End Of The Peace Process: Oslo And After hc
  123. Said, Edward W. Politics Of Dispossession: Struggle For Palestinian… pb
  124. Saint John, Robert: 1963 Israel hc
  125. Samuel, Maurice Light On Israel hc
  126. Sarna, Igal Man Who Fell Into A Puddle hc
  127. Sayigh, Yezid Armed Struggle And The Search For State: Palestinian… pb
  128. Schoenberg, Harris O. Mandate For Terror: United Nations And The PLO hc
  129. Seale, Patrick Abu Nidal: Gun For Hire: Secret Life Of World’s Most… hc
  130. Segev, Tom 1949: The First Israelis hc
  131. Segev, Tom Seventh Million: The Israelis And The Holocaust hc
  132. Shavit, Yaacov & Sitton, Shoshana Staging And Stagers In Modern… hc
  133. Shehadeh, Raja Strangers In The House: Coming Of Age in Occupied… hc
  134. Shepherd, Naomi Zealous Intruders: The Western Rediscovery of Palestine hc
  135. Shipler, David K. Arab And Jew: Wounded Spirits In A Promised Land hc
  136. Shlaim, Avi War And Peace In The Middle East: Concise History pb
  137. Shumsky, Adaia & Abraham Bridge Across The Jordan: Friendship Between A Jewish… hc
  138. Simon, Merrill Moshe Arens Speaks Out: Statesman And Scientist hc
  139. Smith, Gary V. Zionism: The Dream And The Reality, Jewish Critique hc
  140. Sorkin, Michael Against The Wall pb
  141. Soustelle, Jacques Long March Of Israel hc
  142. Starr, Joyce Shira Covenant Over Middle Eastern… hc
  143. Stevenson, William Zanek! A Chronicle Of The Israeli Air Force hc
  144. Suisman, Doug et al. Arc: A Formal Structure For A Palestinian State pb
  145. Tamir, Avraham Soldier In Search Of Peace: Insider’s Look At Israel’s… hc
  146. Thomas, Baylis How Israel Was Won: A Concise History Of Arab-Israeli…pb
  147. Thomas, Gordon Gideon’s Spies: The Secret Of The Mossad hc
  148. Taylor, Alan R. Superpowers And The Middle East hc
  149. Time-Life: 1987 Library Of Nations: Israel hc
  150. Tolan, Sandy Lemon Tree: A Arab, A Jew, And Heart Of Middle East hc
  151. Weizman, Ezer Battle For Peace hc
  152. Werblowsky, Prof. R.J. Zwi Jerusalem: Holy City Of Three Religions pb
  153. Winternitz, Helen Season Of Stones: Living In A… hc
  154. Wormser, Michael D.: 1981 Middle East: Fifth Edition pb
  155. Yaniv, Avner Dilemmas Of Security: Politics, Strategy, & Israeli… hc
  156. Yousef, Dr. Ahmed True “Clash Of Civilizations”: Zionism As Seen Through…pb
  157. Zertal, Idith From Catastrophe To Power: Holocaust Survivors And… hc

Jewish-Christian Dialogue

  1. Asimov, Isaac Asimov’s Guide To The Bible: Old And New Testaments hc
  2. Bernstein, Carl & Politi, Marco His Holiness: John Paul II And The Hidden History Of… hc
  3. Greeley, Andrew & Neusner, Jacob Bible And Us: Priest And Rabbi Read Scripture Together hc
  4. Irwin, William A. Old Testament: Keystone Of Human Culture hc
  5. Kaufman, Yehezkel Christianity And Judaism: Two Covenants hc
  6. Küng, Hans Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow hc
  7. Leidner, Harold Fabrication Of The Christ Myth pb
  8. MacKenzie, R.A.F. Faith And History In The Old Testament hc
  9. Mcinnes, Val Ambrose, Editor Renewing The Judeo-Christian Wellsprings hc
  10. Neusner, Jacob Rabbi Talks With Jesus: Intermillennial, Interfaith… hc
  11. Parkes, James Foundations Of Judaism And Christianity hc
  12. Rosenberg, Stuart E. Christian Problem: A Jewish View hc
  13. Rossing, Barbara R. Rapture Exposed: Message Of Hope In Book Of Revelation hc
  14. Runes, Dagobert D. Jew And The Cross hc
  15. Sandmel, Samuel We Jews And You Christians: Including A Proposed… hc
  16. Tanenbaum, Marc Evangelicals And Jews In Conversation On Scripture… hc
  17. Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude Judaism And Christianity: The Differences pb
  18. Yaseen, Leonard C. Jesus Connection: To Triumph Over Anti-Semitism pb

Jewish Thought

  1. Aczel, Amir D. Mystery Of The Aleph: Mathematics, Kabbalah, And… pb
  2. Almog, Shmuel Zionism & History: Rise Of A New Jewish Consciousness hc
  3. Arendt, Hannah Jew As Pariah: Collection Of Essays & Letters Written… hc
  4. Arendt, Hannah Men In Dark Times pb
  5. Arendt, Hannah Origins Of Totalitarianism hc
  6. Ariel, David S. Mystic Quest: An Introduction To Jewish Mysticism hc
  7. Astren, Fred Karaite Judaism And Historical Understanding hc
  8. Benjamin, Walter Illuminations: Essays And Reflections pb
  9. Berkowitz, Michael Jewish Self-Image: American & British Perspectives… hc
  10. Berlin, Isaiah Against The Current: Essays In The History Of Ideas hc
  11. Bernstein, Alan E. Formation Of Hell: Death & Retribution In Ancient And… hc
  12. Birnbaum, David God And Evil: A Unified Theodicy/Theology/Philosophy hc
  13. Bloom, Harold Jesus And Yahweh: The Names Divine hc
  14. Bloom, Harold Omens Of Millennium: Gnosis Of Angels, Dreams, And… hc
  15. Bokser, Ben Zion Maharal: Mystical Philosophy Of Rabbi Judah Loew Of… hc
  16. Boyarin, Daniel Unheroic Conduct: Rise Of Heterosexuality & Invention… pb
  17. Bryan, Edwyn & Singer, Charles Legacy Of Israel hc
  18. Buber, Martin I And Thou hc
  19. Buber, Martin Israel And The World: Essays In A Time Of Crisis pb
  20. Burkert, Walter Creation Of The Sacred: Tracks Of Biology In Early… hc
  21. Carmichael, Joel Satanizing Of The Jews: Origin And Development Of… hc
  22. Cohon, Samuel S. Essays In Jewish Theology hc
  23. Covitz, Joel Visions In The Night: Jungian And Ancient Dream… pb
  24. Davies, W.D. Territorial Dimensions Of Judaism hc
  25. Dworkin, Andrea Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, And Women’s Liberation hc
  26. Frank, Daniel H.: Editor People Apart: Chosenness And Ritual In Jewish… pb
  27. Freud, Sigmund Selected Writings hc
  28. Friedman, Richard Elliot Disappearance Of God: A Divine Mystery hc s
  29. Gilman, Neil Death Of Death: Resurrection & Immortality In Jewish… pb
  30. Goldberg, Harvey: Editor Judaism: Viewed From Within And From Without pb
  31. Goldberg, Michael Why Should Jews Survive? Looking Past The Holocaust… hc
  32. Gottlieb, Freema Lamp Of God: A Jewish Book Of Light hc
  33. Goudsblom, Johan Fire And Civilization hc
  34. Gray, John Isaiah Berlin hc
  35. Halevi, Z’ev ben Shimon School Of Kabbalah pb
  36. Haynes, Stephen R. Reluctant Witnesses: Jews And The Christian Imagination pb
  37. Hertzberg, Arthur Jews: The Essence And Character Of A People hc
  38. Herzl, Theodor Jewish State pb
  39. Hoffmann, Lawrence A.: Editor Land Of Israel: Jewish Perspectives hc
  40. Homolka, Walter & Friedlander, Gate To Perfection: The Idea Of Peace In Jewish Thought hc
  41. Jehouda, Josue Five Stages Of Jewish Emancipation hc
  42. Kalmar, Ivan Trotskys, Freuds & Woody Allens: Portraits Of A Culture hc
  43. Kamenetz, Rodger Jew In The Lotus: Poet’s Rediscovery Of Jewish… hc
  44. Kamenetz, Rodger Stalking Elijah: Adventures With Today’s Jewish… pb
  45. Kaplan, Aryeh Meditation And Kabbalah hc
  46. Kayser, Rudolf Saints Of Qumran: Stories & Essays On Jewish Themes hc
  47. Laytner, Anson Arguing With God: A Jewish Tradition hc
  48. Lazare, Bernard Job’s Dungheap: Essays On Jewish Nationalism And… hc
  49. Lerner, Michael Jewish Renewal: A Path To Healing And Transformation hc
  50. Lowy, Michael Redemption & Utopia: Jewish Libertarian Thought In… hc
  51. Marx, Karl Communist Manifesto pb
  52. Neusner, Jacob Death And Birth Of Judaism: Impact Of Christianity And…hc
  53. Neusner, Jacob et al.: Editors Religion, Science, And Magic: In Concert And Conflict pb
  54. Neusner, Jacob Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Exile & Return In History Of… hc
  55. Ostow, Mortimer Myth And Madness: Psychodynamics Of Antisemitism hc
  56. Plaskow, Judith Standing Again At Sinai: Judaism From A Feminist… pb
  57. Prager, Dennis & Telushkin, Joseph Why The Jews? The Reason For Antisemitism hc
  58. Rankin, O.S. Jewish Religious Polemic In Narrative, Poetry, Letters… hc
  59. Rubin, Theodore Isaac Anti-Semitism: A Disease Of The Mind: Psychiatrist… hc
  60. Russell, Jeffrey Burton History Of Heaven: The Singing Silence hc
  61. Schrire, Carmel Digging Through Darkness: Chronicles Of An… hc
  62. Schwartz, Regina M. Curse Of Cain: Violent Legacy Of Monotheism hc
  63. Sherwin, Byron L. Golems Among Us: How A Jewish Legend Can Help Us… hc
  64. Shulman, Y. David Sefirot: Ten Emanations Of Divine Power hc
  65. Sicker, Martin What Judaism Says About Politics: Political Theology… pb
  66. Viorst, Milton What Shall I Do With These People? Jews & Fractious… hc
  67. Vital, David Future Of The Jews: A People At The Crossroads hc
  68. Walzer, Michael Exodus And Revolution hc
  69. Wheatcroft, Geoffrey Controversy Of Zion: Jewish Nationalism, Jewish State… hc
  70. Wilken, Robert L. Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History And… hc
  71. Wisse, Ruth R. If I Am Not For Myself: Liberal Betrayal Of The Jews hc
  72. Wolin, Richard Heidegger’s Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl Lowith… hc

Jewish Writings

  1. Enslin, Morton S., Introduction Apocrypha hc
  2. Kaplan, Aryeh Bahir hc
  3. B And S Publishing House Holy Bible hc
  4. Sinai Publishing Holy Scriptures
  5. Birnbaum, Philip: Translator Concise Jewish Bible hc
  6. Bloom, Harold Book Of J pb
  7. Scherman, Nosson & Zlotowitz, Meir Book Of Esther hc
  8. Fox, Everett Five Books Of Moses hc
  9. Jewish Publication Society America Torah: The Five Books Of Moses hc
  10. Scherman, Nosson & Zlotowitz, Meir Chumash: Torah, Haftaros, 5 Megillos With Commentary hc
  11. Korsak, Mary Phil: Translator At The Start: Genesis Made New hc
  1. Regelson, Abraham, Translator Haggadah Of Passover hc
  1. Gutstein & Graubart, Editors Holy Scriptures hc
  2. Levin, Meyer, Adapted by Israel Haggadah For Passover pb
  3. Silberman, Shoshana, Editor Jewish World Family Haggadah pb
  4. Rosenstein, Yossi, Artist Passover Hagadah hc
  5. Bronstein, Herbert, Editor Passover Haggadah pb
  6. Glatzer, Nahum N., Editor Passover Haggadah pb
  7. Maxwell House Passover Haggadah pb
  8. Woman’s Institute For Continuing San Diego Women’s Haggadah 2nd pb
  9. Gileadi, Avraham Apocalyptic Book Of Isaiah hc
  10. Whiston, William: Translator Works Of Josephus: Complete And Unabridged hc
  11. Neusner, Jacob Mishnah: A New Translation
  12. Charlesworth, James H.: Editor Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 1 hc
  13. Charlesworth, James H.: Editor Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 2 hc
  14. Yonge, C.D.: Translator Works Of Philo: Complete And Unabridged hc
  15. Central Conference American Rabbis Gates Of Repentance: New Union Prayerbook hc
  16. Hertz, Joseph H. Authorized Daily Prayer Book hc
  17. Philips, A. Th. Daily Prayers hc
  18. Zakutinsky, Rivka Techinas: Collection Of Jewish Women’s Prayers hc
  19. Cohen, A. Twelve Prophets hc
  20. Jewish Publication Society America Prophets hc
  21. Jewish Publication Society America Book Of Psalms hc
  22. Scherman, Nosson & Zlotowitz, Meir Book Of Psalms hc
  23. Rabbinical Assembly, New York Mahzor For Rosh Hashanah And Yom Kippur hc
  24. Kolatch, Alfred J. Family Seder pb
  25. Gilbert, Arthur Passover Seder pb
  26. Hirsch, Samson Raphael Hirsch Siddur hc
  27. Zalman, Shneur Siddur Tehillat Hashem hc
  28. Rosenberg, David Poet’s Bible hc
  29. Steinsaltz Edition Talmud, 7 Volumes, incomplete hc
  30. Jewish Publication Society 1988 Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures hc


  1. Abley, Mark Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages hc
  2. Agosin, Marjorie: Editor House Of Memory: Stories By Jewish Women Writers… pb
  3. Alter, Robert Invention Of Hebrew Prose: Modern Fiction & Language…hc
  4. Beck, Evelyn Torton, Editor Nice Jewish Girls: Lesbian Anthology pb
  5. Birger, Zev, Editor About Books: Five Talks From Jerusalem Int’l Book Fair hc
  6. Bloom, Harold Western Canon: Books And School Of The Ages hc
  7. Buber, Martin Tales Of The Hasidim pb
  8. Cohen, Morris Raphael Reflections Of A Wondering Jew hc
  9. Denby, David Great Books: My Adventures With Homer, Rousseau… hc s
  10. Douglas-Klotz, Neil Desert Wisdom: Sacred Middle Eastern Writings From… hc
  11. Epstein, Joseph Plausible Prejudices: Essays On American Writing hc
  12. Ezrahi, Sidra DeKoven Booking Passage: Exile & Homecoming In Modern Jewish hc
  13. Fiedler, Leslie Fiedler On The Roof: Essays On Literature & Jewish… pb
  14. Greenstein, Michael Third Solitudes: Tradition & Discontinuity In Jewish… hc
  15. Howe, Irving & Greenberg, Editors Voices From The Yiddish: Essays, Memoirs, Diaries hc
  16. Jacobs, Louis: Compiled By Schocken Book Of Jewish Mystical Testimonies hc
  17. Kazin, Alfred God And The American Writer hc
  18. Knopp, Josephine Zadovsky Trial Of Judaism in Contemporary Jewish Writing hc
  19. Kravitz, Nathaniel 3,000 Years Of Hebrew Literature hc
  20. Lerner, Michael Best Contemporary Jewish Writing pb
  21. Levin, Meyer Classic Hassidic Tales hc
  22. Lieberman, Leo & Beringause, Classics Of Jewish Literature hc
  23. Marks, Marlene Adler, Editor Nice Jewish Girls Growing Up In America pb
  24. Matt, Daniel C. Essential Kabbalah: Heart Of Jewish Mysticism hc
  25. Milosz, Czeslaw To Begin Where I Am: Selected Essays hc
  26. Modern Hebrew Literature No. 1, Lives In Disguise 2004/05 pb
  27. Oz, Amos Story Begins: Essays On Literature hc s
  28. Pick, Daniel Svengali’s Web: The Alien Enchanter In Modern Culture hc
  29. Raphael, Lawrence W., Editor Mystery Midrash: Anthology Of Jewis Mystery &… pb
  30. Rosenberg, David Dreams Of Being Eaten Alive: Literary Core Of Kabbalah hc
  31. Roskies, David G. Bridge Of Longing: Lost Art Of Yiddish Storytelling hc
  32. Schwarz, Jan Imagining Lives: Autobiographical Fiction Of Yiddish… hc
  33. Shaked, Gershon, Editor Lives In Disguise pb
  34. Solotaroff, Ted, Editor Alfred Kazin’s America: Critical & Personal Writings hc
  35. Stavans, Ilan Riddle Of Cantinflas: Essays On Hispanic Popular Culture pb
  36. Stevens, Payson et al. Meshuggenary: Celebrating The World Of Yiddish hc
  37. Vitalis Prague Golem, Jewish Stories Of The Ghetto pb
  38. Waxman, Meyer History Of Jewish Literature 5 volumes hc

Plays and Poetry

  1. Amichai, Yehuda Open Closed Open hc
  2. Benigni, Roberto & Cerami, Life Is Beautiful pb
  3. Cohen, Leonard Book Of Longing hc
  4. Cohen, Leonard Stranger Music pb
  5. Ginsberg, Allen Selected Poems, 1947-1995 hc
  6. Hanegbi, Yehuda Why Isaac Laughed pb
  7. Horowitz, Israel Israel Horowitz Trilogy hc
  8. Kolmar, Gertrud Dark Soliloquy hc
  9. Kovner, Abba Sloan-Kettering hc
  10. Kushner, Tony Angels In America hc
  11. Levine, Philip Simple Truth hc
  12. Miller, Arthur Death Of A Salesman hc
  13. Piercy, Marge Art Of Blessing The Day pb
  14. Schiff, Ellen Awake And Singing hc
  15. Schiff, Ellen Fruitful And Multiplying hc
  16. Shirim: Jewish Poetry Journal Spring 1989 pb
  17. Wasserstein, Wendy Sisters Rosensweig hc
  18. Wiesel, Elie Trial Of God (as held on February 25, 1649 In Shamgorod hc

Practical Judaism

  1. Aaron, Scott Jewish U: Contemporary Guide For The College Student pb
  2. Abraham, Michelle Shapiro Repairing Our World From The Inside Out: 3 Session… pb
  3. Abramowitz, Yosef & Silverman, Jewish Family & Life: Traditions, Holidays, And Values… hc
  4. Adahan, Miriam It’s All A Gift (Although It May Not Seem Like It At… hc
  5. Alpert, Rebecca T. & Staub, Jacob J. Exploring Judaism: A Reconstructionist Approach hc
  6. Alpert, Reuven God’s Middlemen: A Habad Retrospective, Stories Of… hc
  7. Apisdorf, Shimon Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Survival Kit, Revised hc
  8. Asheri, Michael Living Jewish: The Lore And Law Of The Practicing Jew hc
  9. Bennett, Alan D. Vision And The Will: History Of National Association Of...pb
  10. BenShea, Noah Jacob The Baker: Gentle Wisdom For A Complicated… hc
  11. Benyosef, Simcha H. Living The Kabbalah: Guide To Sabbath & Festivals In… hc
  12. Berg, Karen God Wears Lipstick: Kabbalah For Women hc
  13. Berg, Michael Becoming Like God: Kabbalah & Our Ultimate Destiny hc
  14. Berg, Michael Secret: Unlocking The Source Of Joy And Fulfillment hc
  15. Berg, Philip S. Time Zones: Creating Order From Chaos pb
  16. Berg, Rav P. S. Essential Zohar: The Source Of Kabbalistic Wisdom hc
  17. Berg, Yehuda Power Of Kabbalah hc
  18. Blue, Lionel & Magonet, Jonathan Jewish Guide To The Here And Hereafter: Treasury Of… hc
  19. Borowitz, Eugene Choosing A Sex Ethic: A Jewish Inquiry pb
  20. Borowitz, Eugene & Schwartz, Jewish Moral Virtues hc
  21. Boteach, Shmuley Dating Secrets Of The Ten Commandments hc
  22. Boteach, Shmuley Judaism For Everyone: Renewing Your Life Through… hc
  23. Boteach, Shmuley Shalom In The Home pb
  24. Boteach, Shmuley Why Can’t I Fall In Love? A 12-Step Program hc
  25. Brener, Anne Mouring & Mitzvah: Guided Journal For Walking The… pb
  26. Brownstein, Rita Milos Jewish Weddings: Beautiful Guide To Creating Wedding…hc
  27. Buchmann, Christina & Spiegel, Out Of The Garden: Women Writers On The Bible hc
  28. Burghardt, Linda Bar And Bat Mitzvah Book: Joyful Ceremonies And… pb
  29. Central Conference Amer. Rabbis Gates Of Shabbat: A Guide For Observing Shabbat pb
  30. Chasin, Esther G. Mitzvot As Spiritual Practices: Jewish Guidebook For… hc
  31. Cohen, Norman J. Self, Struggle & Change: Family Conflict Stories In… hc
  32. Commission On Jewish Education Time To Act: Report Of Commission On Jewish… pb
  33. Cooper, David A. God Is A Verb: Kabbalah & Practice Of Mystical Judaism hc
  34. Cowan, Paul & Rachel Mixed Blessings: Marriage Between Jews & Christians hc
  35. Cox, Harvey Common Prayers: Faith, Family, & A Christian’s Journey…hc
  36. Davis, Avram & Mascetti, Manuela Judaic Mysticism hc
  37. Diamant, Anita & Kushner, Karen How To Be A Jewish Parent: Practical Handbook For… pb
  38. Donin, Hayim Halevy To Be A Jew: Guide To Jewish Observance In… hc
  39. Dosick, Wayne Living Judaism: Guide To Jewish Belief, Tradition And… hc
  40. Elkins, Dov Peretz Shabbat Reader: Universe Of Cosmic Joy pb
  41. Ellenson, Ruth Andrew Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide To Guilt pb
  42. Eno, Brenda Rae: Illustrator Jewish Proverbs hc
  43. Epstein, Sharon Selib Visiting The Sick: The Mitzvah Of Bikur Cholim hc
  44. Epstein, Perle Kabbalah: The Way Of The Jewish Mystic hc
  45. Feinsilver, Alexander Talmud For Today hc
  46. Feinstein, Edward Jews And Judaism In The 21st Century: Human… hc s
  47. Fishman, Sylvia Barack Choosing Jewish: Conversations About Conversion pb
  48. Friedman, Edwin H. Generation To Generation: Family Process In Church… hc
  49. Friedman, Manis Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore? Reclaiming Intimacy… hc
  50. Gass, Robert & Brehony, Kathleen Chanting: Discovering Spirit In Sound hc
  51. Goldin, Barbara Diamond Creating Angels: Stories Of Tzedakah hc
  52. Goodman, Philip & Hanna Jewish Marriage Anthology hc
  53. Greenberg, Irving Jewish Way: Living The Holidays hc
  54. Greenberg, Sidney Words To Live By hc
  55. Gribetz, Jessica Jewish Thoughts And Stories Through The Ages pb
  56. Gross, David C. & Esther R. Jewish Wisdom: Treasury Of Proverbs, Maxims… pb
  57. Hay, Gail Mendeles Never Have Red Wine Under The Chupah pb
  58. Herring, Basil: Editor Rabbinate As Calling And Vocation: Models Of Rabbinic…hc
  59. Hoffman, Edward Kabbalah Deck: Pathway To The Soul pb
  60. Holtz, Barry W. Finding Our Way: Jewish Texts & Lives We Lead Today hc
  61. Isaacs, Ronald H. Every Person’s Guide To Jewish Sexuality hc
  62. Isaacs, Ronald H. Exploring Jewish Ethics And Values pb
  63. Jacobs, Meredith L. Modern Jewish Mom’s Guide To Shabbat pb
  64. Kaplan, Aryeh Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide pb
  65. Katz, Mordechai Understanding Judaism: Basic Guide To Jewish Faith… hc
  66. Kaufman, Carol Goodman Sins Of Omission: Jewish Community’s Reaction To… hc
  67. Kaye, Evelyn Hole In The Sheet: Modern Woman Looks At Orthodox… hc
  68. King, Larry & Katsof, Irwin Powerful Prayers: Conversations On Faith, Hope, And… hc
  69. Klein, Daniel & Vuijst, Freke Half-Jewish Book: A Celebration hc
  70. Klein, Isaac Guide To Jewish Religious Practice hc
  71. Kurzweil, Arthur From Generation To Generation: Jewish Genealogy hc
  72. Kurzweil, Arthur From Generation To Generation: Revised hc
  73. Kushner, Harold S. How Good Do We Have To Be? A New Understanding… hc
  74. Kushner, Harold S. Living A Life That Matters: Resolving The Conflict… hc
  75. Kushner, Harold S. Lord Is My Shepherd: Healing Wisdom Of The 23rd Psalm hc
  76. Kushner, Harold S. To Life! A Celebration Of Jewish Being And Thinking hc
  77. Kushner, Harold S. Who Needs God hc
  78. Kushner, Lawrence Invisible Lines Of Connection: Sacred Stories Of The… hc
  79. Labowitz, Shoni God, Sex & Women Of The Bible: Discovering Our… hc
  80. Lebovits, Yehudah Shidduchim And Zivugim: Torah’s Perspective On… hc
  81. Lev, Rachel Shine The Light: Sexual Abuse And Healing In The Jewish hc
  82. Levin, Sunie Mingled Roots: Guide For Jewish Grandparents Of… pb
  83. Levine, Samuel You Take Jesus, I’ll Take God: How To Refute Christian…pb
  84. Levy, Naomi To Begin Again: Journey Toward Comfort, Strength, And…hc
  85. Liberman, Jacob Wisdom From An Empty Mind pb
  86. Magida, Arthur J.: Editor How To Be A Perfect Stranger: Guide To Etiquette In… hc
  87. Mann, Gil How To Get More Out Of Being Jewish Even If pb
  88. Margolies, Morris B. Gathering Of Angels: Angels In Jewish Life & Literature pb
  89. Maslin, Simeon J. Gates Of Mitzvah: A Guide To The Jewish Life Cycle pb
  90. Mogel, Wendy Blessing Of A Skinned Knee: Using Jewish Teaching To… pb
  91. Morinis, Alan Everyday Holiness: Jewish Spiritual Path Of Mussar hc
  92. Munro, Eleanor Wedding Readings: Centuries Of Writing & Rituals For… hc
  93. Olitzky, Kerry M. & Isaacs, Ronald I Believe: The Thirteen Principles Of Faith: Confirmation…pb
  94. Orenstein, Debra Lifecycles Vol.1: Jewish Women On Life Passages And… pb
  95. Orenstein, Walter Letters To My Daughter: Father Writes About Torah And…hc
  96. Pearl, Judea & Ruth, Editors I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired By Last… hc s
  97. Penner, Samuel Four Dimensions Of Paradise hc
  98. Petuchowski, Jakob J. Our Masters Taught: Rabbinic Stories And Sayings hc
  99. Piercy, Marge Pesach For The Rest Of Us: Making Passover Seder Your…hc
  100. Polish, Daniel F. et al. Drugs, Sex, And Integrity: What Does Judaism Say? pb
  101. Pollack, Rachel Kabbalah Tree: A Journey Of Balance And Growth pb
  102. Rapp, Lea Bayers Mazel Tov! Complete Book Of Jewish Weddings hc
  103. Raz, Simcha Sayings Of Menahem Mendel Of Kotsk hc
  104. Remen, Rachel Naomi My Grandfather’s Blessings: Stories Of Strength, Refuge…hc
  105. Reuben, Steven Carr Raising Jewish Children In A Contemporary World hc
  106. Ribner, Melinda New Age Judaism: Ancient Wisdom For Modern World pb
  107. Sacks, Jonathan Dignity Of Difference: How To Avoid The Clash Of… hc
  108. Salkin, Jeffrey K. Putting God On The Guest List: How To Reclaim The… pb
  109. Salkin, Riemer & Stampfer: Editors Ethical Wills: A Modern Jewish Treasury hc
  110. Sandmel, Samuel Enjoyment Of Scripture pb
  111. Schneerson, Menachem Mendel Bringing Heaven Down To Earth: 365 Meditiations hc
  112. Schneerson, Menachem Mendel Toward A Meaningful Life: The Wisdom Of The Rebbe hc
  113. Schneerson, Menachem Mendel Toward A Meaningful Life: New Edition pb
  114. Schochet, Jacob Immanuel Maschiach: Principle of Maschiach And Messianic Era… pb
  115. Schulweis, Harold M. In God’s Mirror: Reflections And Essays hc
  116. Schwarz, Sidney Judaism And Justice: Jewish Passion To Repair The World hc
  117. Sheinkin, David Path Of The Kabbalah pb
  118. Shendelman, Sara & Davis, Avram Traditions: The Complete Book Of Prayers, Rituals, And… hc
  119. Shire, Michael J. Jewish Prophet: Visionary Words From Moses To… hc
  120. Siegel, Danny Family Reunion: Making Peace In The Jewish Community pb
  121. Sonsino, Rifat & Syme, Daniel B. Finding God: Ten Jewish Responses pb
  122. Steinsaltz, Adin Thirteen Petalled Rose hc
  123. Stern, Chaim: Editor On The Doorposts Of Your House: Prayers & Ceremonies hc
  124. Stone, Ira F. Seeking The Path To Life: Theological Meditations On… hc
  125. Strassfeld, Sharon & Michael: Edit Second Jewish Catalog: Sources And Resources pb
  126. Swarner, Kristina, Illustrator Yiddish Wisdom For Parents hc
  127. Swarner, Kristina, Illustrator Yiddish Wisdom, Yiddishe Chochma hc
  128. Syme, Daniel B. Jewish Wedding Book: Keepsake For Your Special Day hc
  129. Telushkin, Joseph Jewish Wisdom: Ethical, Spiritual, & Historical Lessons… hc
  130. Twerski, Abraham J. Generation To Generation: Recollections Chassidic Legacy hc
  131. Umansky, Ellen & Ashton, Dianne Four Centuries Of Jewish Women’s Spirituality pb
  132. Union Of American Hebrew Cong. Adult B’Nei Mitzvah: Guide For Facilitators pb
  133. Waskow, Arthur Down-To-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, & Rest Of… hc
  134. Winograd, Leonard Rabies Is Jewish Priests And Other Zeydeh Myses pb s
  135. Wolpe, David J. Healer Of Shattered Hearts: A Jewish View Of God hc
  136. Wolpe, David J. Making Loss Matter: Creating Meaning In Difficult Times hc
  137. Zakutinsky, Rivka & Gottlieb, Rivka Around Sarah’s Table: Ten Hasidic Women Share Their… hc
  138. Zenkel, Suzanne Siegel Tradition! Jewish Wisdom For Everyday Life hc
  139. Zetter, Kim Simple Kabbalah hc


  1. Ausubel, Nathan Book Of Jewish Knowledge hc
  2. Boxer, Tim Jewish Celebrity Hall Of Fame hc s
  3. Bridger, David & Wolk, Samuel New Jewish Encyclopedia hc
  4. Carlinksy, Dan Jewish Quiz Book pb
  5. Chetkin, Len Guess Who’s Jewish? You’ll Never Guess pb s
  6. Cohn-Sherbok, Dan Blackwell Dictionary Of Judaica pb
  7. Frank, Ruth S. & Wollheim, William Book Of Jewish Books: Reader’s Guide To Judaism hc
  8. Gould, Allan What Did They Think Of The Jews? hc
  9. Green, Arthur These Are The Words: Vocabulary Of Jewish Spiritual Life hc
  10. Gresh, Alain & Vidal, Dominique New A-Z Of The Middle East pb
  11. Gross, David C. Jewish First Names hc
  12. Gross, David C. Jewish People’s Almanac pb
  13. Holtz, Barry W. Schocken Guide To Jewish Books: Where To Start… hc
  14. Kolatch, Alfred J. Jewish Book Of Why: 2 Volumes hc
  15. Koppman, Steve & Lion Treasury Of American-Jewish Folklore hc
  16. Landau, Ron Book Of Jewish Lists pb
  17. Leick, Gwendolyn Who’s Who In The Ancient Near East hc
  18. Negev, Avraham Archaeological Encyclopedia Of The Holy Land hc
  19. Oseary, Guy Jews Who Rock pb s
  20. Rabinowitz, Tzvi M. Encyclopedia Of Hasidism hc
  21. Shapiro, Michael Jewish 100: Ranking Of Most Influential Jews Of All Time hc
  22. Shapolsky, Ian Jewish Trivia & Information Book: Trivia Judaica pb
  23. Slater, Robert Great Jews In Sports: Revised And Updated hc
  24. Syme, Daniel B. 100 Essential Books For Jewish Readers hc
  25. Telushkin, Joseph Jewish Literacy: Most Important Things To Know About…hc s
  26. Unterman, Alan Dictionary Of Jewish Lore And Legend pb
  27. Wigoder, Geoffrey Dictionary Of Jewish Biography hc


  1. Alpert, Fran Getting Jerusalem Together pb
  2. Avi-Yonah, Michael: 1972 Holy Land: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting hc
  3. Bahat, Dan Historical Atlas Of Jerusalem pb
  4. Bartlett, W.H. Walks About Jerusalem hc
  5. Baseman, Bob Masada: Pictorial Guide… pb
  6. Dafni, Reuven Yad Vashem pb
  7. Dehan, Emmanuel: 1985 Our Visit To Israel pb
  8. Feiler, Bruce Walking The Bible: Journey By Land Through 5 Books… hc
  9. Feiler, Bruce Walking The Bible: A Photographic Journey hc
  10. Gelman, Rita Golden Tales Of A Female Nomad hc
  11. Ghinsberg, Yossi Jungle hc
  12. Gibbon, David: 1978 Holy Land: Picture Book To Remember Her By hc
  13. Greenberg, Harriet: 1994 Israel On Your Own: New Second Edition pb
  14. Holyland Corp. Guide To Model Ancient Jerusalem pb
  15. Israel Dept. Antiquities & Museums Ancient Boat Discovered Sea Galilee pb
  16. Israeli Tourism Board Sea Of Galilee: Pictorial Guide pb
  17. Israelowitz, Oscar Guide To Jewish Europe: 7th Edition pb s
  18. Kleinberg, Aviad Panoramic Israel, Israel 360 Degrees hc
  19. Morris, Susan Pioneer Jewish Cemeteries Of The California Gold Rush pb
  20. Palphot Ltd. Qumran: Pictorial Guide & Souvenir pb
  21. Paz, Uzi Birds In The Land Of The Bible pb
  22. Postal, Bernard & Abramson, Sam Traveler’s Guide To Jewish pb s
  23. Rabinovich, Abraham Caesarea: Pictorial Guide pb
  24. Rand, Abby: 1972 American Traveler’s Guide To Israel hc
  25. Ruby, Robert Jericho: Dreams, Ruins, Phantoms hc
  26. Rybar, Ctibor Jewish Prague: Guide To The… hc
  27. Selby, Bettina Riding To Jerusalem hc
  28. Sheldon, Betsy Jewish Travel Guide pb
  29. Slouschz, Nahum Travels In North Africa hc
  30. Tal, Duby & Haramati, Moni Skyline: Israel From Above hc
  31. Tanner, Marcus Ticket To Latvia: Journey From… pb
  32. Tsafrir, Yoram Pictorial Guide To The Model Of Ancient Jerusalem pb
  33. Vilnay, Zev: 1973 Israel Guide hc
  34. Winter, Dick: 1992 Culture Shock: Israel, A Guide To Customs & Etiquette pb
  35. Wolman, Baron Holy Land: Israel From The Air hc


  1. America And The Holocaust: Deceit And Indifference, narrated by Hal Linden, documentary vid
  2. Animal Crackers with 4 Marx Brothers vid
  3. Believer with Ryan Gosling, Summer Phoenix, Theresa Russell, Billy Zane vid
  4. Body And Soul with John Garfield, Lilli Palmer dvd
  5. Bubbe’s Boarding House: Chanuka At Bubbe’s, puppets vid
  6. Buchenwald, Dachau 1945, documentary vid
  7. Chico with Eduardo Rozsa Flores, Gyula Bodrogi, Andras Fesos dvd
  8. Chosen with Robby Benson, Maximilian Schell, Rod Steiger, Barry Miller, Hildy Brooks dvd
  9. Charlotte Gray with Cate Blanchett, James Fleet, Abigail Cruttenden, Charlotte McDougall dvd
  10. Fiddler On The Roof with Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, Paul Mann vid
  11. Floored By Love with Shirley Ng, Natalie Sky, Andrew McIlroy, Marco Soriano dvd
  12. Conspiracy with Kenneth Branagh, Stanley Tucci, Clare Bullus dvd
  13. Gentleman’s Agreement with Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire, John Garfield dvd
  14. Genocide, narrated by Elizabeth Taylor and Orson Welles, documentary vid
  15. Glow Ropes: The Rise And Fall Of A Bar Mitzvah Emcee with Judy Reyes, Tim Peper dvd
  16. Governess with Minnie Driver, Tom Wilkinson dvd
  17. Haven with Natasha Richardson, William Petersen, Martin Landau, Anne Bancroft dvd
  18. Horse Feathers with 4 Marx Brothers vid
  19. I Love You, I Love You Not with Jeanne Moreau, Claire Danes, Jude Law dvd
  20. Image Before My Eyes: History Of Jewish Life In Poland Before Holocaust, documentary dvd
  21. In The Presence Of Mine Enemies with Elina Lowensohn, Armin Meuller-Stahl, Chad Lowe dvd
  22. Inside The Mind Of A Suicide Bomber, documentary vid
  23. Invincible with Tim Roth, Jouko Ahola, Anna Gourari, Max Raabe, Jacob Wein dvd
  24. Jakob The Liar with Robin Williams, Hannah Taylor-Gordon, Eva Igo dvd
  25. Joseph with Ben Kingsley, Paul Mercurio, Martin Landau, Lesley Ann Warren vid
  26. Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Donny Osmond, Maria Friedman vid
  27. Joseph Brodsky: A Maddening Space, documentary vid
  28. Keeping Up With The Steins with Jami Gertz, Daryl Hannah, Garry Marshall, Jeremy Piven dvd
  29. Kingdom Of David: The Saga Of The Israelites, documentary dvd
  30. Left Luggage with Isabella Rossellini, Maximilian Schell, Marianne Sagebrecht, Chaim Topol dvd
  31. Leonard Bernstein: Reaching For The Note, documentary vid
  32. Liability Crisis with Mirjana Jokovic, Jim Helsinger dvd
  33. Liberation: narrated by Ben Kingsley, Miriam Margolyes, Patrick Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg vid
  34. Liberty Heights with Adrian Brody, Ben Foster, Orlando Jones, Bebe Neuwirth, Joe Mantegna dvd
  35. Life And Times Of Hank Greenberg, documentary dvd
  36. Longest Hatred: A Revealing History Of Anti-Semitism, documentary dvd
  37. L’Shanah Tova, compilation of Belz melodies dvd
  38. Marx Brothers, documentary vid
  39. Marx Brothers Collection, 5 DVDs dvd
  40. Merchant Of Venice with Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes, Lynn Collins dvd
  41. Monsieur Ibrahim with Omar Sharif dvd
  42. Mothernight with Nick Nolte, Sheryl Lee, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Kirsten Dunst dvd
  43. Nazi Gold narrated by Charlton Heston, documentary vid
  44. Partisans Of Vilna: Untold Story Of Jewish Resistance During World War II, documentary dvd
  45. Passover Seder presented by Elie Wiesel vid
  46. Patriots with Yvan Attul, Richard Masur, Allen Garfield, Yossi Banai, Nancy Allen dvd
  47. Real Shlemiel with voices of Fyvush Finkel, Tommy J. Michaels, Tovah Feldshuh, cartoon dvd
  48. Revival Of The Dead, conducted by Zubin Mehta with Israel Philharmonic At Yad Vashem dvd
  49. Rosenstrasse with Katja Riemann, Maria Schrader dvd
  50. Rugrats Chanukah, cartoon vid
  51. Statement with Michael Caine, Tilda Swinton, Jeremy Northam dvd
  52. Sugihara: Conspiracy Of Kindness, Japanese Diplomat Saved Jewish Refugees…documentary dvd
  53. Watermarks: Jewish swimming champions who defied Hitler, documentary dvd
  54. Way We Were with Barbra Streisand, Robert Redford vid


  1. Altramar: Iberian Garden Volume 1, Jewish, Christian & Muslim Music In Medieval Spain cd
  2. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Album, Including Torah And Haftarah Blessings cd
  3. B’nai Mitzvah: Prayers And Cantillation cd
  4. Davka: Lavy’s Dream cd
  5. Friedman, Debbie: The Journey Continues, Ma’yan Passover Haggadah In Song cd
  6. Gibbs, Terry: Jewish Melodies In Jazztime cd
  7. Golem: Homesick Songs cd
  8. Grisman, David & Statman, Andy: New Shabbos Waltz cd
  9. Hamon, Beth: City Of Love cd
  10. Happy Chanukah Songs cd
  11. Ice Berg & Dr. Dreidle: M.O.T. 19.99 cd
  12. Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra, David Amos cond.: Gould, Suite From Holocaust cd
  13. La Rondinella: Songs Of The Seraphim: Traditional Music Of The Spanish Jews cd
  14. Leevees: Hanukkah Rocks cd
  15. Los Lantzmun: One World cd
  16. Lutnick, Yisrael: Gesharim cd
  17. Maramaros: Muzsikas, The Lost Jewish Music Of Transylvania cd
  18. Paley, Cindy: Eizeh Yom Sameach! What A Happy Day! cd
  19. Mazeltones: Zei Gezunt! To Your Health! cd
  20. Paul Brody’s Sadawi: Beyond Babylon cd
  21. Perlman, Itzhak: Live In The Fiddler’s House, Brave Old World, Andy Statman, Klezmatics cd
  22. Schindler’s List: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by John Williams cd
  23. Seewald, Zahava & Psamim: Ashkenaz Songs 2, Work And Revolution cd
  24. Sendak, Maurice: Pincus And The Pig, A Klezmer Tale cd
  25. So Called Seder: A Hip Hop Haggadah, compilation cd
  26. Strom, Yale & Klazzj: Wandering Jew cds
  27. Two Live Jews Present Disco Jews cd
  28. Yehudi: Jewish Music From The Seraglio cd
  29. Yiddish, Hebrew And Jewish Music: An Anthology Of Klezmer 1905-1952 cd
  30. Yiddish Radio Project: Music From The, Golden Age Of Yiddish Radio 1930s-1950s cd


  1. Gross, David C. English-Yiddish Yiddish-English Dictionary Romanized pb


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